Through the wealth life

Chapter 39 Hongyu Clothing Group

Chapter 39 Hongyu Clothing Group
On February 79, 2, Li Guangyu came to Taiping Clothing Company and presided over the company's high-level meeting.After listening to reports from various departments of the company, Li Guangyu said: "In the past year, I paid the least attention to the clothing company. Fortunately, with your efforts, the company has achieved significant development. Here, thank you What everyone has done for the company.”

After Li Guangyu finished speaking, there was a clap of palms below.

After the applause subsided, Li Guangyu continued: "I just heard some data from the financial department, and I feel very happy. One is that our own Chengyu brand has the endorsement of Teresa Teng, plus Xiangyu Group and Jiayi The group's publicity has achieved good sales in Asia."

"The second is that our Chengyu's direct stores have our direct stores and franchise stores in major cities in Southeast Asia, Xiangjiang, Baodao, Lisboa, RB and South Korea. This allows our clothing to be sold in these areas IPO."

"The third is that we are currently adding the factory area of ​​Li's Industrial Park, and our garment processing employees have exceeded 2000."

"The fourth is the most important thing for us. Our company made a profit of more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars last year, and the profit of our OEM products accounted for less than 3000%. Our company is moving from an OEM factory to a self-designed, self-owned brand. , self-production and self-sale ecological chain clothing group transformation."

Li Guangyu took a sip of tea after he finished speaking, and continued: "Seeing the continuous development and growth of the clothing company, let me tell you something happy for everyone, so as to repay everyone's hard work over the past year."

Li Guangyu announced: "Taiping Clothing Company has officially changed its name to Hongyu Clothing Group, and Chen Dong will be the vice chairman and chief executive officer of the board of directors of the group company."

Although Chen Dong knew that the company was upgrading to a group, the CEO must be himself.But when Li Guangyu announced the appointment, he still couldn't help being excited, thinking that many of the other presidents under the Li family were recruited by himself.As a result, one by one rose faster than myself. It would be impossible if I didn't have any ideas.Now that he has finally become the president of a group company under Li's, he feels more at ease.

Chen Dong stood up and said, "Thank you Li Sheng for trusting me. I will definitely lead the group well and not lose Li's face."

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Chen, it's better not to complain, you have worked for our Li family for more than 20 years, and now you are being promoted, I hope that Uncle Chen will take the helm for the Li family in the clothing industry that you are good at. "

Li Guangyu then announced: "The manager of the sales department is the vice president of the group. Since Xie Tao joined the company, under his leadership, the sales department has established our own direct sales network in Southeast Asia, RB, South Korea, and Taiwan. It is because of him that our own brand can achieve such good results."

Xie Tao's face was flushed with excitement. He never thought that he would be the vice president of the group company, so he quickly got up to express his gratitude to Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu then announced that "Zhao Dan, the manager of the finance department, will be the director and financial director of the group."


Li Guangyu announced Liu Weifang, manager of the administration department of the group director, Yu Xiaoan, director of the human resources department of the group, and Qin Pingwei, manager of the security department.

After Li Guangyu announced the appointment of the senior management of the group company, he said: "At present, our group brand is too single, so in the next year, I hope that the group will develop a high-end product and make good use of our two major brands, Jiayi and Xiangyu. Taking advantage of the group's advantages, to launch this brand, at least the Asian territory must be given up."

Xie Tao, vice president of the group, stood up and said: "Li Sheng's question about the development of high-end clothing, our company already has its own plan. While we plan to advertise in Xiangyu Group, we are going to cooperate with Jiayi Group. Our clothing The way the group sponsors Jiayi Group’s programs makes Jiayi Group’s actors and program hosts wear our costumes, and at the same time, Teresa Teng, Xu Guanjie, etc. are invited to endorse our products, which has made us famous in Asia. Now let Li Sheng name our new costumes. "

When Li Guangyu heard that the group had already had such an idea, he was still waiting to name it himself.It seems that even if I don't talk about this issue today, they will report to me later. Li Guangyu is quite satisfied with the company's senior management.

Li Guangyu said: "Since you have a plan, go ahead and do it boldly. I will let Xiangyu Group and Jiayi Group cooperate with you. As for the name of this brand, it will be called Hongyu."


After the meeting, Li Guangyu came to Chen Dong's office.Discuss the structure of the subsidiaries under the group.

Li Guangyu said to Chen Dong: "Uncle Chen, at present we have listed two companies that specialize in clothing production as one subsidiary company, named Hongyu Clothing Company. OEM. The design department came out independently to establish Hongyu Clothing Design Company, which specializes in the clothing design of our own brand. The sales department established Hongyu Clothing Sales Company. Brand. After our self-owned brand is continuously improved in the future, each company in our group will concentrate on operating its own brand.”

After listening to Li Guangyu's words, Chen Dong replied: "Li Sheng, I will arrange the affairs of the group according to your requirements. In terms of brand agency, we will conduct a survey first, and then consider which two or three agents are similar to our own. There are products with no conflicting brands."

After hearing what Chen Dong said, Li Guangyu felt relieved.

He said to Chen Dong: "Uncle Chen, you need to worry about the group's affairs. I pay less attention to this side. The company mainly wants you to lead it forward."

Seeing that Li Guangyu trusted him so much, Chen Dong felt that all the hard work he had put in for the development of Li's clothing company in the past [-] years was worth it.

Said: "Li Sheng, don't worry, I will manage the clothing company for the Li family."


Li Guangyu came to He Zuozhi's home after finishing his business with Hongyu Clothing Group.

"Guangyu, I heard from Hongshen that Huo Yingdong and Hu Yinxiang nominated you as a member of the chamber of commerce at the Xiangjiang Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce. What's going on?" In He Zuozhi's study, He Zuozhi asked Li Guangyu.

After listening to He Zuozhi's question, Li Guangyu also felt baffled. If you say that Ho Hongshen and Li Ka-shing nominated Li Guangyu to join the Construction Chamber of Commerce and become a sensible person, it is understandable.But Li Guangyu was not familiar with Huo Yingdong and Hu Yinxiang at all. How could they nominate themselves to join the Construction Chamber of Commerce?

Li Guangyu said to He Zuozhi: "Grandpa, I haven't heard anything about this matter at all. If you didn't mention it now, I wouldn't even know what happened."

Seeing that Li Guangyu didn't know anything about it, He Zuozhi said, "It should be Huo Yingdong and the others trying to win you over. You don't have to pay too much attention to it. You also own a real estate group, and joining it will be of some benefit to you."

"Good grandpa, I will pay attention to my behavior in dealing with them, so that it will not affect the development of the company." Li Guangyu said.

"After you joined the chamber of commerce, if you have any problems in the meeting, you just follow behind your ninth uncle and let him come forward to solve them. Don't force yourself to come forward." He Zuozhi instructed.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I understand. If there is any problem, I will transfer the problem to Uncle Jiu because I don't understand it when I was young." Li Guangyu said.


(End of this chapter)

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