Chapter 22
In the next few days, the news of Li Guangyu's first Waterloo in his career has been circulating in the Xiangjiang market. Many people think that the legend of Li Guangyu is no longer there. In the past, the game company's products sold well. That's all.

A teenager thought he would take off after a little achievement. The business framework has grown so large, and the enterprise has expanded too quickly. Now the miracle of the game company has disappeared.People from all walks of life in Xiangjiang have expressed their opinions on whether Li Guangyu, the young patriarch, can still support so many industries of the current Lee Consortium.

Li Guangyu didn't care at all about the disturbances in Xiangjiang these days, and now he was focused on the development of the film and television group.

September 1978, 9, today is Sunday, and it coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival.Li Guangyu had a rare day off for himself today, which could relieve his tired mind from busy work during this period.

In the morning when Li Guangyu was still eating breakfast, He Chaoqiong came to the house.

"Cousin, what time is it now? You only have breakfast now." He Chaoqiong said to Li Guangyu.

"Cousin, it's rare for your cousin to have a day off today, so he can't sleep late. You're not at home today, what are you doing here?"

"I came here specially to see you. Isn't it rumored that there is a problem with your company's development?" He Chaoqiong said.

"It's okay. I'm not worried at all. I'll wait a few days for the orders from the United States to come over so I can slap them in the face. You came here on purpose today, and I happen to be off today. What do you want to play today? I can accompany you."

When He Chaoqiong heard that Li Guangyu was willing to go out with her, she immediately said happily: "I'm going to Mong Kok, and I'm going to watch "The Contract" starring Xu Guanwen."

Li Guangyu accompanied He Chaoqiong to visit Mong Kok, and after watching a movie with her, he sent He Chaoqiong back home at [-]:[-] pm.Li Guangyu rushed to He Zuozhi's home. Today, Li Guangyu will spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with his grandfather, uncle, aunt, and cousin.

As time passed, Li Guangyu's game company's Donkey Kong game trial in the United States was a great success, and immediately signed an order contract for 10000 units with the distributor.After the Xiangyu Daily published the news, the major newspapers in Xiangjiang immediately changed their reports on Li Guangyu.

As soon as Li Guangyu entered the office of Jiayi Building today, his secretary Du Yuemei showed him some newspapers.And said: "Chairman, these newspapers are all praising you and the game company today, which is completely different from a few days ago."

"The media is like this. It's a common thing to slap yourself in the face. When you are successful, you are praised to the sky, and when you are unlucky, you can't wait to send you to the [-]th hell. If you only believe in the media, that is I don't even know how I died." Li Guangyu said to Du Yuemei.

In the afternoon, Li Guangyu and Du Yuemei came to Xingyu Game Company accompanied by bodyguards. Now Li Guangyu's bodyguards have increased to 20 people. Every group of 10 people is divided into two shifts to follow Li Guangyu's side in order to protect his safety.At the same time, Li Guangyu's car has been replaced by a special Rolls-Royce bulletproof car, with a BMW at the front and back as bodyguard cars.

In the eyes of many people, Li Guangyu is a young man who is ambitious and rampant. None of the top rich and powerful families in Xiangjiang will travel with a few cars and ten bodyguards at any time like him.

Li Guangyu didn't care what other people thought at all, it was to improve his own safety, what others thought.Li Guangyu was also planning to see when he had the opportunity to mention it to the Governor of Hong Kong, and see if he could equip the twenty bodyguards with guns.

Li Guangyu's attitude of fear of death is clear at a glance. Think about how the protagonists of other novels do it. They are all the richest man. They wander around alone when they are okay. They come to a hero to save the beauty when they are okay. Some protagonists even think about it. Keeping a low profile and waiting for someone to step on him is slapping him in the face.

Li Guangyu said that he would never have such a hobby at all, and he would not put his own safety in danger.God also sleeps sometimes, maybe one day it will be over.

"Qinglin, what is the mood of the game company's current employees?" Li Guangyu asked.

"Chairman, a few days ago when the news that the game failed at RB, the employees of the company were quite depressed, and their enthusiasm for work was greatly affected, especially the deputy manager of the development department, Shigeru Yamamoto, who even doubted his own ability. But , From the arrival of the US order yesterday, the employees once again burst out with the enthusiasm they had when they first joined the company, and Deputy Manager Shigeru Yamamoto has also strengthened his confidence and is preparing to develop the second version." Gan Qinglin reported to Li Guangyuhui.

"Qinglin, it is impossible for every game of our company to be successful. When we have a game that hits the market, you must eliminate everyone's negative emotions in time and let them actively invest in their new work." Li Guangyu reminded Gan Qinglin.

"Yes, Director, I will definitely pay attention to this aspect in my future work."

"What is the progress of our Contra game development?" Li Guangyu asked.

"Boss, the development of Contra is relatively smooth, and it is expected to go on sale next month." Gan Qinglin replied.

After Li Guangyu discussed the company's affairs with Gan Qinglin, he deliberately went to various departments of the company to understand the company's dynamics, especially the status of development and personnel.

Li Guangyu said to the staff in the development department: "As long as you have a good game idea, go ahead and develop it boldly. Don't be afraid that the game will not sell. Our company can afford it. Even if one or two games are not popular, we should not be discouraged." , because as long as one game is successful, we can earn back hundreds of times and thousands of times.”

After getting to know Li Guangyu, he came to Tianyu Investment Company next to him, and after listening to Yuan Tianfan's report, he said, "Tianfan, what's going on in Tianshuiwei Industrial Park, our commercial land, what are your plans for Guangyu Real Estate. "

Yuan Tianfan replied: "Chairman, the foundation of the industrial park has been completed at present, and the ground construction is currently underway. The factory building is expected to be completed by the end of December, and the staff dormitory will also be completed. As for the commercial land, due to the new construction of our real estate company, various professional There's an extreme shortage of talent, and there's not much popularity there right now."

"Premature development is not conducive to the company's interests, so we plan to wait until the industrial park is completed next year before developing it. At the same time, our company's personnel are currently studying with CK Infrastructure in the industrial park. This is what Mr. Li Ka-shing agreed."

After listening to Yuan Tianfan's answer, Li Guangyu also felt that it was not worthwhile to develop the Tianshuiwei commercial land now, as there was no popularity there at present, and the real estate industry in Xiangjiang would reach its peak before the stock market crisis in July 1981, and there was no rush at present.

Li Guangyu said to Yuan Tianfan: "Then follow your plan. Tianfan, does the company have any talents who can support the real estate company? You should mainly focus on Tianyu Investment Company."

"As for the real estate industry, I am also planning to focus on development and prepare to develop into a group company integrating development, design, construction, management and leasing. This must be in charge of a top talent in the real estate industry."

"Originally, I intended to transfer Qinglin to the past, but now Qinglin has developed the game company very well, and the profits are even more terrifying. Moreover, after the completion of the printed circuit board factory, the game company's arcade factory and the printed circuit board factory will also be transferred. The board factory is a group company, and Qing Lim will be the CEO."

"So there is still a lack of talents who can take the lead, Tian Fan, you will focus on recruiting a head of the real estate company in the next period of time."

"Okay, the boss." Yuan Tianfan said.

Li Guangyu continued to chat with Yuan Tianfan and left the company.

(End of this chapter)

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