Through the wealth life

Chapter 186 Coventry

Chapter 186 Coventry

Li Guangyu did not stay longer in London, but went to Coventry, the headquarters of Jaguar Motor Corporation, with Du Yuemei in the afternoon.

Li Guangyu went to Coventry this time to see how the environment was, and whether it was suitable for the Bentley Group headquarters to be built here.

In the morning of the next day, Li Guangyu started wandering around the city of Coventry, and even visited the museum in Coventry.As for the negotiation with Jaguar, Li Guangyu handed over the full power to Du Yuemei, and Li Guangyu believed that Du Yuemei was more suitable to negotiate than himself.

Coventry is obviously an industrial city. It used to be a famous textile center in England, but now it is an important production base for automobiles and auto parts. Daimler and Jaguar were successively established here.It has driven the development of auto parts here, and now Daimler has already been acquired by Jaguar.

When Li Guangyu passed the Coventry Sports Center, he specially ordered Li Weiming to buy some tickets for the Coventry football team's game in the afternoon.Although Li Guangyu doesn't like football very much, he still plans to see if Coventry Football Club is worth investing in.

He already has a basketball team now, and as an influential football player in Europe, he naturally wants to enter, but he hasn't chosen a target yet.Since the Jaguar headquarters is here, Li Guangyu also plans to build the headquarters of the Bentley Group here, so naturally his first choice is the Coventry team.

At noon, Li Guangyu listened to Du Yuemei's negotiation with Jaguar.In addition to Jaguar's top management, representatives of the British government, and William Lyons' son Macy Lyons, it was unexpected that many senior executives in Jaguar and Macy Lyons opposed the sale of Jaguar to Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu asked: "Then how did the representatives of the British government decide?"

Li Guangyu didn't care about the opposition from the top management, as long as he got the controlling stake in Jaguar, as long as he had Jaguar's technical personnel, as for the management personnel, he could be transferred from Bentley Motor Company.

These high-level objections were nothing more than fear that after Li Guangyu took over, they would not be as carefree as they are now.When it was managed by the government in the past, it was nothing more than reporting the company's financial report to the government, and the company was completely decided by these high-level executives.Now if Li Guangyu took over the company, they would not have such power.

Du Yuemei said: "Li Sheng, the government representatives want us to persuade the Jaguar executives to agree, and then proceed with the next negotiation."

Du Yuemei is also having a headache now. The Lyons family obviously does not want the company they founded to be sold to the East by the British government, and the high-level executives are unwilling to give up their power, so they do not want to carry out this negotiation.

Li Guangyu said: "Help me make an appointment with the representative of the British government. I will invite him to dinner in the evening."

Li Guangyu didn't intend to pay attention to the top management of Jaguar. These people were greedy for the company's power. Li Guangyu would not give these people any guarantee.Li Guangyu really lacked technicians, and Li Guangyu was not afraid of management. There are many people at Bentley who have worked in the automobile industry for decades. He still doesn't believe that Bentley people can't manage Jaguar well.

Du Yuemei said: "Li Sheng, if you ignore the Jaguar executives and the Lyons family, it will not be good for the future development of Jaguar."

Li Guangyu said: "It's okay. The main purpose of my acquisition of Jaguar is its engine technology. In this regard, you have to communicate with these engineers. We can replace people for management, but these technicians are not easy to find."

Even though Jaguar is doing well now, it will be out of business within two years. In the United States, it will not only face pressure from Ford and GM.We still have to face the challenges of Japan's Lexus, Infiniti, and Acura. The past life has proved that this group of management is not very good, otherwise this brilliant car company will not decline so quickly.

Du Yuemei is also dissatisfied with these high-level executives, and has promised them that the group will not adjust the company's management on a large scale. They still do not welcome Li Guangyu's entry, thinking that they will always be the local emperor in Jaguar.Since Li Guangyu wasn't worried about the company's problems, he wasn't afraid either. At worst, he would bring some managers to live in Jaguar and manage the company himself.

At this time, in a private room of a hotel not far from Li Guangyu's hotel, the president of Jaguar Motors, Sampson Gerrard, Macy's Jack Lyons, and some senior executives of the company are discussing today's things.

Sampson Gerrard said: "Massy Jacques, don't worry, we will not allow an upstart from the East to acquire the company that your father spent his life in. We were opposed to handing over the company to the British government. , It’s a pity that your father insisted on going his own way, otherwise what happened today would not have happened.”

Messigeko was also very dissatisfied with his father for handing over the company to the British government instead of handing it over to himself for inheritance, but he himself had no way to stop his father from doing so.

Macy Jacques Lyons said: "I am only presenting on behalf of my father. The company does not belong to our Lyons family. As for the future, it depends on you. Our family does not want Jaguar Motors to be sold outside of England. People who are in control, especially those in the East, what qualifications do they have to buy us? This represents a luxurious and noble Jaguar."

Jaguar executives have echoed Messi's statement, and these executives hope that Messi will stand up and oppose it.The Lyons family's influence on Jaguar is huge. As long as Macy Jacques clearly opposes it, outsiders should carefully consider whether the acquisition is worthwhile.

Sampson Gerrard said: "Messijko, you still have to express your Lyons family's opinions with government officials. You still have a lot of influence on them."

Macy Jacques Lyons can only express his opinions at Jaguar at most. In other places, his father still has some face.As for him, let's forget it. It is estimated that few people will pay attention to him.Now it is his elder brother who is in charge of the family business, and he himself takes the family salary to play around.

Messi Jeko Lyons said: "Sampson, don't worry, I will reflect the opinions of our Lyons family to the British government."

How could Sampson Gerrard not know the ability of this man? The reason why he said this was that he hoped to use the influence of the Lyons family to try to change the decision of the British government, so that he and a group of high-level officials could continue to control Jaguar company.

Sampson Gerrard raised his glass and said: "Messijko, thank you for your support of our company's top management, cheers."

PS: I recommend a friend a new book "Domestic Animation in the World", the author said that there is a link in it.

(End of this chapter)

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