Through the wealth life

Chapter 40 Xiangjiang Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 40 Xiangjiang Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce

On February 2, Li Guangyu came to No. 8 Des Voeux Road Central, Central.It is this small place where most of the families and real estate companies in Xiangjiang gather in every meeting.Xiangjiang Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce, Yacht Club and Jockey Club are the three top chambers of commerce in Xiangjiang. At the same time, only Xiangjiang Construction Chamber of Commerce is all Chinese-invested families.

Some people say that the three major chambers of commerce in Xiangjiang control the entire economic development of Xiangjiang. Don’t believe it. Just look at the directors of these chambers of commerce and you will know how much influence they have in Xiangjiang.

When Li Guangyu entered Xiangjiang Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce, many directors and honorary consultants had already come.Li Guangyu didn't know many people. Of course, he might have heard of their names, but Li Guangyu had met too few people.

This is also because Li Guangyu rarely attends such high-level meetings and banquets.The speed of his rise was too short, so his contacts in the upper class of Xiangjiang were still too few.

Not long after Li Guangyu came in, Li Zhaoji came to the conference room, and Li Guangyu hurried over to greet him.

"Guangyu, I didn't expect you to join here at such a young age. Looking at you, fourth uncle, I feel old." Li Zhaoji said to Li Guangyu with a smile.

"Fourth Uncle, don't make fun of Guangyu. You are upright now. Under your leadership, Zhaoji Group is thriving. It is the time for rapid development." Li Guangyu returned quickly.

"Guangyu, I can't compare to you. Looking at your development over the past year, your Starlight Real Estate alone has surpassed my Zhaoji Group."

"Fourth Uncle, that's because I was lucky. I made some money in Starlight and Xiangyu Group. Now my real estate company only has input but no output. My ability in the real estate industry is far inferior to yours." Li Guangyu Modestly said.

"Guangyu, you don't have to be so humble in front of me. Who else in Xiangjiang can increase the family assets from more than 1 million to more than 100 billion in just one year. I admire your ability, fourth uncle. If Jia In the future, Jie will have half of your ability, so I can safely hand over the family business to him." Li Zhaoji said with a sigh.

At this time, Guo Desheng came over and heard Li Zhaoji's exclamation, so he said: "Brother Li, you are in your prime, and Jiajie is only 16 years old. What are you worried about?"

Li Zhaoji heard what Guo Desheng said, and responded: "Isn't it a bit emotional to see Guangyu develop the family business so well?"

Li Guangyu saw the two tycoons talking, but he just stood aside and listened quietly.

Guo Desheng said: "Your two children are still young, and there is still plenty of time to train them. I am only now anxious. None of these boys satisfy me. If they had half the ability of Coslight, I would have handed over the enterprise to them a long time ago. .”

Li Zhaoji also knew that none of the three brothers of the Guo family were pioneers, so he didn't answer Guo Desheng's words, but said to Li Guangyu, "Guangyu, you know this guy, you can just call him Uncle Guo from now on."

Li Guangyu heard that Li Zhaoji intended to draw closer to himself and Guo Desheng, which was what he wanted to do.So following Li Zhaoji's words, he said: "Uncle Guo, hello!"

Guo Desheng came here because he wanted to establish a good relationship with Li Guangyu, and said: "Guangyu, if you need your uncle Guo's help in the future, just ask, Uncle Guo can help as much as possible."

Li Zhaoji said: "Guangyu, you and I, Uncle Guo, are already old. In the future, Xiangjiang will still be dominated by your young people. I hope that in the future, you, Bingxiang and Jiajie can get along with each other and develop together. I hope that in the future you Being able to help them will not make our two families feel lonely in the future."

Li Guangyu knew that this was the purpose of these two bosses. They were investing in Li Guangyu in advance, hoping that Li Guangyu could support their descendants in the future.

Li Guangyu didn't have any objection to this, and it happened that he could bring down the alliance of the two Xiangjiang families.

Li Guangyu said, "Fourth Uncle, Uncle Guo, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with Sun Hung Kai and Shau Kee Group more in the future. Only when the Chinese-owned conglomerates in Heung Kong are united, can we better cooperate with the British-funded consortium headed by the Big Four compete."

This is Ho Hongshen, the vice chairman of the Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce, came to the meeting room. Li Guangyu and Guo Li hurried forward to say hello after pleading guilty.

Stanley Ho said to Li Guangyu: "Guangyu, if you want to join the chamber of commerce, just tell me no? Why ask outsiders for recommendations? Isn't this a joke for others to see?"

Li Guangyu knew that Ho Hongshen had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Uncle Jiu, I didn't ask anyone to recommend it. If my grandfather hadn't told me about it, I wouldn't know what happened. You know it too, don't look at the huge assets of my real estate company. Well, none of the serious projects have been developed. Now the group is busy developing the commercial land in Tianshuiwei, and I don't pay much attention to the progress there. How can I find someone to recommend me to join the Real Estate Construction Association? I'm looking for you, and Uncle Li and the others."

After hearing what Li Guangyu said, Ho Hongshen put aside the little dissatisfaction in his heart.He said to Li Guangyu: "This time there are quite a few people who recommended you to join the chamber of commerce. Chairman Huo Yingdong, executive directors Hu Yinxiang and Wang Kuancheng, Fang Runhua, and several directors made joint nominations."

"Uncle Jiu, I'm not very familiar with these people. I don't have a good relationship with them, right?" Li Guangyu knew that these people must be behind Queen Huosha, and they were staunch leftists.

Stanley Ho reminded Li Guangyu: "For them, you should thank them later. After all, some materials of the Xiangjiang construction industry can't be played without them. But we can't express our opinions on some issues at will. My interests must be To be guaranteed, the development of the family cannot be impacted. This is what most of our families mean. Today's Xiangjiang is the most sensitive time. You are so young now, don't act impulsively and make yourself regret in the future .”

Li Guangyu knew that Stanley Ho cared about him, otherwise he wouldn't have said these things to himself.Back: "Uncle Jiu, don't worry, I know how to do it."


With Huo Yingdong's arrival, members of the Xiangjiang Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce have arrived.

Huo Yingdong said at the meeting: "With the rapid development of Xiangjiang, our chamber of commerce is also constantly absorbing new blood. Today, our chamber of commerce welcomes another young hero. On behalf of our chamber of commerce, I would like to express our gratitude to Li Guangyu for joining us." Welcome."

Li Guangyu stood up and said, "Thank you for your recommendation and recognition. I am still young, and I would like to ask my seniors for guidance in my future development."

Huo Yingdong continued after seeing Li Guangyu's speech: "I will not repeat Li Sheng's deeds over the past year. I believe everyone knows him very well. After our last resolution, I now announce that Li Guangyu is Xiangjiang He is a member of the board of directors of real estate and also serves as a director of the executive committee of the chamber of commerce."

Li Guangyu was very surprised when he heard that, he thought it would be enough to join as a director, but he didn't expect to be made a director of the executive committee. This can be approved by these big bosses?
Li Guangyu said: "Thank you for the trust of all the directors. Compared with my seniors in real estate, I still have a big gap. I thought I could become a director. I was elected as a director of the executive committee, and in future meetings, I will do my best to provide advice and suggestions for the Hong Kong real estate industry."

(End of this chapter)

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