Through the wealth life

Chapter 23 Establishment of Jiayi Cinema Line

Chapter 23 Establishment of Jiayi Cinema Line

On September 9th, Li Guangyu came to the Four Seasons Hotel early to wait for Lei Juekun's arrival. Today Li Guangyu and Lei Juekun will discuss the purchase of theaters here.Lei Juekun walked in 25 minutes before the appointed time, and said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, you are so busy now, why do you still have time to ask me out for tea?"

"Lei Sheng, you're welcome. I'm just messing around. I don't understand a lot of things. I need you seniors to help me a lot." Li Guangyu said politely.

"Li Sheng, if there's anything you need, just tell me. I'll help as much as I can."

"Lei Sheng, you also know that I'm currently working on a film and television company. The TV station is finally ready, but the movie thing is a bit difficult."

When Lei Juekun heard what Li Guangyu said, he didn't understand what Li Guangyu meant.Then he said, "Li Sheng, you have to find Run Run Shaw and Wrinkle Huai for Xiangjiang Films now, it's their world now, what's the use of you looking for me?"

"Lei Sheng, this film company is easy to manage, and talents can be recruited, but I currently lack something that can compete with Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest, so I would like to ask for your help."

Hearing what he said, Lei Juekun knew that Li Guangyu was interested in his family's theater again, and he was a little angry when he thought about it, why did Li Guangyu focus on his family's thing?So he said to Li Guangyu, "Li Sheng, it's not that I don't want to help you. I have no plans to sell the theater right now."

Li Guangyu knew that Lei Juekun would not transfer the theater to Li Guangyu if he didn't show something.

"Lei Sheng, my company's development is not bad at present, but the office locations of various companies are rather messy, so I plan to buy a piece of land in Central Ring and build a Coslight Building as the office location of my company. The construction company has not yet been determined. .”

Lei Juekun understood what Li Guangyu meant, that he wanted to give up his theater on the condition that Jiulong Jianye built Guangyu Building.Lei Juekun thought about it, anyway, the rent of the theater is not much now, so it would be more cost-effective to sell it to Li Guangyu for the construction of Guangyu Building.In this way, if the money from the sale of the theater is invested in Jiulong Jianye, the Lei family will be able to control the absolute controlling stake in Jiulong Jianye.

"Li Sheng, since you need a theater chain, I can't be that villain blocking your way. My family has four large theaters, Lisheng, Kaisheng, Lesheng, and Jinhong, as well as four medium-sized theaters. Li If you are willing, I will transfer it to you at a price of 2000 million."

Li Guangyu immediately agreed: "No problem, Lei Sheng, I will let Yuan Tianfan sign the contract with you, and after our company takes the land, Jiulong Jianye can enter the site."

Li Guangyu knew that the purchased theater was a bit expensive at the current price, but Li Guangyu could accept it.At the same time, Li Guangyu plans to build this building with a cost of 10 billion Hong Kong dollars and a height of 33 floors. The reason why there is so much money to build the headquarters building is thanks to the Xiangyu Culture Group led by Li Xuemei.

After Li Guangyu talked with Lei Juekun about the acquisition of theaters, he went to Yau Ma Tei Theater, Gem Theater, Xinguang Theater and other theaters to discuss the acquisition matters. A total of 8 large theaters, 6 medium-sized theaters, and 4 small theaters, including the [-] theaters in Kun, form the largest theater in Xiangjiang at present, with a total cost of nearly [-] million Hong Kong dollars.

On September 9th, Li Guangyu came to Jiayi Building and presided over a high-level meeting.

Li Guangyu said at the meeting: "Today, Jiayi Film and Television Group will be established with Jiayi TV Station, Jiayi Record Company, and the upcoming Jiayi Film Company, Jiayi Cinema Line, and Jiayi Artist Brokerage Company as the main body. I will As the chairman of the board of directors of the group, Ms. Zhou Liangshuyi is the chief executive officer of the group, Bai Jiangting is the financial director, Xiong Jianhui is the director of the human resources department, Zong Hongyan is the manager of the administration department, and Jiang Tao is the manager of the safety department. Liu Tianci is the general manager of Jiashi. Liang Yiwu is the financial manager of Jiashi.”

After announcing the appointment of the group, Li Guangyu continued: "At present, our company already owns the largest theater chain in Xiangjiang. We only need to register the theater company and get the staff in place to form Jiayi Cinema. Our film company will be established in October, and at the same time Investing in a major production is a good start for the establishment of our theater chain. At the same time, our group and Xiangyu Group have carried out all-round cooperation to realize that the works of Xiangyu Group can be moved to our film and television."

After Li Guangyu arranged the company's affairs, he ended the meeting.

In October, the media in Xiangjiang became lively again because of Li Guangyu. Li Guangyu's continuous registration of film companies, as well as the news of theater companies and talent management companies, as well as the closure of many theaters for redecoration caused a huge sensation in Xiangjiang.

Oriental Daily reported: "When Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest controlled the development of Xiangjiang's film industry, Li Guangyu, a young genius in Xiangjiang, did not stop his pace of expansion. Now he has extended his hand into the film industry. He spent a lot of money to acquire Lisheng, Xinguang and many other theaters. In just one year, this entertainment and media group established Xiangjiang, from newspapers and magazines, from TV to film industry. Now when Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest are competing for hegemony Will the entry of Li Sheng bring greater changes to Xiangjiang's film industry."

A reporter from Sing Tao Daily blocked the wrinkle directly and asked, "Wrinkle Sheng, there is news that the Lee Consortium is entering the film industry and is spending a lot of money on theaters. What do you think?"

Wrinkle Huai really wanted to scold her mother, I was finally going to kill Shao Shi, at this time Li Guangyu broke in suddenly and gave him a big blow, can I say that I don't want him to come?

Wrinkle Huai replied: "The film industry in Hong Kong is booming now. I welcome any colleagues who join the film industry. I hope that all film practitioners in Hong Kong will work together to make Hong Kong's films go out of Asia and go to the world."

The reporter was obviously dissatisfied with Wrinkle Huai's answer, and continued to ask: "Wrinkle Sheng, as far as we know, the Li Group has acquired eight theaters under Mr. Lei Juekun's name, and has stopped cooperating with Golden Harvest since this month. Is this true? Will it have an adverse impact on Golden Harvest?"

"Currently, our Golden Harvest theater chain is sufficient to support the company's development. Regarding the cessation of cooperation with Golden Harvest by Lisheng and other eight theaters, it will not have any impact on Golden Harvest."

"Wrinkle, there is a rumor in Hong Kong that the film industry in Hong Kong will usher in a tri-wizard struggle for hegemony. What do you think?"

"Based on years of experience in the film industry, I don't think it's just money that makes a film company successful."

When the reporter heard what Wrinkle Huai said, he didn't intend to ask him to explain anything, so he directly said that the Hong Kong film industry is not easy to play with money, and the triwizard hegemony is not worth mentioning in Golden Harvest's view.

Run Run Shaw's mood these two days was mixed. Li Guangyu entered the film industry with thunderous momentum. He was happy that Golden Harvest had an opponent. He was no longer the key target of Golden Harvest's suppression. What worried him was that Shaw Brothers would completely decline. , although now he has put his focus on the TV station, but Run Run Shaw still can't let go of the film industry he has worked for half his life.

Li Guangyu didn't care about the outside reports. He was discussing the decoration of the theater with Gu Zhengsheng, the general manager of Jiayi Cinemas.Li Guangyu told Gu Zhengsheng about the model of one theater with multiple halls in later generations, and asked him to decorate according to this model, so as to ensure that the Jiayi Cinema Line will be officially opened on January 1.

(End of this chapter)

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