Chapter 352
At noon, Li Guangyu and Li Ka-shing dined together at a restaurant next to the headquarters of Hutchison Whampoa to discuss matters related to the Cheung Kong Industrial Group.

Li Ka-shing invited Li Guangyu to come here this time not only for the Hutchison Whampoa matter, but he also knows something about the recent Hong Kong stock market. Some financial institutions are making frequent moves in the stock market. Also affected a little bit.

He knew very well that there must be people from the securities department under Li Guangyu operating here, otherwise there would not be such frequent bearish transactions this time when Xiangjiang's economy is developing rapidly.Li Ka-shing knew that Li Guangyu was not optimistic about the development of Xiangjiang's economy in the next few years. It is estimated that the Li Group wanted to make a fortune here.

Li Ka-shing himself had some plans. No matter what the future economic development would be, it would be safer to have a lot of cash in his hands, so this time he needed Li Guangyu's support.

In the box, Li Ka-shing said: "Coslight, Hong Kong's stock market is not very calm now, and I don't see how Hong Kong's economy will develop in the future. Please come over this time. Apart from Hutchison Whampoa, I plan to issue additional equity for our Cheung Kong Group. Strengthen the strength in the hands of our Cheung Kong Group, and at the same time provide sufficient financial guarantees for our development in the Japanese market."

Li Guangyu didn't expect that Li Ka-shing would play such a game at this critical moment, but he didn't know how he planned it. If he made additional shares in the stock market before the stock market crash, he would really be able to collect enough cash for the Changshi Group.

Li Guangyu asked: "Uncle Li, what is your specific plan? If time permits, I will support your decision at the board meeting."

"Guangyu, I have already contacted the Far East Exchange. As long as our group submits the plan and relevant materials, they will expedite the process for us. As long as you support my decision, I expect to be able to do so by the beginning of next month." Issuing new shares to the market." Li Ka-shing said.

Li Ka-shing is going to play a big game this time. Not only does he want to issue new shares, but he also plans to take advantage of the current stock market to sell some of his shares and get some cash, as long as he can ensure that his shares can control Cheung Kong Group is enough.

Li Guangyu is so sure that Xiangjiang will have problems in the near future. Now that he has withdrawn a sum of cash, he has a huge amount of funds in his hand. No matter how the future develops, he doesn't have to worry too much. When the stock market plummets in the future, Then buy the bottom and get the shares back.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, there is no problem. I will support your decision. At the same time, our Li Group will increase the shareholding of new shares in the same proportion to ensure that our Li Group will occupy 20% of the shares of Changshi Group."

Although Li Guangyu knew that he would definitely suffer some losses when the stock market plummeted when he increased his holdings this time, but considering the future development of Changshi, Li Guangyu didn't care.

After all, Cheung Kong Group issued new shares. If the Li Group, the second largest shareholder of the group, does not increase its holdings, it is estimated that the market will be very unfavorable to Changshi.

Li Ka-shing was very happy with Li Guangyu's support. As long as the news of Li's Group's increase in Cheung Kong's new shares spread, he believed that many shareholders would be willing to buy the new shares issued by Cheung Kong.Moreover, the news of this good news is very beneficial to reducing the shares in your hands.

Li Ka-shing said: "Coslight, thank you for your support to me. Don't worry, I will also increase my holdings of new shares. I believe that the performance of our Changshi Group in the past few years will definitely be recognized by the citizens."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Uncle Li, don't be polite to me. I am very relieved that Changshi Group has your leader. I have made a lot of money investing in your Changshi Group in the past few years. I want to say thank you. I am me thanking you."

When Li Guangyu became a shareholder of Changshi Group, the market value of Changshi Group was only more than 6 million Hong Kong dollars at that time, but now the market value has exceeded 20 billion Hong Kong dollars. In less than three years, the market value has tripled. How not to make Li Guangyu happy.

Li Guangyu is very clear that this is just the beginning, and the Cheung Kong Group will develop rapidly in the future. The market value of hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars is quite easy for Cheung Kong.

Li Guangyu's investment in the Cheung Kong Group alone will make at least hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars in profits in the future, and this depends entirely on Li Ka-shing's leadership, so Li Guangyu naturally supports his decision.

Li Ka-shing said: "Coslight, if you can trust me and invest in our group, I naturally want the major shareholders to make profits, so don't be polite to me. This time our group will issue additional shares, and I hope your media can do more Publicize it, especially about your increase in shareholding, so as to strengthen the confidence of shareholders in our group."

Li Ka-shing hopes to use the influence of Li Guangyu and the Lee Group this time to quickly achieve the goal of this new share issuance.He also doesn't know how long the Xiangjiang stock market can last like this, and the money should be safe.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, there is no problem. After I go back, I will arrange for Liu Tianci and Zhou Liangshuyi to publicize the achievements we have made in the past few years. Will let it out."

Li Ka-shing casually chatted with Li Guangyu about the situation in the Japanese market. Currently, it is under construction under the leadership of Zhao Qianyin, and the entire construction period is expected to be two and a half years.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, how about your personnel? I am currently in short supply of personnel in the group. Let your people take over. I will ask Zhao Qianyin to go to Baodao, and I will also have Lin Yanyun for business there." People are a little busy."

This time, Li Guangyu is no longer just developing one project in Baodao. This time, he will develop three projects in Taipei, Taoyuan and Hsinchu at the same time. This makes it too hard for Lin Yanyun to travel to three places for a long time. Arrange for two people to go there.

Li Ka-shing naturally knew about Li Guangyu's big move in Treasure Island, which caused a sensation in Treasure Island at that time, and Xiangjiang also reported it in detail.Changshi does not have such strong financial resources as the Li Group. These places can only be sold after they are built. This is a huge test for the financial strength of the group. A little carelessness will be a huge disaster for the group .

Li Ka-shing said: "Guangyu, you have also seen that I am still recruiting Cheung Kong staff to work at Hutchison Whampoa. For the time being, I also ask Ms. Zhao Qianyin to work in our Cheung Kong Group for a while. I will transfer Hutchison Whampoa to work for a while. After that, you are considering whether to transfer Ms. Zhao back. You can discuss with Zhao Kee, he has no shortage of people, you can transfer Mr. Zhao Yu back first, he is also our director of Hutchison Whampoa."

Li Ka-shing does not want Zhao Qianyin to leave the Cheung Kong Group now. The Japanese market has just opened up, and his personnel have not yet laid a solid foundation there. With Zhao Qianyin around, it is easier to solve any problems in the group.

Besides, with Zhao Qianyin over there, it is much easier to find help from the Li Group. After the people on my side take over, if there is anything wrong with the group, they can't just contact Gan Qinglin for help like Zhao Qianyin did.

Li Guangyu knew that he wanted to transfer back the two people he had sent out this year, so it was probably not going to happen.Both Li Ka-shing and Lee Shau-kee are good people. If they haven't laid a solid foundation there, they won't agree.

(End of this chapter)

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