Chapter 29 Thousand Kings Fight Thousand Tyrants

Apart from Kowloon Bus Company, Jiayi Group is the least company managed by Li Guangyu. The entire group basically developed under the leadership of the group's senior management.At present, the overall ratings of the TV station are only slightly lower than TVB, far exceeding that of Li's TV station.

At the same time, in the record company, singers such as Anita Mui, Alan Tam, and Baiqiang Chen have been discovered, and they currently occupy a place in the Xiangjiang record industry.Originally Li Guangyu thought he could recruit Leslie Cheung, but unfortunately Leslie Cheung is very happy at Polygram and has no plans to change companies.

No wonder Run Run Shaw wanted to drink tea with Li Guangyu, and Selina Chow was planning to hollow out the future of wireless.At the Huadan level, Chen Yulian and Michelle were recruited, and Xiaosheng recruited Chow Yun-fat, Zheng Shaoqiu, and Ouyang Peishan who was going to join TVB at the same time.If Run Run Shaw knew about the achievements of these people in the future, he would probably hit him directly.

On December 12th, at seven o'clock in the evening, Li Guangyu arrived at the Peninsula Hotel accompanied by his bodyguards.Now Li Guangyu's travel standard equipment is spread all over the streets and alleys of Xiangjiang. Every time you see a row of three cars, two BMWs in the front and rear, and a Rolls Royce in the middle, it must be Li Guangyu traveling.

As soon as Li Guangyu's motorcade arrived at the Peninsula Hotel, the waiter immediately greeted him and said, "Li Sheng welcomes you."

Because Li Guangyu often came to the Peninsula Hotel, he was very familiar with this waiter now.

Li Guangyu said to the waiter Wang Mengsheng: "Mengsheng, take me to the private room of Jiayi Film Company."

At this time, in the private room, Zhou Liangshuyi, the CEO of the group, Li Dehua, the general manager of the film company, Tang Yan, the manager of the administration department of the film company, and the crew members of Qianwangdouqianba were already waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival.

As soon as Li Guangyu stepped into the private room, greetings came one after another, and Li Guangyu kept responding.

Li Guangyu said to everyone: "Today is a day worthy of commemoration for the group. This is the first film of Jiayi Group Film Company, which marks our group's official entry into the film industry. At the same time, I hope that everyone will work together to bring The film company is developing well. In addition, I wish our first film will be a big hit, everyone eat and drink well tonight, so as to thank you for your hard work during this time."


At Zhou Liang Shuyi's table, there are movie directors and leading actors.After Li Guangyu came over, Zhou Liangshuyi introduced him: "Li Sheng, this is Mr. Wang Jing, the screenwriter and director of Thousand Kings Fighting Thousand Fighters. His father is Mr. Wang Tianlin, a famous TVB producer."

Li Guangyu said to Wang Jing: "Wang Sheng, hello!"

Hearing what Li Guangyu said, Wang Jing hurriedly said: "Li Sheng, I can't afford to be called you. Just call me Jingzi!"

Seeing what Wang Jing said, Li Guangyu didn't insist anymore, and said to him, "Well, I will call you Jingzai from now on. I hope that what I hear in the future is that Wang Tianlin is the old bean of Xiangjiang director Wang Jing."

Seeing Li Guangyu's optimism towards him, Wang Jing said excitedly: "Li Sheng, thank you for your encouragement. I will definitely work hard to become a well-known director in Hong Kong."

Of course Li Guangyu knew that Wang Jing would definitely become a famous director, the king of film commercials, and he would make whatever films made money.Although his films have been complained by many people in later generations, as a company owner, he likes this kind of director, because it can make a lot of profits for the company.

As for those who want to complain, Li Guangyu said that it has nothing to do with him, as long as the company makes money, the audience will scold the director if they want to, and they don't care which company produced it.

Then Zhou Liang Shuyi introduced the leading actors of the film to Li Guangyu, Xie Xian, Huang Xingxiu and others.Li Guangyu also chatted with them one after another, especially paying attention to Xie Xian, who Li Guangyu only knew was Nicholas Tse's father in the novel.

When the banquet was about to end, Li Guangyu deliberately said to the leading actors of the Jiayi Group who were not present: "You are all elites in the Xiangjiang performing arts circle. I hope you can cooperate with Jiayi more in the future. At the same time, if you The door of our Jiayi Group is always open for you, as long as you are willing, you can join at any time."

Xie Xian and Huang Xingxiu said to Li Guangyu: "Thank you Li Sheng for your interest, we will definitely cooperate with Jiayi in the future."

Li Guangyu then said to Wang Jing: "Jingzi, if you have any good scripts, tell the general manager Li Dehua at any time. Funding is not a problem. If you have good friends, you can definitely bring down the company."

Hearing Li Guangyu's words, Wang Jing was also grateful and said: "Li Sheng, when I go back, I'll ask my brothers if they have any good scripts, and see if they are willing to come to Jiayi."


In this December, the form of the world has started a new round of transformation.

The Northern Continent has just concluded a milestone meeting. At this meeting, the old man began to lead this ancient civilization of more than 5000 years to glow with new vitality.

The visit of the Minister of Foreign Trade of Huaguo to Hong Kong immediately set off an upsurge of public opinion in Xiangjiang.At the same time, it is announcing that Huaguo's modernization plan will require tens of billions of dollars in expenditure, and Xiangjiang will play an important role in this regard.

It is also from this time that Xiangjiang, as the bridgehead connecting the mainland to the world, has continued to develop at a high speed.

Li Guangyu was not invited to the banquet in the Governor's Mansion, maybe Li Guangyu was too young, or maybe the He family was in front of him, so he was not needed for the time being.

Li Guangyu didn't go to the company that day, he was quietly thinking about how to go in this era that is about to be turbulent.

Li Guangyu knew that the mainland would have a bright future, but could he go now?He is not a political speculator, if it is a political speculator, he can immediately rely on it.Unfortunately, he is a businessman and the head of the family.

What is a family, it must be multi-party betting, from ancient times to the present.Li Guangyu is now thinking about which companies can enter the mainland in the next few years without arousing the resentment of Britain and Taiwan, and at the same time increase investment in Taiwan.Make it maintain a relative investment balance on both sides, and wait for the relationship between the mainland and Taiwan to improve, so there is no need to be so cautious.

Li Guangyu thought that his own strength was still insufficient. Of course, even if Li Guangyu had enough funds, it would be useless.I can only say that I am overthinking the film industry that those time-travelers in future generations are delusional about saving Xiangjiang from Hollywood.

The decline of the Hong Kong film industry is due to, first, the emergence of VCDs and rampant piracy, and there is nothing you can do about it in Southeast Asia. The second is that protectionism in various countries has begun to restrict the registration of Hong Kong films in their own countries.This second point is particularly important. The reason why Hollywood in the United States is rampant in the world is because of the strong military power of the United States as a guarantee, and ordinary small countries dare not restrict the entry of American blockbusters into the market.

As for the protagonists of some novels, they can even go to heaven. They don’t even have American citizenship. If they establish a company in the United States and acquire several major TV stations in the United States, they can establish a relationship with the future president and support his development in the future. The interests of the American consortium are really a display of those families of the US government.

Li Guangyu's current plan is to use Xiangjiang as the foundation, Baodao and the mainland as the two wings, and RB and England as the forward base. Before the foundation is solid, he will never enter the United States rashly, otherwise he will not know how he will be eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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