Through the wealth life

Chapter 398 Confronting the Singapore Consortium

Chapter 398 Confronting the Singapore Consortium

In the early morning of the next day, some media in Xiangjiang reported on Tianyu Investment Company’s acquisition of Swire Holdings’ shares, which focused on the report that in the acquisition with HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank, the manager of its investment department rejected the acquisition by Li’s Group.

The newspaper reporter also wrote a long commentary, questioning why the two major investment companies are no longer willing to trade the stocks they hold under the circumstances that shareholders are strongly demanding to clear their positions and stop losses.

The newspaper's report immediately brought HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank to the forefront. As soon as the securities department went to work, it received many questioning calls from customers, asking the securities department to trade their stocks immediately, otherwise they would take action to protect their own interests. .

Many customers even went to the bank directly, asking them to take out the shares they held for themselves and trade them by themselves. The investment department was very dissatisfied with the personnel of these departments.

In Shen Bi's office, the manager of the investment department of HSBC said to him: "Chairman, we can't delay this matter any longer. The reports under the Li Group have hurt our bank very much. This time, customers came to the bank to question , will definitely be reported, if our investment department does not act, I am afraid our reputation will be ruined, please come up with a way."

Shen Bi was very angry with Li Guangyu's behavior. Every time he did such a business, he always used the media group he controlled to fan the flames and let it facilitate his actions.

Naturally, they were unhappy on Shen Bi's side, but they really had nothing to do with Li Guangyu. Although Li Guangyu always liked to do this, what Li Guangyu reported was the truth, and he never slandered anyone. In the final analysis, this incident still hurt them. Own.

Shen Bi asked, "Do you think we will hold the shares of Swire Holdings, or transfer them out?"

The manager of the investment department said: "Chairman, this issue needs to be decided by you. I can't see the current stock market situation clearly. I will follow your orders whether to hold it myself or sell it."

Shen Bi himself can't see the current situation clearly. His bank wants to make a profit. If he puts his funds into shares and suffers a huge loss instead, it will not affect him very well. He is currently in this position because of The problem in the stock market this time is not easy. If there is another big loss, I am afraid that I will give up my position.

Shen Bi said: "You contact Wooden Shihuaiya immediately and ask him if he wants to take over our shares. If not, we can only seek a deal in the market."

"Okay Chairman, I'll contact the Swire Group right now." The manager of the investment department left Shen Bi's office after speaking. He needed to explain to the clients, and at the same time, he would also make a promise to them. Sell ​​your shares today.

When there were rumors in Xiangjiang that Li's Group had acquired Swire Holdings, another shocking news came out.The consortium formed by the Qiu family, the Guo family and the Huang family in Singapore is discussing with Jardine Matheson the acquisition of Hongkong Electric Group.

Like ordinary citizens who just used this news as their talking point, the upper echelons of Xiangjiang were really shocked. They knew that Li Guangyu was determined to win Heungkong Electric Group, but they did not expect that a few families from Singapore would dare to take over Heungkong Electric Group. Courage Commendable.

Just after the news came out, the phone calls of the heads of the major families in Xiangjiang became busy, especially those families who had a good relationship with those families became the object of many inquiries.

The first call Bao Yugang received was from Cao Wenjin, Li Guangyu's father-in-law.

Cao Wenjin said on the phone: "Yu Gang, I know that you have a good relationship with those families, but our Xiangjiang Chinese family has always been in the same spirit, and we don't need you to take action this time, and please don't give me any trouble later. Let's apply pressure."

Cao Wenjin was really angry this time. The big families in Singapore really didn't give him face. They knew that their son-in-law was after Xiangjiang Electric Group's idea, but they still wanted to intervene. man.

This time, He Zuozhi, Ho Hongshen, and Luo Luocheng all contacted him. This time they wanted to teach these families a lesson, and let them understand that Xiangjiang is not where they want to come.

Cao Wenjin really couldn't figure out why these big families insisted on acquiring the Xiangjiang Electric Lighting Group even though they knew Li Guangyu's influence in Xiangjiang. This would obviously make things difficult for them, and it was impossible for them not to know.

Bao Yugang was also very embarrassed, and at the same time felt sad. They were originally for the Huazi family, and they should be united. He himself didn't understand what kind of benefits Jardine Group promised to these families, so that they would not hesitate to offend Li The consortium is also going to acquire Xiangjiang Electric Group.

Bao Yugang said: "Wen Jin, don't worry, I will not jump out to stop your actions. It is true that Deba and the others did something unethical this time. I have persuaded him, but unfortunately he did not listen to us. Opinion."

When Bao Yugang was facing Cao Wenjin's call, Run Run Shaw from Wireless was also answering the call.

He Zuozhi said on the phone: "Lao Liu, I know that you have a deep relationship in Nanyang, and you have a good relationship with several big families in Singapore. This time I also hope that your wireless TV station can stand on a neutral position and not favor the Singapore family. .”

He Zuozhi mainly works in the media, and now he is still the chairman of Xiangjiang Commercial Radio. He understands the importance of public opinion. This time, he will make up for the loopholes here. Li's Group has Jiayi Group and Xiangyu Group plus him The commercial radio station is enough to influence Hong Kong's public opinion.

Over the years, my grandson has never suppressed Chinese-owned families, and has given many suggestions to many families in Xiangjiang, allowing many families to respond to the economic crisis in advance and reduce a lot of losses.

Now his grandson is competing with the British consortium, but he didn't expect the Singapore consortium to hold back, which made him very angry.If it wasn't for their grandson fighting the British consortium in front, they wouldn't even be qualified to negotiate with the Jardine Group.

Run Run Shaw knew that this time the Lee Consortium and the Singapore Consortium were completely on the same page, but he didn't know whether the benefits the Singapore Consortium received from the British consortium were worth fighting against the Li Consortium.

Run Run Shaw himself didn't want to confront the Li's consortium anyway, this time he would strictly keep his neutrality, neither the Li's consortium nor the Singapore consortium had anything to do with Wireless, he still made preparations for wireless satellite launch.

Run Run Shaw said, "Zuo Zhi, don't worry, we Wireless will not get involved in the struggle between your two families."

The same scene happened with Qiu Degen. Qiu Degen naturally would not let ATV get involved in the struggle between the two consortiums. The Singapore consortium may have received some promises from the British consortium, but ATV did not.And even if there are some benefits, I don't dare to accept them. Li's consortium is not just talking in Xiangjiang.

While Qiu Degen admired the courage of the Singapore consortium, he was also saddened by their decision. They didn't know that the British consortium paid such a high price to invite them here. Is it just for fun, or did they think Li Guangyu really advertised it to the outside world? amiable.

Just kidding, if Li Guangyu advertised to the media, how could his Li's consortium develop so powerfully? The tragedy of the Li's back then and the current British consortium was not caused by Li Guangyu.


(End of this chapter)

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