Through the wealth life

Chapter 201 comes to an end

Chapter 201 comes to an end
MacLehose was also relieved to see that the Li Group and the Jardine Group had completed all the transactions.As the governor who wants to develop Xiangjiang well, MacLehose is the last thing he wants to see the confrontation between the Chinese-funded consortium and the British-funded consortium. The economic development and social stability of Xiangjiang need them to support them.Once the two major consortiums fight fiercely, the damage to Xiangjiang's economic development will be too great.

MacLehose said: "Li Sheng, Mr. Niu Bijian, thank you for letting go of disputes for Hong Kong's economic and social stability."

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, as a person who grew up in Xiangjiang, our Lee Group also takes Xiangjiang as our foundation. Naturally, we hope that Xiangjiang's economy can continue to develop well. It is beneficial to the development of our group."

Niu Bijian also said: "Our Jardine Group has been rooted in Xiangjiang for more than 100 years. Our Jardine Group has always hoped for the stable development of Xiangjiang. We are also willing to contribute to the economic stability of Xiangjiang."


When Li Guangyu and the others walked out of the HSBC Building, it was already dark outside, and the outside was already under the light of lamp tubes.

When the reporters who had been waiting outside for a long time saw Li Guangyu and the others coming out, they all found the target they wanted to interview and wanted to interview them.

The reporters who came here this time included not only local reporters from Xiangjiang, but also some newspaper reporters from Baodao, Southeast Asia, Japan and England.

A reporter from MacLehose asked, "Mr. Governor, have you come to the HSBC Building for so long to mediate the struggle between the Lee Group and the Jardine Group?"

MacLehose said: "Jardines Group and Lee's Group just have some different views on the controlling stakes of the two groups of Xiangjiang Electric Lighting and Telephone. They also want to better serve the citizens of Xiangjiang, so they both want to control the two groups. Group, in order to serve everyone, this is not a battle between two groups."

The Sankei Shimbun reporter asked MacLehose: "Mr. MacLehose, our news agency heard that the competition between Mr. Li's Li Group and the Jardine Group for the two groups of electric lights and telephones has involved Xiangjiang. The confrontation between the Chinese-funded consortium and the British-funded consortium, may I ask that the reason why Mr. Governor came here in person this time is to quell the confrontation between the two consortiums."

The reporters from Japan obviously hope that things will get bigger and better. Nowadays, Xiangjiang is known as the financial center of Asia, and they are compared with Tokyo. If the Chinese-funded consortium and the British-funded consortium fight, it will definitely have some impact on Xiangjiang’s economy. Maybe Tokyo will be able to take that position.

Naturally, MacLehose cannot let these remarks spread, which will have a shock to all circles in Xiangjiang, and is not conducive to him maintaining the stability of Xiangjiang.

MacLehose said: "I don't know where you got the news. This acquisition is only because the Lee Group and the Jardine Group are optimistic about the development of these two groups, so there are some commercial disputes. This is a very common thing. As for what you said about them fighting on behalf of the two consortiums, it is completely false, and most of the companies in Xiangjiang today are mainly cooperative."

When MacLehose was being interviewed, Li Guangyu also came to many newspaper reporters, including reporters from Xinhua News Agency and some journalists from Baodao.

A reporter from Xiangyu Daily asked: "Sheng Li, has our Li Group acquired the controlling stake in the two groups of Heung Kong Electric and Heung Kong Telephone?"

"After some discussions with the Jardine Matheson Group, our Li Group will control the Heungkong Telephone Group, and the Jardine Matheson Group will control the Heungkong Electric Lighting Group." Li Guangyu said.

A reporter from Baodao Economic News asked: "Li Sheng, is it because the governor and HSBC don't want your group to control Heung Kong Electric Group?"

Li Guangyu said: "This time, after friendly negotiation between us and Jardine Group, Li's Group voluntarily gave up the holding of Heungkong Electric Group, and Jardine also gave up all the shares of Heungkong Telephone Group in their hands. We negotiated with Jardine Group. After the equity exchange, our Li Group has now obtained 97% of the shares of Xiangjiang Telephone Group, and then we will delist Xiangjiang Telephone Group, and our Li Group will be wholly-owned."

A reporter from the Industrial and Commercial Daily asked: "Li Sheng, this time the Li Group mobilized huge sums of money to acquire the shares of the two groups. Now at such a high price, it has only obtained the holding of the Heung Kong Telephone Group. What do you think about this?"

Li Guangyu is also a little depressed now, the cost is so huge, but he got a Heung Kong Telephone Group with a market value of less than 60 billion Hong Kong dollars before they snapped it up.

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Although the price of purchasing Heung Kong Telephone Group this time is a bit high, I believe that under the leadership of Li's Group, Heung Kong Telephone Group will soon be able to exceed its current market value."


In the private room on the second floor of the Peninsula Hotel, several people from Li Guangyu are having dinner here. Today Li Guangyu specially invited Li Xuemei, Zhou Xiaoning, Guo Fengtao, and the group staff who came to HSBC to have dinner together. After dealing with the reporters, it was already eight o'clock .

Guo Fengtao said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I'm sorry, I didn't arrange the work well, so that Jardine discovered that we were buying stocks in the market, so it suddenly took action, which caught us off guard and failed to acquire Heung Kong Electric Group. "

Li Guangyu said: "Feng Tao, I can't blame you. Even if Jardine didn't find out this time, the final result is probably the same. Besides, I also asked to take down a group at the time, and now I have completed this task. As for Xiangjiang Electric Lamp Group, we still have a chance in the future, don't worry over there."

Li Xuemei said: "Li Sheng, who are we going to appoint to be the director of the Electric Light Group?"

After thinking for a while, Li Guangyu said: "Xiaoning, you need to send a financial officer to supervise the financial situation of Xiangjiang Electric Group for us. As for the directors, let Ms. Wang Xinyu, the vice president of Xingyu Group, be a director over there." If you have a job, just attend a meeting.”

After Li Guangyu returned home, Cao Weiqing was still watching the TV series, Li Guangyu said: "Wei Qing, why haven't you rested yet, it's getting late now, staying up late is not good for the baby in your belly."

Cao Weiqing said: "I know, it's not that you didn't come back so late today. I'm not at ease, so I can't sleep. Did you encounter any problems in the negotiation with HSBC today? Otherwise, why did you come back so late?"

Li Guangyu briefly told Cao Weiqing what happened this afternoon.

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, then we have lost a lot this time. It took more than 90 billion yuan to fully control a Hong Kong Telephone Group with a market value of more than 50 billion Hong Kong dollars, and to control Hong Kong Electric Lighting with a value of less than one billion Hong Kong dollars. The group's shares have lost billions."

Li Guangyu comforted: "It's okay, we will earn back soon. Besides, we won the Xiangjiang Telephone Group, which will be very beneficial to my future layout. In the future, this group will also support Xingyu and Xiangyu. Just like the Li Family Group, it provides a steady stream of cash for our Li Group."

When Cao Weiqing heard Li Guangyu say that this group can be compared with the two best groups in the Li family, he immediately became happy.

PS: Recommend a friend a book "Rebirth of Fortune Tianjiao", the author said that there is a link.

(End of this chapter)

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