Through the wealth life

Chapter 141 Treasure Island Investment Plan

Chapter 141 Treasure Island Investment Plan
After Li Guangyu took a lunch break at the hotel, he and Zhang Ziyu came to the branch of Xiangyu Group.

After listening to the company's high-level report, Li Guangyu said to the company's general manager Wang Junwu: "Our daily reporters in Baodao mainly cover some economic and folk affairs in Baodao, try to avoid political issues, and must be fair. , Conduct interviews and reports objectively.”

Wang Junwu replied: "Don't worry, Li Sheng. President Li Xuemei made such a request at the beginning of our company's establishment. President Du Yuemei also emphasized this issue after taking over. Our company has always strictly implemented the group's requirements."

Li Guangyu said: "I'm relieved that you can attach so much importance to it."

Li Guangyu has always been very cautious about this aspect. As a private media, only by maintaining a fair and objective attitude and not touching politics can the group survive in the long run.

Li Guangyu said: "Jun Wu, we need to pay close attention to the construction of our own sales channels for newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and toys. We can't put all our chips on Crown Publishing. That would be very dangerous for us."

"Li Sheng, President Du Yuemei has already arranged for us to establish our own sales channels at the beginning of the year. Now we have established a complete sales channel in the northern part of Baodao at any time, and we are working hard on the southern side." Wang Jun Wu said.

After Li Guangyu talked to Wang Junwu about the company, he went to the branch of Hongyu Clothing Group.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Li Guangyu accompanied Cao Weiqing to the venue where Sun Yunxuan's dinner was held.

After Li Guangyu walked in, Sun Yunxuan said: "Mr. Li, I will have a private banquet for you and Mrs. Li tonight."

Then Sun Yunxuan introduced his wife Yu Huixuan to Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing.

Although she is the wife of the dean of the Executive Yuan of Baodao, Yu Huixuan's clothes can only be regarded as ordinary.Li Guangyu knew that this was the result of Sun Yunxuan's life of incorruptibility. Now his family lives in government-provided accommodation, but he does not have a house of his own. Only such people can rapidly develop and expand Baodao's economy.

Sun Yunxuan said: "Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, thank you for your support to our impoverished students in Hsinchu."

Li Guangyu said: "President Sun, you are welcome. When our company develops, we must also give back to the society. If a company only cares about making money and does not want to report back to the society, I don't think such a company will last long."

Sun Yunxuan did not expect Li Guangyu to have such foresight at such a young age, and lamented that he deserved to be the richest man in Xiangjiang.

Sun Yunxuan said: "Mr. Li, it is said that you have established a group in mainland China?"

Li Guangyu didn't expect the news to come so fast. It seems that the Chinese Society in Xiangjiang is very concerned about him.

Li Guangyu pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "Where did Dean Sun get the news? I haven't entered the mainland yet."

Sun Yunxuan said with a smile: "Mr. Li, we people don't say dark words. The investment fund company of the group that controls Pengcheng is yours. Don't worry, our president has already ordered that as long as you don't harm the interests of Baodao , we will not set up thresholds for you to invest in Baodao."

After hearing what Sun Yunxuan said, Li Guangyu was completely relieved, so that he would not have to be as cautious as before when investing in the two places in the future.

Li Guangyu said: "Thank you President and Dean Sun for your understanding. Don't worry, I will not give up the Baodao market. Now that Baodao is developing rapidly under the leadership of the president and you, I am very optimistic about the Baodao market."

Sun Yunxuan said, "Mr. Li, do you have any plans to invest in Baodao?"

Li Guangyu's original plan was to invest in Baodao after the completion of the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park.But now that Baodao doesn't care about investing in the mainland, he has to invest in Baodao, otherwise it is a bit unreasonable.

After thinking about the situation of several groups, Li Guangyu said: "Dean Sun, I plan to choose a suitable place in Baodao to establish our Jiayi Group's studio, with an estimated investment of [-] million Hong Kong dollars. We will wait until next year's Science and Technology Park After the completion, I will have new plans to invest in the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park.”

Sun Yunxuan was still very happy that Li Guangyu invested 2000 million Hong Kong dollars to build a film studio in Baodao. You must know that this is nearly 1000 million U.S. dollars.Thinking about my plan to invest [-] million U.S. dollars in order to develop integrated circuits, I still had to discuss it several times, and it was only after the president made a decision that it was implemented.

Sun Yunxuan said: "Mr. Li, if the production capacity of your group needs to expand, you can also come to our treasure island. You must know that the land price of our treasure island is many times cheaper than Xiangjiang."

Li Guangyu didn't plan to bring labor-intensive industries to Baodao, because the cost on the mainland was cheaper, so that was more suitable.As for this, Li Guangyu is still planning to invest in some technological industries.

Li Guangyu said: "President Sun, I think Baodao does not lack labor-intensive industries. I plan to see if I can acquire chip technology next year. I plan to establish a chip company in the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park."

"Mr. Li, we very much welcome your company to come to our Hsinchu Science and Technology Park, and we will provide you with assistance within our capacity." Sun Yunxuan said.


After the dinner, Li Guangyu did not ask Sun Yunxuan to pay the bill, but ordered Cao Weiqing to settle the bill in advance.

Li Guangyu maintained his respect for this clean and honest man.Since today is his private banquet, he will only pay for it himself, and will never take public account.And tonight's banquet is estimated to cost him half a month's salary, and Li Guangyu is not willing to let him spend on it.

After returning to the hotel room, Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, they are very nice, and they didn't say anything about our investment in the mainland. You used to think too much on your own and made us worry too much."

Regarding Cao Weiqing's complaints, Li Guangyu said: "Weiqing, it depends on those people. If I am not famous enough now, I have good relations with many families in Xiangjiang, and the He family and your Cao family are behind me. I never say anything politically, and you think it's going to be so easy to pass."

Cao Weiqing didn't understand this very well, and said immediately, "I will pay attention to this aspect, and I will not express any opinions on politics. I will go to Thailand tomorrow. How about you? Is it in Baodao or back to Xiangjiang."

Li Guangyu didn't want to stay in Treasure Island either. He was here, and officials from Treasure Island would definitely come to entertain him every day. Li Guangyu didn't want to deal with these people.

Li Guangyu said: "I will return to Xiangjiang tomorrow. As for the issue of investing here, I can send a high-level executive to deal with it after I go back. You go to Thailand and pay attention to safety, and the second brother is over there. Look at him." Does anyone need our help? It is not easy for him to start a business in Thailand alone."

"I know, Guangyu." Cao Weiqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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