Chapter 27
On November 11rd, Li Guangyu came to He Zuozhi's mansion early after lunch.Today is his 3th birthday, and since his 60th birthday was held last year, He Zuozhi's birthday today is just a family feast.The juniors from various branches of the He family will come, including He Hongyi, He Chaoqiong, He Hongqing and others.

At He Zuozhi's home, around five o'clock in the afternoon, representatives of each branch of the He family arrived one after another, each of whom was the first heir of the family.This is not only a respect for He Zuozhi, but also a way for the heirs of the He family to get closer to Li Guangyu.During this year, Li Guangyu's development was too astonishing, and he was about to dethrone Bao Yugang's position as the richest man in Xiangjiang, so it was the idea of ​​many families in Xiangjiang to be able to associate with Li Guangyu.

After He Hongyi came in to say hello to He Zuozhi, he came to Li Guangyu's side and said, "Guangyu, you are also a shareholder of the Industrial and Commercial Daily, so you should visit the company more often when you have time?"

Li Guangyu said to him: "The newspaper office has uncle watching over you, so I have nothing to worry about. If I go here, am I afraid of causing trouble to the company?"

"What trouble? I think you are afraid of causing trouble for yourself. I said that Xiangyu Daily is now in full swing in Xiangjiang, and the sales volume has even suppressed Ming Pao, Dongfang Daily, and Sing Tao Daily. You You are also a shareholder of the Industrial and Commercial Daily, so can't you come up with an idea to increase sales for the Industrial and Commercial Daily?"

When Li Guangyu heard that He Hongyi approached him, he asked him to find a way to increase the sales of the Industrial and Commercial Daily.He thought for a while and said: "Uncle, your business daily is a serious newspaper, and I don't have any good suggestions here, but I can give you some exclusive information about our company, which I think will help the company to some extent." .”

He Hongyi was a little disappointed to hear that Li Guangyu had nothing to do, but being able to get the exclusive news from Li Guangyu's company was also a huge improvement for the newspaper.

"Well, Guangyu, if you have any investment projects in the future, you can ask my uncle, and I will follow you to make some money."

At this time, He Hongqing also gathered around and began to chat with Li Guangyu and He Hongyi. During the chat, when they knew that Li Guangyu would focus on real estate development in the coming year, He Hongyi and He Hongqing reconsidered whether their family would also focus on real estate next year.Judging from Li Guangyu's development in the past year, he will definitely make money in real estate next year.

While they were chatting, the boss of Stanley Ho's family arrived with the sisters of the He family. So far, representatives of the He family's houses have all arrived.

After paying homage to He Zuozhi's birthday, a group of juniors started chatting with their own circle.

At this banquet, Li Guangyu also met the heirs of several other branches of the He family, although they are not very famous in later generations.However, as an heir cultivated by a big family, his quality and ability are still good. It may be that he failed to seize the opportunity in time, so he is not very famous.

Li Guangyu thought that he would take them along if he had the opportunity to make a fortune in the future, especially during several stock market crashes.This can not only improve the overall strength of the He family, but also make it a beneficial assistant for him in Xiangjiang.In order for Li's consortium to have a group of powerful families behind it when facing European and American consortia and RB consortium in the future, and the He family will be its firm ally.

When the dinner was over, He Zuozhi called Li Guangyu to the study on purpose.

"Guangyu, I am very pleased with your development this year. If the old guy Li Yingliang knows about it, he will definitely celebrate it. When your parents just left a year ago, all the big families in Xiangjiang were waiting to see my jokes about He Zuozhi No one thinks that you can keep the family business, but your development this year has really slapped the big families in the face, letting them know that they are blind, and now I, He Zuozhi, are also honored by you Guangyu, you are really good, and your parents will be happy for you in the underground."

Li Guangyu listened quietly to He Zuozhi's nagging. Li Guangyu knew that his grandfather had always cared about him, but he didn't say it out loud.When Li Guangyu's career just started, if He Zuozhi hadn't been standing behind, countless ghosts and monsters would have appeared.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely develop the family business well. At the same time, I will also help uncle (He Ji) develop the He family."

"Guangyu, I'm very happy when you say that. Your uncle is the lord of the city. You let him develop a career. He doesn't have the ability. You can take it as long as you can without affecting your own development. Why? It's the same with the He family, our He family is still very united, and you can help if you can."

"I know, I will take the He family with me when I have the opportunity in the future. Only when the He family develops and grows will it be more beneficial to my future development."

Li Guangyu and He Zuozhi chatted for more than an hour before leaving He's house.

After returning home, Li Guangyu didn't take a rest immediately, but thought about the heirs he met in He's family today, to see where they could cooperate.In the past two years, the He family can be allowed to enter the real estate industry. They can make a steady profit in the past few years. In July 1981, they can be brought together to let their assets increase, and then they will go to the 7th Square. Only when there is an agreement, there is a chance. Li Guangyu's thinking is getting further and further away.

Li Guangyu didn't go to the company the next morning, because he slept too late yesterday, so Li Guangyu gave himself a day off today.Now that the company's development is stable and there is no new company development, Li Guangyu is still relatively free.

It was rare for Li Guangyu to sleep in so few times this year, and he didn't get up until ten o'clock and went downstairs.When Mama saw Li Guangyu went downstairs, she immediately went to the kitchen to arrange food for him, while Li Guangyu sat in the living room and read the newspaper.

After more than 20 minutes, Mama He told Li Guangyu to eat.

Seeing Li Guangyu having dinner at the restaurant, He Ma said to Li Guangyu, "Master, I haven't seen you resting at home for a long time."

"Mother He, isn't the company too busy? I have to keep an eye on it."

"Young master, you have to give yourself a vacation when you are busy. Since the miss and uncle left, you are like an ascetic monk who spends time at home and company every day. You are only 17 years old. Look at you, how can you have any future? 17-year-old boy."

Li Guangyu knew that Mama He cared about him, so he comforted him: "Mom He, some time ago, the company was just laying the foundation, so I will be a little busy. It won't happen in the future. The company is on the right track, and I will be much more relaxed in the future. Yes, I still want to wait two years to study in the United States."

"You know it's good to rest. I'm afraid that if you focus on the company, you won't make enough money. You are still young. If your body is exhausted, how will I explain to my young lady and uncle in the future?"

"Mother He, how could it be? I'm in good health, and I don't need to do the specific work. I just need to go to the company to watch it. The specific work is done by the company's management."

"Master, you are over 17 years old. You can consider starting a family. It would be better to add a young master to the family as soon as possible. Then the lady will be very happy if she knows."

Li Guangyu knew that He's mother was missing Li He Mengping. A few days ago when Li Guangyu worshiped his parents, He's mother was crying.

"Mother He, I'm still young, so I haven't considered this issue yet. Besides, it's not easy for me to find a partner. At least I have to be well-off, right, or Grandpa won't be able to pass the test."

"Young master, it's hard to find you. I'll go and tell the master to find a family for you. So that the young master can spread out his branches and leaves as soon as possible, so that our wish can be fulfilled earlier."

"Mother He, don't be in a hurry now, I'm still early?"

"Why don't you rush, you will be eighteen next year, you can get married, and you don't have to get married right away, you can take a look first."

Li Guangyu didn't know what to say, and said to He Ma, "Now that my family business is so big, I must find someone who is talented, knowledgeable and capable. At my current age, no matter how I look at it, it is not suitable."

Seeing that Li Guangyu kept evading, He Ma stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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