Chapter 333
When it was nearly nine o'clock the next morning, Li Guangyu came to a small conference room in the Governor's Mansion. Shen Bi, McBurney DeShawn and MacLehose were already waiting here. There Standard Chartered bank executive Powell Wilson did not arrive.

As the host, MacLehose saw Li Guangyu coming in, and immediately said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, please sit down, please wait a moment, I think Mr. Wilson will arrive soon, and I can formally sign the Li Group when I arrive." Negotiations on applying for a banking license."

After Li Guangyu sat down, he did not speak. While waiting for Powell Wilson to arrive, he was thinking about the issues of the next meeting and how to deal with possible situations.

It was only two minutes before nine o'clock that Powell Wilson arrived in the meeting room led by the staff.

After all parties sat down, MacLehose said: "Everyone, everyone must be very clear about the focus of public opinion in Xiangjiang these days. The finger is directed at the Monetary Authority, which has had a great negative impact on our government. Now it has We cannot allow this incident to continue, we must resolve this matter as soon as possible, so that the Xiangjiang news media and citizens can calm down."

Among them, McBurney DeShawn, as the director of the Xiangjiang Financial Management Bureau, has been pushed to the forefront by the Hong Kong media. Countless people are watching his actions, and he receives countless calls every day. On the phone, some questioned him, and some asked him to persist.Facing the confrontation between the Chinese-funded consortium and the British-funded consortium, and this time the focus happened to be within his jurisdiction, he was particularly uncomfortable, and he had the idea of ​​quitting.

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Mr. MacLehose, Mr. DeShawn, this time our Tianyu Investment Company's application for a bank license can be handled in accordance with the current regulations of the Monetary Authority. In fact, there is no need to consult some people's opinions. Some After sitting in a high position for a long time, I think that I am the overlord of Xiangjiang, and when I want to dominate the financial market of Xiangjiang, I try my best to attack those opponents who pose a threat to them, which is very detrimental to the development of the financial industry of Xiangjiang.”

Shen Bi and Powell Wilson were very angry when they heard what Li Guangyu said. Isn't this just talking about themselves?He said that Li's Group didn't want to. Who in all walks of life in Xiangjiang don't know the ambition of your Li's Group. You want to build a world-class consortium. You also said that we are the emperor of Xiangjiang, and you are the emperor of Xiangjiang, right? .

Shen Bi retorted: "The financial stability of Hong Kong needs everyone to work together to stabilize it. We have the right to express our opinions on the damage that some groups may cause to the current order. We don't want some ambitious people to enter and disrupt the current stability of Hong Kong. The situation is developing for the better.”

Powell Wilson said: "The Hong Kong Financial Administration was established to maintain the stability of Hong Kong's financial sector. When faced with some important matters, it has the right to consult everyone's opinions, so as to better maintain the stability of Hong Kong's financial market. , as a member of Xiangjiang's financial community, we naturally have the obligation and the right to put forward our opinions."

Seeing the confrontation between the two sides, MacLehose can feel that it will be very difficult to achieve a satisfactory result for both sides today.

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, Mr. Shen Bi, Mr. Wilson, you all calm down first. Such disputes are meaningless to the settlement of the matter. I will not let the matter drag on. I hope everyone can discuss a matter today. Both sides can accept the result, and jointly maintain the stable development of the situation in Xiangjiang."

Faced with the ultimatum given by MacLehose, Shen Bi and Powell Wilson understood that it seemed impossible to procrastinate today. At the same time, it made them feel the threat of the Li Group and the influence of its media group. The force is simply too great.

This time, I and others thought that I could influence the government's decision with the helm of the British consortium and let them drag the Li Group's self-organized bank infinitely.Even if Li's Group sues the court, they still have ways to prevent Li's consortium from forming its own core financial group and curb the rapid development of Li's Group.

It's just that this idea was directly shattered by the public opinion in Xiangjiang, and the pioneer was the media group under the Li family, which also made Shen Bi and Powell Wilson take notice of it.

In the past, there was no media in Hong Kong that would compete with the British consortium, let alone attack the government on such a large scale as it is today.The root of this lies in the Li Group. With the leadership of the media under the Li Group, other news media are not worried about any problems. With the Li Group at the front, they are very confident to follow behind and make bold reports.

This negotiation was quite difficult. If MacLehose hadn't been here and given the time limit, I'm afraid Li Guangyu, Shen Bi, and Powell Wilson would have broken up long ago.

When Li Guangyu established a bank, he naturally hoped to obtain all business permits.However, Shen Bi and Powell Wilson saw that they could not prevent Li Guangyu from establishing a bank, so they set up a problem for the Li Group.

Many restrictions have been imposed on the banks established by the Li family. Even the foreign currency settlement business is not intended to be owned by the Li family group.

Naturally, Li Guangyu would not agree to this. He established a bank because Yongheng Bank's business is not comprehensive enough. If according to Shen Bi and others' opinions, his bank is not as good as Yongheng in terms of business, then he What is the purpose of building this bank with painstaking efforts.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Shen Bi, Mr. Wilson, I think you are too lenient. Our Li Group will not agree to such a request, and our bank's specific business does not require you HSBC and Standard Chartered to intervene. The matter should be discussed separately by our Li Group and the Monetary Authority, since you have no objection to my Li Group's establishment of a bank, I don't think you should worry about other things."

Shen Bi said: "Mr. Li, I'm afraid you have misunderstood. We will agree with you to set up your own bank after you agree to these conditions, so as to maintain Xiangjiang's financial stability. Mr. Li, as the leader of countless people in Xiangjiang Idols should contribute to the stability of Xiangjiang."

Li Guangyu didn't like Shen Bi's idea, he was not that great, and the establishment of a bank by himself did not affect the financial stability of Xiangjiang, but it might have an impact on HSBC.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Shen Bi, I discussed with Mr. MacLehose yesterday that Hong Kong's banknote issuance right is in the hands of two British banks, HSBC and Standard Chartered, which is not conducive to Hong Kong's financial stability. I think it is time to join a Chinese bank. I hope you can understand for the sake of Hong Kong’s stability.”

After Shen Bi and Powell Wilson heard this, they immediately opposed strongly. Li Guangyu had such a big appetite, and the bank had not yet been established, so he wanted to get the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars. This was a dream, and he absolutely could not agree to it. .

McBurney Deshaun saw these people fighting each other and kept silent. It is better for the governor to deal with them, and he will obey the governor's orders when the time comes, so as not to be angry in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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