Through the wealth life

Chapter 187 William Lyons

Chapter 187 William Lyons

After watching a football game in Coventry, Li Guangyu rushed back to the hotel, preparing for the evening meeting with the representative of the British government, Weaver Clark.

As for whether Coventry Football Club is worth buying, Li Guangyu also asked Peng Xiaoli and others for their opinions.Besides, Jaguar hasn't talked about it yet, so he is not in a hurry now.

After having dinner with Weaver Clark, Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Clark, what is your government's attitude on the issue of Jaguar Motors?"

Weaver Clark was quite familiar with Li Guangyu's strength, and at the same time, the Prime Minister also agreed to sell Jaguar this time. Although some people objected, this did not affect the passing of this decision.

Weaver Clark said: "Mr. Li, our government is willing to sell Jaguar. As long as you and you can convince the Jaguar executives and the Lyons family to agree, there will be no problem. You also know that this company was handed over to us by the Lyons family. In England, we still have to follow their opinions in the handling of the company, especially the opinions of the founder William Lyons, if you can persuade him, there will be no big problem.”

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Clark, can't you just sell the shares to us directly, you must know that Jaguar's shares are all in your hands."

Li Guangyu now wants to buy the shares directly from the British government. As for those high-level executives who don't welcome him, they just resign. It's hard to find technical personnel, and management personnel are everywhere, and there is no shortage of them.

Weaver Clark said: "Mr. Li, our government should also consider the opinions of the company's top management, especially the opinions of Mr. William Lyons, who has worked hard for this company all his life."

It seemed that Li Guangyu's desire to directly negotiate with the British government was not feasible. It seemed that he still had to visit the old man and try to persuade him to support his acquisition of Jaguar.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Clark, I will visit Mr. William Lyons tomorrow, and I will contact you after communicating with him."

Weaver Clark said: "Mr. Li, then I will leave first. It's not that our government wants to make things difficult for you. We still have to consider some impact."

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Clark, I will see you off."

After Li Guangyu sent Weaver Clark back to the room, Du Yuemei came over and asked Li Guangyu, "Li Sheng, how did you talk with Mr. Clark?"

Li Guangyu told Du Yuemei what he had told Weaver Clark, and at the same time told Du Yuemei to visit William Lyons with him tomorrow.

Du Yuemei didn't expect that the acquisition of Jaguar would be so complicated. If Jaguar was private, she could talk to the other party, regardless of other issues.This belongs to the government, and it is necessary to consider all aspects of the situation.

Du Yuemei said: "Li Sheng, if our group wants to acquire a company in the future, it is best to find a private company, so that it will not be so troublesome. To acquire a company that belongs to the government, there are too many issues to consider, and the efficiency is also very slow. "

Li Guangyu said: "When we expand in the future, we must carefully study this issue and try to avoid acquisitions by government companies."


At nine o'clock in the morning on April 4, Li Guangyu and his party arrived at a villa in the suburbs of Coventry, where William Lyons lived.

Since Li Guangyu had contacted William Lyons in advance about the nine o'clock visit today, when Li Guangyu arrived, William Lyons was standing outside the door waiting for his arrival.

Li Guangyu went up and said: "Mr. Lyons, you are too polite, how can I bother you to wait outside the door."

William Lyons said: "Mr. Li can come to my house as a guest. Naturally, I need to go out to greet him. Mr. Li and two ladies, please come inside."

After sitting in the living room, Li Guangyu introduced Du Yuemei and Zhang Ziyu to William Lyons.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Lyons, the reason I came to visit you this time is to hope that you can support our group's acquisition of Jaguar."

William Lyons said: "Mr. Li, I am also full of affection for the Jaguar company I created. I also hope that Jaguar company will develop better and better, so I handed over the company to England. With the meaning of selling."

Today's William Lyons is in a very complicated mood. At the time, he thought that Jaguar would develop better and better if the company was handed over to England.It's just that there are some discrepancies between reality and my own ideas, and I haven't achieved the results I want.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Lyons, you have to know that the government is not a businessman after all. In terms of the company's development, it only relies on the foundation laid by you to achieve some achievements. Today's Jaguar's top management has been compared with your time in office. If you don’t make changes, the Jaguar empire you built will collapse.”

William Lyons is very clear about the current situation of Jaguar, but he has already handed over the company, and he has no right to ask about the company's affairs.

William Lyons said: "Mr. Lee, if you take control of Jaguar Motors, do you have any plans?"

Li Guangyu said: "Currently Jaguar's main market is in the United States, but it is already facing challenges there. After I acquire Jaguar, it will become a production base in Asia. Over there, production costs can be reduced to cope with Japanese cars. The company’s competition. At the same time, with my influence in Asia, I can promote Jaguar in Asia, because there is a huge market there.”

When William Lyons was in office, he wanted to open up the Asian market, but he only competed with Rolls-Royce at the top, and was beaten back by several major Japanese car groups in other models. Jaguar was discounted in the Asian market. The halberd sinks into the sand, so we focus on developing the American market.

Regarding the influence of Li Guangyu, the richest man in Hong Kong, in Asia, he is naturally very clear that once he takes control of Jaguar, it will indeed be very beneficial to Jaguar's Asian market.

William Lyons said: "Mr. Li, I know that some high-level executives in the company are greedy for power and position, so they oppose your entry. But many people in the company are old people who have followed me for many years, and many of them are from the technical department. I hope that Mr. Li can treat them well, after all, they have contributed their strength to the development of Jaguar."

As soon as Li Guangyu heard that William Lyons didn't say anything, he knew that he agreed to buy Jaguar himself.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Lyons, thank you for your support. Don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to these technical personnel. Our group lacks such talents."

William Lyons said: "Mr. Li, you don't have to thank me. I am also at this age, and I don't have many years now. I thought that the Jaguar would develop very well if it was handed over to the British government, but it disappointed me. gone."

"This time, I handed Jaguar into your hands, and I hope you won't disappoint me again. My lifelong wish is to build Jaguar into a top car brand and pass it on for a long time. And you can become Xiangjiang in a short time. The richest man, prove that you have outstanding abilities, and I will accompany you to the company tomorrow morning to meet some of my old friends."

"Okay, Mr. Lyons, tomorrow we will be waiting for you outside the Jaguar headquarters." Li Guangyu said.


After leaving William Lyons' villa, Du Yuemei said happily: "Sheng Li, that's great. With the presence of Mr. Lyons, our difficulties have been greatly reduced. I really didn't expect Mr. Lyons to be willing to help us. I don’t know what Messigeko thinks, but he actually opposes us, this is not the old man’s opinion at all.”

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Lyons has hoped that Jaguar can develop well all his life. Unfortunately, these high-level executives have let him down, so the old man is willing to help us."

(End of this chapter)

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