Through the wealth life

Chapter 399 Holding Failure

Chapter 399 Holding Failure
Li Guangyu himself heard the news that the Singaporean consortium was planning to acquire the Heung Kong Electric Group that day, but because he is currently busy with Swire Holdings, he has no time to deal with this issue at the moment. He plans to deal with it after he owns Swire Holdings. This time the Singapore consortium.

Time passed, and it came to August 8th in a blink of an eye. During this nearly a week, Li Guangyu has failed to acquire the shares held by these shareholders as he wished, so that he currently only has 25% of Swire Holdings. shares, with voting rights is only about 36.8%.

In the conference room of Tianyu Investment Company, Li Guangyu asked Guo Fengtao again about the shareholders, whether they no longer planned to transfer the shares to his company.

Guo Fengtao said: "Li Sheng, I contacted the people over there, and they are still considering it. According to news, they are waiting for the Shi Huaiya family to offer them a higher price."

Li Guangyu was very angry when he heard that. Those shareholders are really greedy. The current conditions have already exceeded five levels of premium. They are still not satisfied and hope to get a higher price.

If it wasn't for Li Guangyu this time for Cathay Pacific, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to these shareholders.

The British side is not going well, because the Swire Group is jumping up and down there, and the Li Guangyu Group has also been hindered in the acquisition of the British Telecom Group this time. During Cher's economic reform, he cooperated with Thatcher in privatizing public enterprises to promote the development of the British economy.

Li Guangyu said: "You contact there again to find out what those shareholders think, give them a price premium of six layers, and ask them to complete the transaction as soon as possible."

When Li Guangyu held a meeting here, several major shareholders of Swire Holdings were invited by Shen Bi to come to the Peninsula Hotel.

When these shareholders arrived, they saw that in the box besides Shen Bi, there were several representatives of the British consortium including Wooden Swire, Henry Keswick, George Lavin, and Paul Madden. I also met representatives of several Singaporean consortiums who have been stirring up trouble in Xiangjiang these days.

Shen Bi said: "You are welcome, please sit down."

These major shareholders feel that these companies are probably going to put pressure on them today, otherwise so many people would not join forces to invite themselves over. They made up their minds that they would not pay the same price as the Li Consortium. Transfer of shares to Wooden Shuaia.

Wooden Shihuaiya said: "We have worked together in Swire for so many years, and we all get along very well. We are all from England. You don't want our company to become a subsidiary company of the Lee Consortium."

These few shareholders don’t care who the company belongs to. The Li’s consortium has also taken over Bentley and Jaguar in the mainland, and they have not seen any opposition from the British government and the local consortium. This time the stock market plummeted, they and others suffered huge losses. Naturally, the higher the price, the better.

Everyone here is very clear about the thoughts of these shareholders. If they choose to do this at this time, no one wants to make a little money, but they just make money on their own heads, which is a bit uncomfortable.

Shen Bi said: "Everyone is a businessman, and each of them understands their thoughts. We invite you here today because we want to buy the shares of Swire Holdings in your hands. In terms of price, you can rest assured that the Li's consortium has already paid a premium. Is it five floors? We have decided to take the stock in your hands at a premium of six floors this time, and we hope you will not refuse."

These shareholders did not expect the British consortium to be so powerful this time, and actually raised the price to a level higher than that of the Li's consortium. When negotiating with Wooden Shihuaiya a few days ago, they offered the same price as the Li's consortium. It takes a long time to grind.

Henry Keswick said: "We have been very sincere this time, and please make a decision early. This is also the last time we offer you an offer. You can let the Li's consortium acquire your shares at this price, but you Don't forget that you are also British, you still have to go back, and you will develop in the Commonwealth in the future, I'm afraid it won't do you much good to be greedy."

These shareholders really wanted to talk to Li Guangyu, but after listening to Henry Keswick's threatening words, they couldn't help but think about whether it was worth offending them for the little extra money they were waiting for. .These people have a lot of influence in the Asian region, and they are developing here.In many cases, it is necessary to rely on them, especially HSBC and Standard Chartered.

At the same time, these shareholders were also restless, and were a little annoyed at Wooden Szehuaiya. This was clearly a matter between the Swire Group and them. As a result, Wooden Szehuaiya pulled out such a group of people to put pressure on himself and others, so that I and others had to sell the shares to him.

After thinking about it for a while, some of the shareholders here said, "Shi Huaiya, congratulations on continuing to control Swire AG. You can take my shares, but I want cash, so don't even think about taking it." Come over to replace the shares of your Swire Group, I don't need that thing."

When they were discussing with Wooden Shihuaiya a few days ago, Shihuaiya proposed to replace the shares in their hands with the shares of the London Swire Group. These shareholders do not want the shares of the Swire Group. Who knows Whether Li Guangyu will attack the Swire Group, it is better for him and others to avoid it.

Wooden Shihuaiya said: "Don't worry, this time the shares are purchased in cash, and they also have such strength. The few people beside me must have some understanding. This time, the shares in your hands will be controlled by They bought together."

This time, in order to make the Singapore consortium and the Lee consortium completely match up, the British consortium not only took out the Xiangjiang Electric Group, but also let them eat the shares of the Swire Group. , After the stock market recovers, they will definitely be able to make a lot of money.

At the same time, they also promised the Singapore consortium that as long as the Lee consortium takes action against them, the British consortium will definitely help them, and at the same time assist the Singapore consortium in its expansion in the Commonwealth of Asian countries and regions.

The influence of these big foreign banks, HSBC and Standard Chartered in Asia is quite strong, which is why the Singaporean consortium is willing to take over Hong Kong Electric Group and Swire Group. They don't think that the Lee consortium can break their alliance with the Hongkong British consortium .

Moreover, these areas are now managed by the British government, and they have more advantages than the Lee Consortium.

These shareholders did not expect that the Singapore consortium is really not afraid of things. This is to offend the Li's consortium to the death. Do these few think that they don't have to worry about the Li's consortium when they cooperate with the British consortium?
They don't bother to care about this, just take the money in their own hands, and they don't regret it in the future. Don't these people know what the Li's consortium has forced the British consortium into? It’s okay for the government to do the backstop. These shareholders can only lament that the Singapore consortium thinks things too well.

These shareholders said: "We can call someone to deliver the shares right away. I wonder if your cash is ready?"

Shen Bi said: "Don't worry, once the contract is signed, we at HSBC can transfer the funds to your account."

After these shareholders heard this, they left the box and went to the hotel to borrow a phone to inform their family members to send over the shares of Swire.

After avoiding these people, one of the shareholders deliberately informed Guo Fengtao of the news.

In Li Guangyu's office, Guo Fengtao relayed to Li Guangyu exactly what the shareholder said.

After hearing this, Li Guangyu said, "I see, let's stop here for the time being regarding the acquisition of Swire Holdings."

Guo Fengtao couldn't detect Li Guangyu's current mood, but he knew that the Singapore consortium would definitely pay the price this time.

(End of this chapter)

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