Through the wealth life

Chapter 4 Star Cube

Chapter 4 Star Cube
Li Guangyu did not hold any opening ceremony. First, the company was too small. Second, when it came to games in Asia, there were only RBs. Xiangjiang was still a desert of video games, and almost no one in Xiangjiang was optimistic about this industry.

In many people's eyes, this company is a toy made by Li Guangyu, a typical representative of impulsive and willful investment that inherited the family inheritance. Now I don't know how many families are waiting to see Li Guangyu's jokes.

In the conference room of Xingyu Game Company, all the senior managers are waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival.

The sound of footsteps outside approached from far away, and Li Guangyu walked into the meeting room in formal attire, but a 16-year-old boy wearing a formal attire was always a little uncoordinated, even though Li Guangyu was already 1.7 meters tall, he still looked a little immature.

Li Guangyu looked around and said: "Everyone, management, today is the day when our company was established, and it is a great honor to have you join us. I believe that under your leadership, the new company will surely achieve brilliant achievements.

The game industry is still a desert for Xiangjiang. Many people outside are waiting to see my jokes, and they all think that I have found another toy for myself.

I know that because of my age, in the eyes of many families, at this time, the Li family should maintain the original industry to seek stable development, instead of rushing into the unfamiliar game industry like me. "

Li Guangyu paused and continued: "Why did I choose to enter the game industry? This is an industry mainly aimed at young people, and the spending power of young people should not be underestimated.

In RB, the development of the game industry is changing with each passing day. I think Manager Qin has a more comprehensive understanding of studying in Tokyo than I do. The market value of game companies led by Sega and Nintendo has created new highs every year, which proves that this industry has a future.

I also believe that under the leadership of all the elites, the company can become the Nintendo of Xiangjiang.That's all I'm going to talk about. Next, let's ask Manager Gan to talk about the company's situation. "

"Chairman, there are currently 48 employees in the company, 26 of whom are in charge of game development, but except for Manager Qin, most of them are college students who have just graduated and basically have no experience in game development. Since there are no corresponding products for other departments It is difficult to carry out the work." Gan Qinglin said.

"About our company's first product, I will discuss it with the development department later. At present, I will first transfer 1000 million to the company's account for the company's start-up capital. Manager Li from the sales department, the main markets of our games are RB and The United States, so I hope you will set up sales companies in the two countries next to build the company's sales channels."

Li Xuemei immediately replied: "I will recruit people from the two places as soon as possible. It's just the chairman. Where is the company's office located?"

"RB's office is located in Tokyo, and the United States is temporarily located in Los Angeles. There is more time, and it can be completed within three months." Li Guangyu thought for a while.


Li Guangyu came to the game development department together with Gan Qinglin and Yuan Tianfan, at this time Qin Peng had already recruited the development department staff together.

"Dear colleagues, welcome to join Xingyu Game Company. Whether our company can develop well depends on you first. Only when you develop good products can other departments of our company cooperate to grow the company.

Therefore, you are the top priority in the company. Game development focuses on creativity. I hope that you can innovate independently while completing the company's tasks. As long as you have good ideas, the company will not be stingy with rewards.

Your salary is currently [-], which is twice the current average salary of Xiangjiang. I only hope that you can work hard. This is just the starting point. The company will reward you every time you complete a game according to the situation. "

A group of young people who just came out of school were all enthusiastic after hearing the words of the chairman, and they could not wait to invest in game development immediately.

After Li Guangyu and the staff finished talking, he went into Qin Peng's office with Qin Peng, Gan Qinglin, and Yuan Tianfan.

"Manager Qin, when I founded the game company, I thought about a game, which is currently mainly used in arcades.

Plates of different shapes composed of four small squares fall down from the top of the screen one after another, and the players operate to change the shape and form a complete horizontal bar at the bottom of the screen, and the horizontal bar will disappear.

At the same time, players can get points, and the unfinished ones will accumulate. When the accumulation reaches the top of the screen, the player loses and the game ends. Do you think it is difficult to develop this game? "

"There is no big problem technically. We can produce the product in half a month." Qin Peng replied confidently.

"Well, Manager Qin, you and your development department will develop this product as soon as possible. As for this game, we will name it Xingyu Cube, so as to make our company famous."

Then Li Guangyu said to Gan Qinglin, "Qinglin, you should fully cooperate with Manager Qin's work. If you need equipment, add equipment, and if you need talent, go find talent."

"Yes, Chairman, I will cooperate with Manager Qin's work well."

Li Guangyu then said to Qin Peng: "Manager Qin, there are still too few capable talents in the company's development department. You can invite any of your former classmates and colleagues as long as they are capable. Our company will raise his original salary by three levels. I think there will always be some people who are willing to come.”

"Chairman, I need to contact you in a certain period of time. My former classmates and colleagues are basically in RB. It may be a bit difficult given the current situation of the company."

"It's okay, just do your best." Li Guangyu also said helplessly. Xiangjiang does not have the soil for the growth of game companies, and the talents are basically in RB. This is something he can't help.

Li Guangyu called Yuan Tianfan into the office alone. He had admired this great man for a long time.The right-hand man of the Li Ka-shing consortium actually came to him. These days, Li Guangyu could wake up from a dream with a smile, and cut off two generals of the old Li family in one go.

"Tianfan, let's talk about your main work in the future."

"Chairman, please speak." Yuan Tianfan said seriously.

"Tianfan, don't be so serious. I think so. This game company will basically be managed by Qinglin in the future. You graduated from the Department of Economics in Chicago. I don't know if you know anything about stocks and securities."

"Chairman, I still know a little about this."

"Well, you go to register an investment company. It's better to register an offshore company, which is convenient for us to operate in the future. The name of the company is Tianyu Investment, and the company will work on this floor. You can discuss it with Qinglin, and then recruit people. You can do whatever you want. General manager."

"Yes, Chairman."

"I will temporarily transfer 300 million to the company for the company's start-up capital, and then invest in it after a year."

Now Li Guangyu found that he had too little money. Once the two companies started, his account would be out of money.

At present, I only hope that the Wharf incident in 78 can bring him some extra money, otherwise he will not be able to do many things in the future.

At noon, Li Guangyu went to He Zuozhi's home, and after having lunch with He Zuozhi, he told him about his experience during this period.

He Zuozhi quietly listened to his grandson's speech and said, "Xiaoyu, my grandfather doesn't understand the game industry either. Since you think this can be developed, then go for it. As for setting up an investment company, you must be cautious. It depends on how many families you have. It was dragged down because of improper investment, so you must investigate clearly before investing, and don’t start lightly. Also, you must seize power and money in the company, and you must control personnel and finance.”

"Grandpa, I think I need a special financial person and a lawyer to take care of all the family properties. Do you have a good candidate?"

"In terms of finances, Zhou Xiaoning has worked for your family for more than ten years. There is no problem with his ability and character. You can use it with confidence. As for the lawyer, you can go to the Luo family. His family runs a law firm and will help you solve it."

"Okay, grandpa, I'll go back first, and I'll go to Luo's Law Firm tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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