Through the wealth life

Chapter 143 Family Affair

Chapter 143

When Li Guangyu and Li Wenze were chatting in the room, they realized that this person belonged to this village. His grandfather and Li Guangyu's great-grandfather were brothers. He and Li Guangyu's father were cousins ​​of the same generation, but the relationship was a little distant. .It's not like the close relationship between Xiaoxin's grandfather and Li Guangyu's father.

And Cao Weiqing seems to like children very much, holding candies and chatting with Xiaoxin about happy topics.

After more than half an hour, Xiaoyang came back with some people. The one walking in front was an old man with white hair. His body was thin and his skin was not very good due to long-term labor in the field.

After seeing this group of people, Wu Wen immediately went up to meet them, and said to the person in front, "Master Ying Zhong, do you still remember me? Wu Wen who is following Master Ying Liang."

Li Yingzhong obviously recognized Wu Wen, and said to him: "Of course I remember you, you were with Ying Liang at that time, how could I forget it. Did you come back with Ying Liang? Come on, let's go in, we Haven't seen him for many years."

When Wu Wen heard what Li Yingzhong said, his eye circles turned red, and he said to Li Yingzhong, "Master died of illness in 71."

The cigarette rod in Li Yingzhong's hand fell to the ground with a ding sound following Wu Wen's words. Seeing that his great-grandfather's cigarette rod had dropped, Xiao Yang immediately picked it up.He said to Li Yingzhong, "Great-grandfather, your tobacco rod."

Li Yingzhong came back to his senses, took the cigarette stick from Xiaoyang, and said to Wu Wen: "Why don't you send me a letter, tell me, at least let me know."

Wu Wen said: "The master just passed away. Young master Wen Cheng was busy with the company's affairs. In addition, it was not convenient to write letters during this period, so we didn't inform you."

Li Yingzhong also knew that it was not convenient during that period, so he didn't blame Wu Wen.

Li Yingzhong said: "So did you come back with Wen Cheng this time? As for others, did his wife come back with him? I haven't seen her in so many years? He should also take it with him to his mother." A stick of incense."

Wu Wen said: "Master Ying Zhong, Young Master Wen Cheng and Mrs. Mengping passed away in a car accident the year before last. This time I came back with Young Master and his wife."

Li Yingzhong burst into tears when he heard the news. How could the fate of his younger brother's family be so bleak.After his wife gave birth to her child, she died early, and later avoided Xiangjiang to avoid the civil war.Unexpectedly, he died of illness early today, and even his son and daughter-in-law died so young.

Li Yingzhong calmed down his mood, and said to Wu Wen: "Come on, let's go in and say, I haven't seen what Ying Liang's grandson looks like, but I mentioned it when Ying Liang came back in the past six years or so."

After Wu Wen came in, he immediately introduced Li Yingzhong to Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing immediately greeted Li Yingzhong. Li Yingzhong was also happy for his younger brother when he saw Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing, who were like a golden boy and a girl.

Li Yingzhong said: "Guangyu, Weiqing, come back here, your grandpa is your home. Although the conditions here are not as good as yours in Xiangjiang, as long as you are willing, you can live in my house during this time."

Li Yingliang then introduced to Li Guangyu his son Li Wengao and daughter-in-law Wang Suhua, as well as his eldest grandson Li Guanghui and grandson-in-law Chen Lanfang.

Li Guangyu said: "Grandpa, now that you are so old, you should rest at home. As for the work in the field, you can leave it to Uncle and the others to do it."

Li Yingzhong said: "Guangyu, I haven't done any heavy work here, I'm used to it. If it suddenly stops and I don't do anything at home, I won't get used to it."

In the ensuing chat, Li Guangyu learned that Li Yingzhong's second son, Li Wenlin, had died with honor during the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea.And his daughter also married to Rongcheng, so he has always lived with his eldest son.

There are four children in the uncle's family. In addition to the eldest son's family, there is also the second son Li Guangqi, who is 23 years old this year and is studying at Sichuan University.The eldest daughter Li Guanglan, now 26 years old, also married into Guocheng City.The second daughter, Li Guangmei, is 22 years old and is currently studying at Guocheng Teachers College.

Li Guangyu admired his uncle's family very much. Although he was working as a farmer at home, in this day and age, it was a remarkable thing that his family could produce two college students.

When talking about Li Guangyu's cousin and sister going to university, Li Wengao said with emotion: "I have to thank my uncle, if he hadn't repeatedly emphasized that we should pay attention to the study of several children when he came back in [-], I'm afraid that when the college entrance examination resumes this time, the two of them will not be able to enter the university either."

Li Yingzhong looked at the sky outside, estimated the time, and said to his daughter-in-law and grandson-in-law: "Suhua, Lanfang, you guys go prepare lunch. Guanghui, go catch a chicken, and it will be stewed at noon today."

Li Guangyu is very clear that they are not rich nowadays, and a chicken is already very precious.Besides, when Li Guangyu was in Guocheng, he arranged for Li Weiming to purchase some dishes accompanied by a staff member from the area.Nowadays, there are still some inconveniences. If it weren't for the company of the staff, Li Weiming and the others might not be able to buy it.

Li Guangyu said: "Grandpa, let's keep the chicken for now. I have brought back some vegetables, pork, ribs, beef, and rice."

Fortunately, Li Guangyu brought a lot of bodyguards this time, otherwise Li Guangyu would not be able to get it back after traveling such a long distance, plus the several hundred catties of rice and vegetables.

Li Yingzhong was a little unhappy when he heard Li Guangyu's words. He said, "Guangyu, come back as soon as you come back. What are you doing with so many things? You are afraid that Grandpa will starve you when you come back."

"Grandpa, I also know that your life is not very rich now, and it's not just me, Wei Qing and Grandpa Wu, I also have ten bodyguards." Li Guangyu said.

Although Li Yingzhong has lived a decent life these years, he has never been rich in terms of wealth.After all, living in the countryside, it is good to be able to eat enough in this era.

Li Guangyu said: "Grandpa Wu, you go and arrange for Li Weiming and the others to bring the vegetables and rice to the aunt, and ask him to send two people to help the aunt and the others at noon."

"Alright young master, I'll make arrangements right now," Wu Wen said.

Li Wenze said from the side: "Uncle, I will go back first. Mr. Li, if you have anything to do, come to me anytime."

Li Yingzhong said: "Wen Ze, what are you going to do now, just stay and eat. Besides, when Guangyu comes back, you can be regarded as his elder, so don't be so polite to him."

Li Guangyu followed Li Yingzhong's words and said: "Uncle Wenze, you don't need to call Mr. Li, just call me Guangyu. We will have lunch here today, and we will chat more."

Seeing that both Li Yingzhong and Li Guangyu persuaded him, Li Wenze stayed, mainly because he wanted to chat with Li Guangyu more.

(End of this chapter)

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