Through the wealth life

Chapter 144 ancestor worship

Chapter 144 ancestor worship
The next morning, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing got up early. Li Guangyu, Cao Weiqing, and Wu Wen didn't go back to the commune guest house to rest, but just ordered the bodyguards to go back.The three of Li Guangyu stayed at Li Yingzhong's place to rest, but Du Yonghong still arranged for two of them to be on duty at night.

Resting in the country, it is impossible to sleep peacefully until dawn, especially for someone like Cao Weiqing who just came to live in the country.At three or four in the morning, the rooster started clucking.

Today is a very important event for both Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing. They will enter the Li's Ancestral Hall to worship their ancestors.This Li's ancestral hall was funded by Grandpa Li Guangyu when he came back in five years or so.

And Cao Weiqing will be officially included in the Li family tree today, which is a very happy thing for Cao Weiqing. Even if he didn't have a good rest at night, he is still in good spirits.

Regarding various offerings, yesterday afternoon, Wu Wen arranged for Li Weiming to follow Li Wenze to the commune to buy them.
At nine o'clock in the morning, the gate of Li's ancestral hall slowly opened, and Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing walked in under the leadership of Li Yingzhong.There were also many descendants of the old ancestors in the village who came together, and this time the host was a clan elder who was a generation higher than Li Yingzhong.

Before offering sacrifices, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing offered incense and kowtowed to the elders above them.

After completing these ceremonies, Li Guangyu placed the spirit tablets of Li Yingliang, Li Wencheng, and Li Hemengping in the corresponding positions one by one.Then, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing offered incense again and kowtowed.

After completing the ancestor worship, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing followed the elders to the place where the genealogy was stored, and wanted to add Cao Weiqing's name to it.As for Li Guangyu himself, his grandfather had already added his name to the family tree when he came back.

The elders of the clan are now approaching eighty, and in this age, they are relatively long-lived.Now wearing a pair of reading glasses, he was looking for Li Guangyu's name in the family tree.

After the clan elder found it, he asked Li Guangyu and the others: "Guangyu, please write Wei Qing's name next to it, lest I make mistakes when writing the family tree."

After Li Guangyu wrote Cao Weiqing's name on a piece of draft paper next to him, the clan elders repeatedly said, "That's good, that's good, Li Cao Weiqing, Li Cao."

In the concept of the clan elders, they still think that Shi follows the traditional thinking, even though many people think it is backward, but they still think it is good.

After the ancestor worship was completed, Li Yingzhong's family held a large banquet to celebrate the addition of new members to the Li family.

At noon, the children of the Li family were the happiest. Today, they can eat all kinds of dishes that are usually unpalatable, as well as various candies prepared by Cao Weiqing. The whole noon is full of them laughter.

Li Guangyu saw that these children are really easy to be satisfied. They are very happy if they can eat a good meal and have a few candies.

At noon today, Li Guangyu was toasting the elders one by one, and he drank a bit too much.For the bulk wine bought in the commune, the stamina is really a bit strong.Li Guangyu didn't go to buy those expensive wines, besides, he wanted to buy them now, and he couldn't buy them here.

At eight o'clock in the morning on November 11, Li Guangyu, Cao Weiqing, Wu Wen and others, led by his cousin Li Guanghui, came to Li Guangyu's grandma's tomb.

After offering incense and saluting, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing said: "Grandpa Wu, after you and your cousin go back, contact the person to build a tomb for grandpa next to grandma. Check the date. We will let grandpa stay by grandma's side all the time."

"Okay, master, I'll contact you and start building when I get back." Wu Wen replied.

Li Guangyu was very grateful to Li Yingzhong's family. Someone apparently cleaned the weeds around his grandma's grave.Moreover, Li Guangyu could tell that these were not the traces that had just been cleaned up. Obviously, Li Yingzhong arranged for his family to clean them up regularly every year, so as not to leave them desolate.

After Li Guangyu returned to Li Yingzhong's home, he thanked him: "Grandpa, thank you for taking care of my grandma's grave all these years."

Li Yingzhong said: "It's nothing to thank, Wen Gao and Guanghui are your grandma's juniors, and you are not at home, shouldn't they go to worship and take care of them."

Li Guangyu said: "Grandpa, regarding my grandfather's matter, I have already ordered Wu Wen's contact person to build it next to my grandma's grave. This matter still needs you to preside over it. I don't quite understand many things."

Li Yingzhong was also very concerned about his younger brother being buried next to his sister-in-law. After Li Guangyu finished speaking, he immediately agreed to Li Guangyu's request.

Li Yingzhong said: "Guangyu, don't worry, your grandpa will take care of him and won't let him make mistakes."

In the afternoon, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came to the village primary school and looked at the children going to school here.

Today's village primary school consists of only two tile-roofed houses and an earth dam. There are only two grades in total, one class for each grade.Nowadays, there is no preschool education for several years. At most, a preschool class is opened when the first grade is about to start. In many cases, children do not go to preschool class at all and start primary school directly.

Cao Weiqing looked at the crude school and said to Li Guangyu: "The learning environment here is too difficult. We should help them build a good school."

Li Guangyu had already made a plan for this, and today he came here specially to find out the actual situation.

When Li Guangyu and the others came to the classroom, a female teacher in her forties who was in class found them. After stopping the lecture, she asked Li Guangyu and the others, "Who are you looking for?"

The female teacher thought it was someone from a child's family who came to look for her, so she asked.

Li Guangyu said: "Hello, we just came to take a look. Sorry to interrupt your class."

After hearing what Li Guangyu said, the female teacher stopped asking, and started to tell the children about the knowledge in the book.

After class, Li Guangyu chatted with the two teachers.The female teacher is Li Wenjing, and the teacher in another class is the father of this female teacher, who is over sixty now.There are only the two of them teaching here in the village primary school. Her father, Li Yinghua, teaches Chinese, and she herself teaches mathematics.Nowadays, children in primary schools in the village also learn these two courses.

Cao Weiqing listened sadly, the difference between the learning environment here and her own learning environment was too great.At the same time, I am also moved by the perseverance of these two teachers. It is because of their existence that the children in the village have hope.

Li Guangyu said: "Teacher Li, according to seniority, you are all my elders. Now that the children in the village have you, they can hope to get out of the village and enter a higher learning hall. We will stick to you It’s very moving here.”

Cao Weiqing said: "Teacher Li Yinghua, don't worry, after we come back this time, we will build a perfect school for the village and change your difficult environment."

Li Yinghua and Li Wenjing also heard about Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing. Because of the class, they didn't go when Li Guangyu worshiped the ancestors, but they still knew about them.

Li Yinghua said: "Guangyu, I thank you on behalf of these children. It doesn't matter to me and Wen Jing, we are used to it, but we still hope that the learning environment for the children can be better, so that they will develop better in the future."


(End of this chapter)

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