Chapter 334
Seeing the dispute between the two sides, MacLehose was also in a dilemma. According to the normal procedure, the British consortium would not be satisfied. He was also an official of England, so he had to consider the interests of the British consortium.

And if they all agreed with Shen Bi and the others, the Li Group would definitely not agree. Facing the turbulent public opinion outside, if the government could not give a reasonable explanation, it would be a huge trouble.

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, don't bring up the issue of the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars. Now that Hong Kong is financially stable, our government has no plans to change this situation."

Then MacLehose said to Shen Bi and the others: "Your harsh conditions are not realistic. I hope you will also show sincerity. As the helmsmen of the two dominant banks in Xiangjiang, don't you worry about other people's challenges?"

Regarding MacLehose's remarks, Shen Bi told Li Guangyu that he was still very happy. Li Guangyu still wanted to grab the right to issue Hong Kong dollar notes from himself and others. This is really a dream.

But what did he mean by what he said to himself and Powell Wilson later on? Did he think that he and others were afraid of the Li Group, so they prevented Li Guangyu from establishing a bank?Saying this in front of everyone, especially Li Guangyu, really did not give myself and others face.

Shen Bi said: "Mr. MacLehose, we HSBC and Standard Chartered have been standing in Xiangjiang for hundreds of years, and we have never been afraid of competition with the same industry. The reason why we oppose the Li Group's entry into the banking industry this time is also for the sake of Xiangjiang. Considering the overall situation, we are based in Xiangjiang, and we are obliged to maintain the financial stability of Xiangjiang.”

Li Guangyu immediately said: "Mr. Shen Bi, will our Li Group's entry into the banking industry affect the stability of Xiangjiang's financial sector? I know very well what your calculations are. Don't take the overall situation of Xiangjiang as an issue. Our Li Group The entry of Hong Kong will only play a positive role in the financial sector of Xiangjiang. I suggest that all banks registered in Xiangjiang vote to determine the bank with the right to issue banknotes. In particular, banks that are not registered in Xiangjiang should be excluded, which is more beneficial to the development of Xiangjiang Stablize."

Powell Wilson exploded as soon as he heard it. Li Guangyu directly wanted to kick them out of Standard Chartered Bank. This was a dream.

Powell Wilson said: "Mr. Li, our Standard Chartered Bank has been serving Xiangjiang for hundreds of years and has made great contributions to Xiangjiang's economic development and stability. How can we exclude it just because it is not registered in Xiangjiang."

Li Guangyu said: "You don't even worry that Xiangjiang's financial stability will be affected if the place of registration is not in Xiangjiang. Our Lee Group Bank has not yet been established, and you judge that our bank will affect the stability of Xiangjiang. What is the reason for this?" Ridiculous, do you think the citizens of Xiangjiang are all fools?"

MacLehose sees that these few people asked them to negotiate in this way, not to mention today, even if there is no result in this year's negotiation, the bottom line is still on the interests.With the establishment of the Li Group Bank, especially if so many business licenses from HSBC and Standard Chartered are obtained, many Chinese consortiums will no longer go to HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank, and the business will be handed over to the banks of the Li Group.

Especially HSBC, due to some policies implemented by Shen Bi, HSBC has a very close relationship with the Chinese. The funds of Chinese family companies, especially those involving areas other than Xiangjiang, all go to HSBC. Bute was most positive.

MacLehose said: "The application of Li Sheng Group's bank will be approved by the Monetary Authority according to the procedures."

Before MacLehose finished speaking, Shen Bi said: "Mr. MacLehose, I firmly oppose it, and please think about the stability of Xiangjiang. I think it's not just me who opposes it. Jardine Chairman Niu Bijian and Swire Group Chairman John Neither Shivaiya nor Wheelock Group Chairman John Madden will agree to the Lee Group establishing its own bank, and I hope the government will heed everyone's opinions."

In order to prevent Li Guangyu from easily obtaining a banking license, Shen Bi moved out the helmsmen of several British-funded consortiums with the greatest influence in Xiangjiang to put pressure on MacLehose.

Naturally, Li Guangyu would not let Shen Bi succeed. Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Shen Bi, you people can only represent the British consortium, and they cannot represent the more than 500 million citizens of Xiangjiang. The Xiangjiang government serves more than 500 million citizens. Instead of serving your British consortiums. The establishment of a bank by our Li Group complies with the regulations of the Monetary Authority, which cannot be vetoed by your British consortia."

MacLehose said: "Don't be impatient and listen to what I have to say. After Li's group gets the bank license, it will immediately stop the current report and suppress this public opinion. I don't want the report to continue. Go ahead."

Li Guangyu immediately replied with a smile: "Mr. MacLehose, don't worry, our media group is all about seeking truth from facts and will not discredit the government. After we get the license, there will naturally be no such reports. It shows that our Monetary Authority attaches great importance to the opinions of Xiangjiang citizens and is willing to listen to the voices of the outside world.”

Faced with Li Guangyu's shameless words, they were speechless. Is this the opinion of the citizens of Xiangjiang?If it weren't for your Li Group's contribution to the flames, the citizens of Xiangjiang would come to care about such things, especially some reports directly pointed out that the Monetary Authority treats Chinese people differently.

McBurney DeShawn felt really wronged. If his department treated the Chinese differently, how could there be so many Chinese-funded banks in Xiangjiang? pressure.

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, there are some inappropriate reasons for everyone this time, so I won't say anything more. I don't want the media under your group to become the vanguard of attacking our government departments in the future. You are now influencing you. I also know very well that I don’t want you to influence the people of Xiangjiang’s views on our government departments.”

If it hadn't been for the British consortium and the Monetary Authority to embarrass the Li Group first, and Li Guangyu did this, MacLehose would have troubled him long ago.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, don't worry, our media has always followed the principle of not interpreting the government too much, and preferring entertainment and economic reports. As long as the Xiangjiang government acts in accordance with the documents issued by the government, we will not treat Li Groups are treated differently, and our media will not speak out about it."

Hearing Li Guangyu's words, MacLehose was a little angry with Shen Bi and the others. If these people hadn't caused this incident, the Xiangjiang government and the Financial Management Bureau would not have been so passive these days.

MacLehose said to Li Guangyu: "After your Lee Group established a bank, I don't want you to make some small moves to get the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars. Now the government needs stability in Hong Kong. If you don't have such a plan, you don't want to. Go and bring Xiangjiang Huazi Bank to hold a referendum."

Shen Bi and Powell Wilson were also worried for a while when they heard this. There are many more Hong Kong-funded banks than their British-funded banks. If there is a referendum, they really can't stop the Li Group from coming in to share the profits.

Li Guangyu only raised it as a bargaining chip at the time. It was not easy to obtain the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars. It took the Bank of China in the mainland to obtain this right for many years, and Li Guangyu still needed to plan slowly.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, as long as our bank has a sound business, I guarantee that the bank we have established will not get involved in the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars without the consent of the Monetary Authority."

Hearing Li Guangyu's promise, Powell Wilson was relieved. He opposed Li Guangyu's entry into the bank because he didn't want to see the rich financial resources of the Li Group get involved in the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars.

As for the others, he said that it doesn't matter, anyway, the cooperation with Chinese-funded groups is basically in HSBC.After the establishment of the Li Group, the strength of HSBC was weakened, and Standard Chartered might still be able to sit on the throne of the largest bank in Xiangjiang.

Shen Bi was still not reconciled, and wanted to restrict the Li Group on a large scale in terms of business, but Powell Wilson did not voice his support this time, and MacLehose wanted to suppress public opinion as soon as possible, so he did not agree with Shen Bi's opinion .

MacLehose instructed McBurney DeShawn to handle everything according to the regulations of the Financial Administration. What business licenses the Li Group can obtain depends on the strength of the Li Group itself.

Li Guangyu was very happy. The large-scale publicity by the media this time might make people like MacLehose unhappy, and meant to intimidate them, but he got what he wanted, so he didn't care about so much.If you don't do this, the ghost knows when you will be able to establish a bank with a relatively complete business.


(End of this chapter)

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