Through the wealth life

Chapter 202 Entering the Xiangjiang Electronic Chapter Group

Chapter 202 Entering Heungkong Telephone Group
Early the next morning, the news about the Li Group and the Jardine Group hit the headlines of major newspapers, and the related comments were also different.

Xiangyu Daily naturally sang praises for its boss, commenting that this acquisition is another victory for the Li Group. It's never happened.Even Hutchison Whampoa, which was snapped up by Mr. Li Ka-shing last year, was only a surprise attack from behind, with the help of HSBC to succeed, and it did not shake the strength of the British consortium.

Sing Tao Daily commented: "In the past few days, the Li Group and Jardine Group have competed for the two groups of Heung Kong Electric and Heung Kong Telephone, so that all circles in Heung Kong have seen what it means to have a lot of money."

"However, in this acquisition, both the Jardine Group and the Li Group have become losers. They spent one-third more than the current market value of the group to obtain its controlling stake. It directly lost billions of Hong Kong dollars, and the money went into the pockets of the former shareholders. They should thank the Li Group for their intervention, otherwise how could they make such a high profit."


At [-] o'clock in the morning, Li Guangyu, Li Xuemei, Zhou Xiaoning, and Qin Yu, the vice president of Starlight Real Estate Group, came to Heung Kong Telephone Group. Today, the Li Group will officially enter Heung Kong Telephone Group.

When Li Guangyu and others came to the headquarters of Xiangjiang Telephone Group, they were greeted by a department manager named Zhao Qihui of the group.

Zhao Qihui said: "Li Sheng, you are welcome. The other high-level officials are waiting for you in the conference room."

Li Guangyu felt that the telephone group was trying to make him look bad. The top management of the group who came to greet him was not friendly at all.

Led by Zhao Qihui, Li Guangyu and his group came to the group conference room. Seeing these high-level people present, they understood why these top-level people didn't come to welcome them. The group's president, vice president, and directors of various departments are all British. It is estimated that I had no intention of working under his banner.

After Li Guangyu came in, Mike Willitz, CEO of Heungkong Telephone Group, said: "Li Sheng, since you are here, let's start handing over the work. You can take over the group as soon as possible, and we can go back to Jardine as soon as possible."

Li Guangyu looked at the high-level people present, and said with a smile: "It seems that everyone is very anxious. Has your Chairman Newbigan arranged work for you this time?"

Mike Willitz said: "Li Sheng, don't bother you to worry about this. We have many groups under the Jardine Group, and we have our own place to work."

Li Guangyu felt that Niu Bijian was ruthless enough, and he planned to take back all the senior management of the group and not leave any useful talents for Li Guangyu. He wanted to see if the Li Group had the ability to manage the telephone group well.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Willitz, Zhou Xiaoning is now the chief financial officer of the group, let the former chief financial officer hand over the work to him. As for everyone here, they are going to return to the Jardine Group. Please register now. I'll have someone hand over the work to you right away."

After Li Guangyu finished speaking, more than a dozen high-level executives headed by Mike Willitz got up and came to Li Xuemei to register. Among them were several vice presidents, directors of the human resources department, general managers of the administration department, directors of the finance department, and several departments. executives.

Li Guangyu didn't care about those British people, but looked at the Xiangjiang executives who were about to leave. It was fine for the British people to leave, but he didn't expect that these people would also go back to Jardine. Li Guangyu was a little speechless.

After Mike Willitz and others signed out of the conference room, Li Guangyu announced: "From now on, Mr. Qin Yu will be the chairman of the board of directors of the group and the chief executive officer. Zhou Xiaoning is temporarily in charge of the financial work of the group, pending After the group finance, we will appoint the group's chief financial officer."

Later, Li Guangyu learned about the positions held by these remaining high-level executives. After some consideration, Li Guangyu said: "The general manager of the technology department, Zhao Qihui, will be the director and vice president of the group's board of directors."

Zhao Qihui was very happy that he did not expect Li Guangyu to be promoted to the vice president of the group just after he took over the group. He lamented that it was fortunate that he did not return to the Jardine Group like some high-level executives did. There would not be such a high position there.

Zhao Qihui got up and said: "Li Sheng, thank you for your trust in me. I will definitely cooperate with President Qin Yu's work and lead the telephone group to develop steadily and well."

After Zhao Qihui sat down, Li Guangyu went on to say: "Mr. Zhou Libin, deputy director of the human resources department, will serve as a director of the group's board of directors and take over the position of director."

After Zhou Libin's former director was going to Jardine, he knew that his opportunity had come. Sure enough, Li Guangyu asked him to take over the position of director, and Zhou Libin immediately got up to thank him.

Later, Li Guangyu announced that Su Ni from the administration department would be the general manager of the administration department, director of the board of directors of the group, Wu Xinzhou would be the manager of the security department of the group, and Wang Jing from the finance department would be the deputy director of finance.

Li Guangyu said: "Our Li Group's new telephone group has a lot of high-level departures. I hope that everyone will complete the handover of work as soon as possible under the leadership of President Qin Yu, so that the group will remain stable and transitional, and will not affect the lives of citizens. .”

Qin Yu immediately said: "Li Sheng, don't worry, we will hand over the work with the outgoing senior management as soon as possible, and put it into the operation of the group, so that the use of Xiangjiang citizens' telephones will not be affected by our Li Group's taking over. "

Li Guangyu believes that Qin Yu's ability can handle these problems well. This person has held positions in several groups under the Li Group and is very experienced in management. As for specific technical issues, they can be handled by Vice President Zhao Qihui. The reason why Li Guangyu appointed Zhao Qihui as the vice president of the group was because Zhao Qihui had served as the general manager of the technology department in the group for 4 years.

Li Guangyu said: "Our telephone group is an industry that serves the citizens. In our future work, we must be more enthusiastic about the citizens. The things that the citizens respond to are the responsibility of our group. We must deal with them in a timely manner. We have to patiently explain to the public.”

Qin Yu said: "Li Sheng, I will convey your request to every employee of the group and strictly follow your request."

After Li Guangyu finished his speech, Li Xuemei said: "After your executives have completed the work handover, in addition to maintaining the stable operation of the group, we are now launching a compulsory acquisition in the stock market. Our Xiangjiang Telephone Group will delist from the Xiangjiang Exchange and become Li's The wholly-owned holding group under the group, you need to contact Tianyu Investment Company to do a good job in this regard."

These high-level executives knew that Li Guangyu's shares in the group had exceeded 95%. This time, Li's group had spent a huge amount of money and obviously did not intend to sell out any more shares, so it became inevitable to start delisting.

Qin Yu said: "Ms. Li, we will contact Tianyu Investment Company after the meeting to make preparations for our group's delisting."


After the meeting, Li Guangyu, Li Xuemei and others came to the group president's office. Now Mike Willitz is waiting for them to come, and he can hand over and leave.

After Qin Yu and Mike Willitz finished handing over, Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Willitz, I hope to see you again in such a situation next time."

Mike Willitz said: "Li Sheng, I'm afraid your wish will not come true. Our Jardine Group will not give you such an opportunity again. Li Sheng is still optimistic about your Li Group. In case someone buys you Your companies under the Li Group are not doing well."

Li Guangyu was not worried at all about the groups under his control. If they were not listed, the only two listed companies, Jiayi Group and Kowloon Bus, both had more than 70% of the shares. Li Guangyu was not afraid of others snapping them up.

Li Guangyu said: "We welcome the Jardine Group to invest in our group, but we don't know if Jardine has the ability."

Mike Willitz did not discuss this topic with Li Guangyu, and directly bid farewell to Li Guangyu and others.

(End of this chapter)

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