Through the wealth life

Chapter 249 Wu Yuqian

Chapter 249 Wu Yuqian

On December 12th, Li Guangyu and Yuan Tianfan took a chartered flight to New York, preparing to participate in Apple's listing on NASDAQ tomorrow.

This is a paradise for capitalists. There are countless giants in Wall Street expanding their influence all over the world. The headquarters of major investment banks are also located here.

This is also the place where countless groups want to come to the market, creating countless wealth myths.As a world-class financial center, whether it is London or Xiangjiang, there is still a long way to go from New York.

Not long after Li Guangyu arrived in New York to book a hotel, Gan Qin came to Li Guangyu's place and said to him: "Li Sheng, a lady named Wu Yuqian has come to the hotel, hoping to visit you."

Li Guangyu still has some impressions of this Wu Yuqian, and last year he came here to do a special report on himself.

Li Guangyu and Gan Qin came to the front desk of the hotel and saw Wu Yuqian waiting for news.

Li Guangyu stepped forward and said, "Ms. Wu, I'm very glad to see you again. You're still very well informed. You knew I was here not long after I arrived."

Wu Yuqian said: "Mr. Li, you are a big celebrity nowadays, and your itinerary has attracted the attention of many media reporters. I also learned the news from our TV station journalists. I came here this time to thank you for your support last year. My help."

Li Guangyu and Wu Yuqian found a coffee shop next to the hotel. After ordering coffee, they chatted about the program Wu Yuqian produced last year.

Wu Yuqian said: "Li Sheng, thank you for your sponsorship of my program, which enabled me to successfully complete the production of "Looking at the East". Now I am communicating with the TV station about broadcasting matters. I believe I can get good results here." The achievements have also allowed people in the United States to re-understand the Eastern countries."

Li Guangyu said: "Ms. Wu, you are welcome. I admire your spirit. This is to increase the popularity of our Huaxia in the United States. I am also obliged to assist you in completing such a very meaningful program."

Wu Yuqian sincerely thanked Li Guangyu. When her program was not recognized by the TV station and her savings were not enough to meet the program production, Li Guangyu extended a helping hand. It was with Li Guangyu's sponsorship that she could guarantee the quality of the program. Complete the production of the program in a large amount.Now that the executives of the TV station where I work have watched this program, they are willing to arrange for the TV station to broadcast this program, and my hard work has not been in vain.

Wu Yuqian also admires Li Guangyu very much. Over the past year, he has also traveled to many parts of Asia, especially in Southeast Asia, Japan, Taiwan, Xiangjiang and Lisboa, and deeply felt the influence of the Li Group. The influence of enterprises in these places.

What Wu Yuqian is more interested in is that Li's Group does not have any prejudice against women. In Li's Group, there are many women who serve as the group's senior management, and several of them serve as presidents.

Sometimes Wu Yuqian envies the high-ranking women of the Li Group. She has also watched a lot of things after working in the TV station all these years.Even in a region like the United States, it is rare for a woman to be the president of a group, and it is even less likely for a large family business.

Wu Yuqian said: "Mr. Li, Ms. Li Xuelan is okay now. She helped me a lot when I was filming the program in Asia. But now I am busy with the broadcasting of the program. In the future, I will go to Xiangjiang Afterwards, be sure to thank her personally.”

When Wu Yuqian went to the Asian region, Li Xuelan was already the vice president of Xiangyu Group. After contacting Li Xuelan, Li Xuelan contacted the local company of the Li Group to solve her problems.This is also the reason why she came to thank Li Guangyu immediately after knowing that Li Guangyu had arrived in New York today. The Li Group has provided her with a lot of help.

Li Guangyu said: "Now Xuelan is busy forming our supermarket group under Li's. I think she should be in a very good mood now."

Wu Yuqian did not expect that Li Xuelan would become another female president of the Li Group so soon, and she was also happy for Li Xuelan.She knew something about Li Xuelan, and she had a sister who was known as No. 1 under Li Guangyu in the Li Group, so she was under a lot of pressure.If she can't show her ability, the group staff will only think that she is relying on her sister's status to rise to the top.

Wu Yuqian said: "I believe that Ms. Li Xuelan will not disappoint Li Sheng's trust. During the few days I was in Xiangjiang, I got along with her and felt that she would be an excellent management talent."

Li Guangyu said: "I still recognize Xuelan's ability, and I also believe that she can lead the development of the supermarket group for me."

After chatting for a while, Wu Yuqian said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I know you have your own TV station. Are you interested in my program? I can authorize it to be played by Wuchang."

Li Guangyu knew that Wu Yuqian did this to express her gratitude to him.

Li Guangyu said: "Ms. Wu, you don't have to be like this. I will arrange people from Jiayi Group to come over and discuss with you about purchasing broadcasting rights."

Wu Yuqian quickly said: "Li Sheng, there's no need, you can just broadcast it, if it weren't for your help, I don't know if I can complete the production of the program, how can I charge your group's broadcast fee. "

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Ms. Wu, you don't have to be so polite. The help we provide you is to thank you for increasing our influence in the United States. We can't take the fruits of your labor for nothing. I will explain this to the group Okay, how much broadcast copyright fee you sell on the American TV station, our group will also pay the corresponding broadcast copyright fee."

After Wu Yuqian talked a few times, seeing that Li Guangyu insisted on giving her the copyright fee, she could only accept it.

After Li Guangyu sent Wu Yuqian away, Gan Qin smiled and said, "Li Sheng, Ms. Wu Yuqian is quite an interesting person."

Li Guangyu said, "Gan Qin, what do you think of her?"

Gan Qin replied: "Li Sheng, I think it's secondary for her to thank you today. She mainly came here to build a good relationship with you, so as to promote the cooperation between our Li Group and her."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Why do you think so? People have said that today is a special occasion to thank me and the Li Group for helping her, and let our group TV broadcast this program for free."

"Li Sheng, I don't believe she doesn't know that our Li Group won't take advantage of her, so let's just talk about it. How can our Li Group not pay copyright fees for broadcasting her programs? This is not affecting our Li Group. The reputation of the group. And she must have Ms. Li Xuelan's contact information, and she asked you about Ms. Li Xuelan's situation, which always feels a bit deliberate." Gan Qin said.

Li Guangyu smiled and said: "No matter what she thinks, she has a good intention in making this show. Besides, she is not just a show host. Her family situation is not bad, and she is also in business. She wants to get closer to us." It is also normal for her to promote her own career.”

Gan Qin knew that Li Guangyu was aware of these things, so she stopped mentioning them. It was not very good for her to talk too much to Li Guangyu.Anyway, many people in Xiangjiang are like this, and they all hope to leave a good impression on Li Sheng's side and get closer to the relationship between the Li Group and them.

(End of this chapter)

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