Through the wealth life

Chapter 168 Xiangjiang Subway

Chapter 168 Xiangjiang Subway
Seeing that the Spring Festival in 80 is coming, Jiayi Group is busy with the New Year's party. Li Guangyu is also looking forward to this party. This time, not only artists with Xiangjiang will participate, but also Baodao and Japanese branches. People were sent to participate, and among them was the talented girl musician Miyuki Nakajima.

On the morning of February 2th, after eating breakfast, Li Guangyu did not go to the company, but sat aside and read the newspaper delivered today.

Seeing this, Cao Weiqing asked, "Guangyu, you don't plan to go to the company today?"

"I'm going to attend the Hong Kong MTR opening ceremony from Central to Kwun Tong today. The Hong Kong MTR Railway Company sent me an invitation. Do you want to attend?"

Cao Weiqing said: "There must be a lot of people there today, so I won't go."

Now that Cao Weiqing is pregnant, Li Guangyu is different. She goes to that lively place, there are too many people, if something happens, it will be troublesome.

After chatting with Cao Weiqing for a while, Li Guangyu, accompanied by Du Yonghong and others, went to the Central Station of the Xiangjiang Metro, where the opening ceremony of the first line of the Xiangjiang Metro from Central to Kwun Tong was held.

Today's Xiangjiang Metro Company is still wholly owned by the Xiangjiang government, and no private funds have been introduced. Moreover, no family in Xiangjiang will take a stake in the subway company, and Li Guangyu himself would not be willing.

The main reason is that the investment in the subway is too large, the time to recover the cost is too long, and there are still many uncertain factors. Li Guangyu is still more willing to invest in some other groups, such as Heung Kong Electric and Heung Kong Telephone.

Today's Central Station, Xiangjiang Police Station has already arranged a large number of police forces here to maintain order and ensure the normal holding of activities.

The media in Xiangjiang were also dispatched one after another. Although many reporters were blocked by the police, they still watched the big bosses who came to attend today with great interest.

I don't know whether the Xiangjiang government invited many Xiangjiang bigwigs to attend the opening ceremony today to show the importance it attaches to the subway, or for other reasons.

As the time for the opening ceremony approached, a number of high-ranking figures in Xiangjiang began to show up.

When Li Guangyu arrived, he saw that many acquaintances had already come here.Luo Luocheng, Ho Hongshen, Chartered Ship King, Xu Shixun and others are all here.

Of course, the Xiangjiang government held such an event, and there were a few figures from major foreign firms, and even the executives from HSBC and Standard Chartered came here.

Li Guangyu walked to Luo Luocheng's side and greeted all the elders one by one.

Luo Luocheng jokingly said: "Guangyu, with the continuous improvement of Xiangjiang Metro, I'm afraid your Kowloon bus company will be affected."

Li Guangyu is not worried about this. The three lines currently under construction will not have much impact on the business of the Kowloon Bus Company. Moreover, because of the 15% profit redline set by the government, Li Guangyu has not thought about joining the company. What he wants to make money is the company's influence and the convenience of his own real estate company's development.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Decheng, the population of Xiangjiang is increasing by hundreds of thousands. These few subway lines alone cannot affect the Kowloon Bus."

Luo Luocheng said: "This is the best, but the opening of the subway from Central to Kwun Tong this time is good news for your uncle. The real estate company they established last year opened a real estate in Kwun Tong. This time there is only I'm afraid that the house price will rise again."

Li Guangyu still knew about He Hongyi's real estate situation. Last year, he specially asked Li Guangyu to help them open a bus line near the real estate to cooperate with their real estate sales.

Nowadays, the real estate market in Xiangjiang is rising rapidly, and the properties of subway stations are soaring even more. The auction of these land plots is also subject to fierce competition from major real estate groups.Li Guangyu didn't have much interest in real estate in Xiangjiang, he felt that it would be more comfortable to earn money from Japan.

Li Guangyu knew that in his previous life, in 82, the Chen Zengxi family united with some Chinese families to compete with the Jardine Group for a property on the subway, costing billions, but in the end, the Xiangjiang property market plummeted, which can be described as a heavy loss.

After Li Guangyu completed the development of the first phase of Tianshuiwei, he no longer planned to continue the development. From 82 to 85, the real estate market in Xiangjiang was in a downturn. It is safer to develop Baodao.

Near nine o'clock, MacLehose, Governor of Xiangjiang, came here.

MacLehose said: "Welcome all the distinguished guests to attend the opening ceremony, and also welcome all journalists and citizens of Xiangjiang. After years of construction, the first line of the Xiangjiang Metro will be opened to traffic today. The opening of the subway , providing another option for citizens to travel, which is convenient for everyone to travel.”

MacLehose said: "Our government has always been committed to serving everyone well. This time it is the opening of the first line. Our second and third lines are still under construction. In the near future, we will also provide services for everyone's travel. Serve."

Afterwards, the general manager of Xiangjiang Mass Transit Railway Company also delivered a speech. At 09:30, the ceremony ended. Li Guangyu and others also accompanied MacLehose on the train bound for Kwun Tong, experiencing this era The feeling of taking the subway.

Li Guangyu didn't feel very good about this experience. Compared with the subway in Rongcheng and the light rail in Shuangqing in his previous life, it was far incomparable in terms of speed and comfort.

After experiencing the feeling of taking the subway in this era, Li Guangyu, accompanied by Du Yonghong and others, went to the real estate that He Hongyi and the others were developing.

I have an intuitive feeling for the energy of the He family. The land to be developed is only 500 meters away from Kwun Tong Station. If the He family hadn't had great energy for such a land, how would their newly established real estate company get it? location.

This company is currently being managed by He Hongqing. He Hongyi and He Ji are just appointed directors of the company and have no involvement in the company's affairs.

When Li Guangyu was strolling around this real estate, He Hongqing came over and said to Li Guangyu, "Guangyu, why did you remember that we should take a look here."

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle, I happened to experience the feeling of taking the subway from Central to here with MacLehose today, so I stopped by to see the real estate developed by you."

He Hongqing said with a smile: "Guangyu, our place is not bad now."

"Uncle, your location is much better than mine in Tianshuiwei. The traffic and flow of people are not a problem here. How is your sales going?" Li Guangyu asked.

He Hongqing said: "Now we have sold more than 50%, and I believe that before the construction is completed, it will be sold out."

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle, after the development of your real estate is completed, let Xiangjiang take a break for a while. If you want, you can go to Japan to develop it, or Baodao is also fine."

He Hongqing heard what Li Guangyu said, probably because Li Guangyu thought that after two years, Xiangjiang's housing market would have problems, otherwise he would not be allowed to stop the development of Xiangjiang and turn to the outside.

He Hongqing said: "Good Guangyu, we still have two years left. After the development is completed, we will have a certain amount of capital, so we can venture outside."

Li Guangyu was also worried that He Hongqing would continue to invest in Xiangjiang, and in 82, he was trapped in it, so he issued a reminder.

(End of this chapter)

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