Through the wealth life

Chapter 167 Goal Shift

Chapter 167 Goal Shift
Qiu Degen first went to TVB after the Asian TV conference.He and Run Run Shaw have been friends for decades, and this time he came to run run run Shaw first, and he was very sure that he could persuade run run run shaw to give up his alliance with Jiayi.

Li Guangyu didn't care about the issue of Li's TV station at this time. If Jiayi TV station is still unable to gain a firm foothold in Xiangjiang and is overtaken by Li's TV station, it will only appear that the group's senior management is too incompetent.

Now that Cao Weiqing is pregnant and at home, Li Guangyu goes home for lunch when the group is not busy, and it is the same today.

When Li Guangyu rushed from home to Jiayi Building in the afternoon, Zhang Ziyu said to him: "Sheng Li, Mr. Qiu Degen will come to visit you at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Li Guangyu said, "Has he straightened out the TV station affairs so quickly?"

Zhang Ziyu said: "Li Sheng, in the morning, Qiu Sheng went to Wireless to visit Shao Sheng, and when he heard that Qiu Sheng left Wireless, he was very happy. He should have reached some agreement with Wireless."

Li Guangyu was very clear about the relationship between Run Run Shaw and Qiu Degen. Although they used to have some competition in the film business, they had a good personal relationship. Both of them came from Ningbo, and they had fellowship with each other.

It seems that Wireless is not planning to target Li this time, so Jiayi and Wireless will fight each other with real knives and guns next.Li Guangyu is not worried, the current Jiayi is not the same as it was two years ago, Li Guangyu is very confident to compete with TVB to see how powerful this TV station that has been dominating the Xiangjiang market in the previous life is.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Guangyu welcomed Qiu Degen outside the office.

Seeing Qiu Degen approaching, Li Guangyu said, "Uncle Qiu, welcome to my company, please come inside."

Li Guangyu and Qiu Degen came to the reception area of ​​the office and sat down opposite each other. Zhang Ziyu had already prepared tea for them.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Qiu, why are you free to come to my nephew today?"

Looking at the young man in front of him, Qiu Degen only lamented that it is better to be a child from another family. None of the few in his own family can make him feel at ease. I don't know if I can keep my future family business in their hands.

Qiu Degen said: "Guangyu, I'm here mainly for the Asian TV station, please help me in this regard."

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Qiu, why do you want to take over this TV station? You must know that the current situation of this TV station is not very good."

"Guangyu, didn't I see that you and the sixth brother are running the TV station well? I also have the same thoughts and want to develop this business. And now your Jiayi Group has a market value of more than 23 billion Hong Kong dollars. It shows that there is still a lot of promise in this regard.”

Li Guangyu himself did not expect that the market value of Jiayi Group could rise so fast. It seems that Xiangjiang stockholders still have confidence in Li Guangyu and Jiayi Group.

Li Guangyu asked: "Uncle Qiu, just tell me if you have anything to do, I will help if I can."

"Guangyu, in the past, Asia TV was controlled by a British consortium. You and the sixth brother jointly suppressed us Chinese, which naturally made us Chinese very happy. Now the shareholders of the TV station are all Chinese. Can you stop targeting our TV station? Our TV station is not a threat to Jiayi, your main opponent is Brother Six's TVB." Qiu Degen said.

Li Guangyu also knew that the enemy of Jiayi TV Station had always been TVB. In the past, it was because Li's TV station was controlled by a British consortium, so he and Run Run Shaw wanted to kick Li's TV station out first, and then compete with the two.

Now that Qiu Degen is in charge of Li's TV station, and has also changed its name to Asia TV. With the relationship between Run Run Shaw and Qiu Degen, it is obvious that he will not join forces with Jiayi to target Asia TV.Maybe Run Run Shaw has already reached an agreement with Qiu Degen, and the two will compete with Li Guangyu's Jiayi together.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Qiu, our Jiayi Group has always been based on the concept of common development, and has never targeted any company. Where did you say that?"

Qiu Degen looked at the young man on the opposite side, wondering how he had such a thick skin that he wouldn't blush when he opened his eyes and told nonsense.

Why did Li's voice sell the shares at a low price? It's not because this Jiayi acted as the vanguard and continued to suppress Li's.Even the governor of Xiangjiang did not give up when he made peace, and he still did not give up until he defeated Li's.

Qiu Degen said: "Guangyu, don't use this set of rhetoric to fool the outside world to fool me. I know that the reason why you target our TV station in this way is because the TV station accepted the person under your banner who caused countless troubles for your Li Group." Female artist. Don't worry, you, Uncle Qiu, won't want this person, and I've ordered the TV station to fire her."

Li Guangyu doesn't care much about such little people nowadays, this matter is handled by the senior management of Jiayi Group.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Qiu, I can only guarantee that I will not go to your TV station to poach people again. At the same time, if your TV station needs to use my artists, you can contact our artist company and I will give instructions there. On the show, it depends on the capabilities of the major TV stations."

Qiu Degen was very happy to get Li Guangyu's answer. He had won a relatively good development environment for Asia TV. If Asia TV was still like this, then this TV station should also go bankrupt.

Qiu Degen said: "Guangyu, thank you Uncle Qiu."


After Qiu Degen left, Li Guangyu ordered Zhang Ziyu to notify Liu Tianci, Shi Shaoming, and Le Yiling to come to his office.

After several people came in, Li Guangyu said: "Godsend, just now Mr. Qiu Degen came to talk to me about the issue of the Asian TV station. From today onwards, we will stop poaching people over there."

Liu Tianci also knew that the relationship between the big families in Xiangjiang was complicated, and this time it must be to save face for the Qiu family, so he gave up the plan to bring down Asia TV.

Liu Tianci replied: "Li Sheng, I understand."

Li Guangyu then said to Le Yiling: "I just promised Qiu Sheng that our artists can accept the film contract of Asia TV. You can explain this matter. This time it will not be like the last time you dealt with the governor."

Le Yiling naturally has no objection, this way her artists will have another platform, and her company's profits will also increase.

Le Yiling said, "Li Sheng, I will inform you."

"Shaoming, your TV station must be prepared. I think TVB has reached a certain agreement with Asia TV. The next step is our competition with TVB. I hope you don't let me down." Li Guangyu said.

Shi Shaoming assured: "Li Sheng, we will definitely overwhelm TVB this time and take the lead in Xiangjiang TV ratings."


(End of this chapter)

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