Through the wealth life

Chapter 28 Meeting Run Run Shaw

Chapter 28 Meeting Run Run Shaw
The rapid development of Jiayi Group in the past few months is inseparable from Zhou Liangshuyi's ability.During the few months when she was in charge of Jiayi Group, with Li Guangyu's financial support, many talents from the two major TV stations were poached by her.

Because of this matter, Run Run Shaw specifically approached Li Guangyu, and Lidi's board of directors increased the treatment of its employees because of this.

Li Guangyu still clearly remembered the day when he met Run Run Shaw. At 11 am on November 6, Run Run Shaw came to the Peninsula Hotel where he had an appointment with him.

"Guangyu, I'm so old, and now I want to run the wireless TV station well. Zhou Liangshuyi came to my wireless station to recruit people if she has nothing to do. Is this really okay?" Run Run Shaw said to Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu didn't ask much about Jiayi Group's affairs, and now he is focusing on Starlight Real Estate Group and game companies. Li Guangyu didn't expect Jiayi Group to make any money. The reason why he established Jiayi Group was mainly It is to grasp a part of Xiangjiang's public opinion orientation and improve its status in Xiangjiang.

Hearing Run Run Shaw say this, he knew that Zhou Liang Shuyi must have scooped up the TVB general, otherwise Run Run Shaw would not have made a special trip to invite him to drink tea.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Six, you also know that I have a lot of companies under my umbrella, and I'm busy with real estate company affairs these days, so I don't pay much attention to Jiayi Group's affairs. Please tell me if you have anything to do."

"Guangyu, you are now making money with several major group companies, but you just throw money on Jiayi like this. Zhou Liangshuyi throws money down when she sees someone. It's not good to disturb Xiangjiang's artist market like this. Does it increase our production cost?"

"Oh? Uncle Six, I really don't know much about this. I'll go back to the company and ask."

Run Run Shaw said: "Guangyu, I didn't mean you. You handed over such a big group to Zhou Liangshuyi without asking. Are you sure she can take care of the group? I know Zhou Liangshuyi very well. We have worked in TVB for many years. She is indeed capable, but many of her ideas are not in line with the interests of shareholders. She is more concerned about ratings, and she is not very good at considering cost issues for shareholders, such as now? "

Li Guangyu knew that Zhou Liangshuyi must have offended Run Run Shaw this time, otherwise Run Run Shaw would not have given her eye drops.However, based on Zhou Liang Shuyi's previous experience, it seems that she does not pay much attention to the company's cost.

"Sixth Uncle, don't I have no subordinates? Unlike you, Wireless has a lot of talents, and it is also known as the Whampoa Military Academy known as Hong Kong film and television artists. Regarding the cost issue, I will go back and discuss with the group. We started the company to make money. It's not for charity, don't worry, I won't let it disturb the status of current Xiangjiang artists."

Run Run Shaw was very happy to hear Li Guangyu say this. He was not angry with the few people Zhou Liangshuyi had dug up before. What he was afraid of was that Li Guangyu didn't care about the company's interests. Talents will also be hollowed out by Li Guangyu.

"Guangyu, it's great that you can think so. We are both Chinese TV stations. We should cooperate with each other for mutual benefit and win-win results. If you lack talents, you can go to Li's next door. Li's is a TV station controlled by a British consortium. We can definitely push him out of Xiangjiang." Run Run Shaw encouraged Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu knew in his heart that this was because Run Run Shaw saw that Jiayi could not be suppressed now, so he wanted Jiayi to kill Li's first, and then the two TV stations would compete with each other.Li Guangyu had no opinion on this either.

"Uncle Six, you are right. In today's era, if we Chinese want to develop well, the most important thing is unity. I completely agree with your opinion. The TV station in Xiangjiang is still in the hands of us Xiangjiang people. Just rest assured."

Seeing that Li Guangyu agreed with him, Run Run Shaw was thinking about how to defeat Li as soon as possible, and then he was slowly haggling with Zhou Liangshuyi.

"Guangyu, we TVB and Shaw Brothers Film Company can cooperate with Jiayi Group, and the artists of our company can also communicate with each other! I think this will be more conducive to the development of our two companies."

Li Guangyu couldn't turn his head when he heard what those Hong Kong entertainment novels in his previous life said.If you don't beat Shao to death, you won't give up. It seems that Shao will always do it alone, and even if Shao is dragged to death, he will not cooperate with others.This is completely different now.

Run Run Shaw is definitely a shrewd businessman, and businessmen always avoid disasters.Seeing that Li Guangyu's Jiayi Group cannot be suppressed nowadays, and his own Shaw Brothers is facing pressure from Golden Harvest, pulling Li Guangyu's Jiayi Group is definitely beneficial to Shaw Brothers.Maybe they can kill Li's and Jiahe, so today they talked about cooperation with Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu was very moved by Run Run Shaw's proposal. What Li Guangyu's Jiayi Group lacked now was not money, but people.It just so happens that Wireless and Shaw Brothers have a lot of talents, which can completely complement Jiayi Group.

As for Jiahe and Li's, that's not Li Guangyu's concern.In the previous life, there were many protagonists in novels who were able to go to heaven, saying that they wanted to maintain Xiangjiang's competitiveness in TV and movies.Li Guangyu didn't know what he was thinking of deliberately supporting several companies to compete with each other, anyway, Li Guangyu had no such idea at all.Li Guangyu never thought that he would be a savior, the earth would turn around without anyone.

Li Guangyu said to Run Run Shaw with a smile on his face: "Uncle Liu, I am very happy that our two companies can cooperate for a win-win situation. I will go to Jiayi Group to arrange this matter in the afternoon. Thank you Uncle Liu for your support to our company." .”


In the afternoon, Li Guangyu came to Jiayi Building. After walking around the various departments of the building, he went to the office and said to the secretary Du Yuemei: "Go and ask President Zhou Liangshuyi to come."

"Okay, Li Sheng." Du Yuemei replied and went out.

Li Guangyu looked at some important documents of the group in the office.

Zhou Liangshuyi came in and said, "Li Sheng, do you have any orders for me?"

Li Guangyu asked Zhou Liang Shuyi to sit down and said, "I didn't plan to come over today. Uncle Shao Liu invited me to drink tea this morning and talked with me about something, so I came to have a look and discuss something with you by the way."

Zhou Liangshuyi felt that Run Run Shaw was really stingy. Didn't he just poach a few people from your company? Shouldn't he go directly to his boss?
He said to Li Guangyu, "Li Sheng, please tell me if you have something to say."

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Sixth Uncle Shao didn't blame you for poaching some of his people. He mainly wanted to talk to me about the cooperation between our two companies. Of course, forget about the people you poached before, and don't go to Wireless to poach people again."

Zhou Liangshuyi heard Li Guangyu say this, and immediately said happily: "With the support of Shaw Brothers and wireless entertainers, our group will no longer face the embarrassment of shortage of personnel. But Li Sheng, our group still has to develop our own artists. .”

"Sixth Uncle Shao has already figured it out for us. Let us dig in Li's and Jiahe. Our Sixth Uncle is very smart. This is for us to help him get rid of two major enemies, and then slowly compete with us."

After listening to Li Guangyu's words, Zhou Liangshuyi also understood Run Run Shaw's thoughts, and said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, don't worry, our company will definitely surpass Wireless and Shaw Brothers."

Li Guangyu continued to say to him: "In the future, you can pay a little higher than other companies in terms of employee treatment and artist value. Don't raise the prices of those stars too much. Don't spend most of the cost of a movie on actors. leading to a decrease in the quality of the film."

Zhou Liangshuyi responded immediately: "Li Sheng, I will do as you ordered. Some time ago, the company was really short of people, so I went to recruit people at a high price. Now that there is a wireless cooperation, I don't have to use this method anymore gone."


(End of this chapter)

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