Through the wealth life

Chapter 386 Cathay Pacific Acquisition Blocked

Chapter 386 Cathay Pacific Acquisition Blocked
On the morning of August 8th, Li Guangyu personally went to HSBC to meet its chairman Shen Bi, hoping to win the 9% of Cathay Pacific shares held by them, and then find a way to acquire 30% of the shares held by Swire Group.

Li Guangyu had a good idea. Taking advantage of the sharp drop in the stock market, HSBC lost a large amount of money from him. He thought that HSBC would have a plan to transfer the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways, but his thinking was too naive.

When Shen Bi heard about Li Guangyu's intentions, he rejected Li Guangyu's request to acquire Cathay Pacific without even thinking about the sale price.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Shen Bi, it is not very useful for you HSBC to hold this part of the shares, and the profit of Cathay Pacific Airways is not very high now, and there is even no direct flight to London now. The performance of Cathay Pacific is not very good, at least the sale of Cathay Pacific’s shares will not let your HSBC annual report disappoint shareholders too much.”

After hearing what Li Guangyu said, Shen Bi was even more unwilling to sell the shares of Cathay Pacific to Li Guangyu.If Li Guangyu hadn't cheated their British consortium in the stock market, how could his HSBC's profit this year be so low.

Fortunately, for the sake of their own group's reputation, several big British consortiums did not choose to renege on their debts. They all tried their best to make up the shortfall to their banks, otherwise HSBC would be even more difficult.

Shen Bi said: "Li Sheng, I am very optimistic about the development of Cathay Pacific Airways, especially after you came forward to propose a share acquisition, which made me more sure that the future of Cathay Pacific Airways is limitless. The companies you invest in all have rich returns. , We at HSBC also believe in your vision, and we plan to hold the shares of Cathay Pacific for a long time."

Li Guangyu was speechless about this, he co-authored it because he was optimistic about it, so he didn't sell it to him, this is too annoying, Li Guangyu reckoned that if he went to discuss with Swire Group, Swire Group would not sell the shares to himself, It seems that if you want to have an airline, you need to think of other ways.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Shen Bi, you don't need to provoke me with such a reason. In my group, the two companies that belong to public service enterprises do not make much money. No matter the Kowloon Bus or my wholly-owned Xiangjiang Telephone The group doesn't make much profit."

Shen Bi said: "Li Sheng, with the money spent by your two groups, no amount of profit can bear it. Take Kowloon Bus for example, many of the more remote routes are operating at a loss. No money is made. Yes, but your Li Group has a very high status in the hearts of the citizens of Xiangjiang."

Shen Bi still admired Li Guangyu very much. Since he took over the Kowloon Bus Company, although he has provided some convenience for his own group, he has still opened many new lines to facilitate the travel of local citizens.Especially in some places in the suburbs, they are losing money at all, but the Li Group still does this.

The Xiangjiang Telephone Group is also replacing the aging lines for the citizens. At the same time, it has also opened a 24-hour service hotline to solve problems for the citizens at any time, and the cost has not increased at all.

Shen Bi knew very well that there are very few people in Xiangjiang who can do this to Li Guangyu, if they don't have such a heart at all, they would like to put all the money into their pockets.Or it is because of the lack of power, the acquisition of such a group costs billions of Hong Kong dollars, but now it does not make much profit every year, and few people can afford it.

Li Guangyu didn't think about how much money he would make on Kowloon Bus. If it wasn't for the responsibility of shareholders, he would increase his investment in it. The 15% profit line stipulated by Xiangjiang, Kowloon Bus has only been around 5% every year for the past few years. profit.

Li Guangyu originally wanted to privatize Kowloon Bus, but with such profits, many shareholders were still unwilling to Li Guangyu's privatization, and they wanted to continue to hold shares. Li Guangyu later did not force delisting from the stock market.

For Xiangjiang Telephone Company, Li Guangyu has invested a lot in the past year. As long as the line is replaced and maintained properly, it can be used for many years, and he can make money lying down.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Shen Bi, you also know that I didn't buy these public service companies for the sake of making a lot of money. I will invest the money in other industries to get more returns than this. I also think about better things." It is only serving the citizens of Hong Kong, and the development of Cathay Pacific cannot keep up with the speed of economic development in Hong Kong, which is quite inconvenient for the citizens of Hong Kong to travel."

Shen Bi was not moved by it. Cathay Pacific is now an airline company in Xiangjiang. The Xiangjiang government will not approve Chinese families to enter the aviation field. With the support of the British and Xiangjiang governments, he believes that the development of Cathay Pacific will definitely be better. It's getting better and better.

Shen Bi said: "Mr. Li, I'm really sorry, we at HSBC really have no plans to sell, if we have such plans in the future, I will definitely be the first to contact you."

Seeing this, Li Guangyu didn't say anything more, he knew that Shen Bi was determined not to sell it to him, and what he said so far was just useless work.

Li Guangyu said to Shen Bi: "Mr. Shen Bi, although Cathay Pacific is the only one in Xiangjiang, I believe that in the near future, I am afraid that he will not have such a status. You need to be cautious in holding shares in HSBC. After all, you are also taking It’s just an investment of the client’s money.”

Shen Bi said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Xiangjiang to establish a second airline. Cathay Pacific is enough for us. I think the Xiangjiang government will consider our actual situation and will not let the second airline The company came out to form a malicious competition situation."

Shen Bi doesn't know what Li Guangyu means. This guy seems to be thinking of starting a new airline company. The rich guy is mainly because if he is allowed to establish it, the value of Cathay Pacific will be halved immediately. .Look at his practice in public service companies. Once the airline is established, the price of air tickets will be greatly reduced by him. How can Cathay Pacific rely on this monopoly advantage to earn high profits.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Shen Bi, some things are not up to you or me. Even the Xiangjiang government has to make concessions in some aspects. The monopoly of Cathay Pacific Airlines is not beneficial to the development of Xiangjiang. Only by competing among companies can we better serve the citizens of Xiangjiang.”

Shen Bi still didn't believe that Li Guangyu could pull out an airline company in a short period of time. At least in the next two years, he would not even think about setting up an airline company in Xiangjiang.

Shen Bi said: "Li Sheng, you don't have to worry about whether our shares will depreciate or not. The current economic situation in Xiangjiang is not very good. You should give more consideration to the development of your own company. The expansion is too fast, and the foundation is too high. It’s not stable but it’s easy to collapse.”

Li Guangyu didn't say anything more, and after bidding farewell to Shen Bi, he left HSBC.

After Li Guangyu left the office, Shen Bi contacted Wooden Shihuaiya and told him about Li Guangyu's acquisition of Cathay Pacific.

Wooden Shi Huaiya did not expect that the Li Group was eyeing its own airline again. This is really planning to buy up their British-funded consortium before giving up.

Wooden Shi Huaiya said: "Mr. Shen Bi, don't worry, our Swire Group will not give up the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways in our hands. It is a dream for Li Guangyu to take over Cathay Pacific Airways."


(End of this chapter)

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