Through the wealth life

Chapter 248 Liang Botao

Chapter 248 Liang Botao

After eating lunch, Li Guangyu came to the office area of ​​Tianyu Investment Company to learn more about the development of Tianyu Investment Company in the United States over the past year.

In Yuan Tianfan's office, Li Guangyu listened to Yuan Tianfan's report on the companies he had invested in over the past year.

Yuan Tianfan said: "Li Sheng, the first company we invested in, Apple, will go public the day after tomorrow. After Apple's three rounds of financing, we have continued to follow up with the investment. We now hold 12% of the shares. Apple will go public the day after tomorrow. A total of 13 million shares of 400% of the shares were released for the market, and our shareholding was reduced to 11.2% at that time, with 672 million shares of Apple.”

Li Guangyu is quite satisfied with being able to get so many shares at the time of listing. Even if these shares do not move, when Apple’s market value reaches 6000 billion US dollars in the future, it will be worth nearly 600 billion. This investment alone is enough Countless people have struggled all their lives.

Li Guangyu said, "Tianfan, you've done a good job. We hold Apple's shares for a long time and don't plan to trade them."

Yuan Tianfan did not want to sell the shares of the companies that Li Guangyu ordered to invest without receiving Li Guangyu's notice. He knew very well that these companies would definitely bring huge profits to the company in the future, otherwise Li Guangyu would not be right. He personally ordered the acquisition of shares in these companies.As for the specific affairs of the group in Xiangjiang, whatever Li Guangyu personally participated in brought huge returns to the group, and Yuan Tianfan firmly believed that it was the same.

Yuan Tianfan said: "Li Sheng, our Tianyu Investment Company still holds 10% of the shares of Oracle Corporation, which is the relational software company we invested in last year. At present, this company is developing well and has begun to make profits."

Li Guangyu said: "Tianfan, for Oracle, our strategy is the same as Apple's. In its future financing, we will try to get as many shares as possible while ensuring that our equity will not be diluted."

The present time period is good. Many Internet-related giant companies have either just been established or have not yet been established. Li Guangyu has too many opportunities to invest in them. None of them is clear about the future development of these companies. At the beginning, Li Guangyu would not face too much competition from large investment banks, because there were too many uncertainties, and no one could guarantee whether the company he invested in would go bankrupt within a year or two.

But Li Guangyu himself has no such worries. He will not try to gain control of these companies. He only needs to become a major shareholder of the company and not interfere with the development of these companies. Li Guangyu believes that these companies will As in the previous life, it developed into a hegemony.

Yuan Tianfan continued to report to Li Guangyu some other companies invested by the company, including Intel Corporation. Although he only got 5% of the company's shares, Li Guangyu was very happy. Intel processors have always been at the top level in the world. The company's market value will also be very good in the future. The 5% of the shares will be worth more than 100 billion US dollars by then, and it is worth Li Guangyu's long-term holding.

Li Guangyu asked, "Tianfan, is there any progress with Microsoft in Seattle?"

Yuan Tianfan had some headaches about Microsoft. Li Guangyu attached great importance to it, which showed that the company's future development would definitely be very good. Not only did he send company personnel to communicate with Microsoft several times, but he also went to Seattle and Microsoft in person. Several founders of Microsoft negotiated, but the results were not satisfactory. Bill Gates rejected Tianyu Investment's shareholding.

Yuan Tianfan said: "Li Sheng, our company has not yet been able to take a stake in Microsoft. They do not lack funds for development, and they are backed by IBM, so there is no shortage of business."

Li Guangyu had heard some news about Bill Gates in his previous life. He was born into a very good family and had no major financial problems. His mother also had a very good relationship with IBM, which provided a very good foundation for the development of his company. Basically, it is really not easy for Li Guangyu to invest in his company at the initial stage of establishment.

Li Guangyu said: "It's good to pay attention to this aspect. When they start listing and financing, we are intervening in it. I still don't believe that they are rich and not making money, so they shut us out."

"Alright Mr. Li, I will tell the company staff to pay attention to the news from Microsoft." Yuan Tianfan replied.

Li Guangyu thought that Xiangjiang's economy would start to be in turmoil since 81. Li Guangyu needed to transfer Yuan Tianfan back to Xiangjiang to take charge of the affairs there and prepare for the Li Group to establish its own bank.

Li Guangyu said: "Tianfan, is there anyone in the investment company here who can take over your job and lead the development of Tianyu Investment Company here?"

When Yuan Tianfan heard Li Guangyu's question, he knew that Li Guangyu was going to let him go back to Xiangjiang, and he was very happy. After all, Xiangjiang was more used to it.

Yuan Tianfan said: "Our company still has some talents, and I have also taken a fancy to one. I think he has the ability to lead the development of our investment company here."

Li Guangyu said: "Tell me about the situation of this person. If possible, I will serve as the deputy general manager of the American branch temporarily to prepare for your transfer back to Xiangjiang in the future."

Yuan Tianfan said: "This talent is very capable. He is 25 years old this year and has obtained a master's degree in business administration from the University of Toronto in Canada. This is also Ms. Zhang Ziyu's junior. He also had the introduction of Ms. Zhang Ziyu, so he did not return to Xiangjiang. He drove directly to We are applying here, and we are also from Xiangjiang, and our name is Liang Botao."

Li Guangyu didn't expect that Goddess of Destiny still took good care of him, and actually sent this banker, known as the father of the red chips, to him. In the future, there will be no shortage of talents at the helm of the Li Group Bank.

Li Guangyu said: "Go and tell Mr. Liang Botao to come to the office for a while, I want to see him."

"Alright Mr. Li, I'll inform him right away. I think he must be very excited to know that you have met him in person." After Yuan Tianfan finished speaking, he left the office.

After a while, Yuan Tianfan walked in with a young man, and Li Guangyu knew that this was Liang Botao.

Li Guangyu said to Liang Botao: "Liang Sheng, I am very glad that you can come to work in our company."

Liang Botao said: "Li Sheng, you can call me Botao, I am also very happy to be able to work in the Li Group."

Liang Botao knew that his senior sister was now the vice president of Bentley Group and the president of Asian affairs. While she was happy for Zhang Ziyu, she was also full of hope for her future.He had heard from Zhang Ziyu a long time ago that Yuan Tianfan would be transferred back to Xiangjiang in the near future, and the Tianyu Investment Company here has not yet decided who will lead it.Liang Botao is confident that his ability is not inferior to other personnel in the company, and he is still from Xiangjiang, so he has a huge advantage in the Li Group.

Li Guangyu was also not polite to Liang Botao, and said to him: "Botao, just now Tianfan has reported some things about you to me. He is very optimistic about your ability, and I also believe in Tianfan's vision. In the future, Tianyu will invest in the United States. You need to worry more about the matter. You will serve as the deputy general manager of the US branch of Tianyu Investment Company, and the Xiangjiang headquarters will send you the notice of your appointment later. "

Liang Botao said happily: "Li Sheng, thank you and Yuan Sheng for trusting me. I will definitely learn more from Yuan Sheng's side and help Yuan Sheng manage the company here."


(End of this chapter)

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