Through the wealth life

Chapter 5 Qing Hong

Chapter 5 Qing Hong
Xiangjiang sometimes really feels very small. As long as you do a little research on the major families in Xiangjiang, you will find that many families are related to each other. Through continuous marriages, several major families have long formed interest groups linked by kinship. .

As far as the Luo family and the He family are concerned, the two families have basically stood together externally through multiple marriages.For example, the current head of the Luo family, Luo Luocheng's mother is He Dong's eldest daughter, and his grandmother is also a member of the He Dong family.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Li Guangyu came to Luo Wenjin's Lawyer's Office by car. As soon as he entered the Lawyer's Office, the administrative staff at the front desk came up and asked, "Hello, sir! Do you need any help?"

Regardless of the later generations or the current Xiangjiang, the front desk reception staff is always full of beautiful women, even in this lawyer's office.

"Hi, my name is Li Guangyu, I'm looking for your chairman."

"You are Mr. Li Guangyu. The chairman has ordered you to take you directly to his office when you come. Please follow me."

"OK, thanks."

The front desk administrator took Li Guangyu to the chairman's office, and knocked on the door twice.

"Please come in."

When Li Guangyu walked into the office, he saw a middle-aged man who was still busy looking through the documents. This Li Guangyu had met many times before. He was the current head of the Luo family, Luo Cheng.

A well-known political family in Hong Kong, I was elected as a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council at a young age, and even developed the family business to a new peak, an elite talent in both politics and business.

"Chairman, Mr. Li Guangyu is here."

At this moment, Luo Luocheng looked up and saw Li Guangyu coming in, and immediately said: "Guangyu, you are here, you sit down first, let's talk slowly. Xiao Min, go and pour a cup of tea."

After Li Guangyu found a place to sit down, he only heard Luo Luocheng continue: "Last night, my uncle called me and told me about your situation. I also prepared someone for you according to the situation in the lawyer's office. You can take a look at it later. If you don’t think so, I’ll help you find it.”

Li Guangyu said gratefully to Luo Luocheng: "I'm really sorry for you, uncle, I think there should be no problem. Uncle's understanding of the lawyer industry is at an expert level. Now it's just to see if the person you recommend is willing to follow me."

"You little guy, don't be polite to me. To put it bluntly, your father and I were classmates at Oxford University for four years. Although we studied different majors, we have always had a good relationship because we are both Hong Kong people.

To put it more closely, what is our relationship? Your grandfather is my uncle. We can be said to be a family. Helping juniors is what we elders should do. "

At this time, I only heard a knock on the door and remembered.

"Please come in."

The beauty at the front desk came in with a pot of tea and poured a cup of tea for Luo Luocheng and Li Guangyu respectively.

At this time, Luo Luocheng ordered: "Xiao Min, you go out and tell Qing Hong to come to my office."

"Yes, Chairman." After speaking, the receptionist named Xiao Min withdrew.

"Let me give you a brief introduction of Qinghong's situation. He is 30 years old this year, graduated from Cambridge University, and became a barrister last year. He also became famous for the case of Chen Huimin this year. He also has a diploma in international law. I think He can play a very good role in the development of your company in the future."

"Uncle, thank you so much, this kind of talent is exactly what I need urgently."

Afterwards, Li Guangyu and Luo Dicheng chatted about homework.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and Luo Cheng casually said, "Please come in."

A man with a height of 1.7 meters [-], dressed in formal attire and wearing a pair of glasses walked in.

"Chairman, I heard from Amin that you are looking for me."

"Ah Hong, come, sit down and talk."

Listening to Luo Luocheng's instructions, Qing Hong sat next to Li Guangyu according to his words.

After Qing Hong sat down, Cheng Luo said: "Ah Hong, the person next to you is the current head of the Li family. Due to the business needs of the family company, he currently needs a full-time lawyer. I am going to recommend you to go there. What do you think?"

After listening to Luo Luocheng's words, Qing Hong looked at Li Guangyu, but didn't answer, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing that Qinghong didn't respond immediately, Luo Luo knew that he must not know Li Guangyu well, and Li Guangyu was too young, so he might not be willing in his heart.

So he continued: "Ah Hong, let me introduce you. This Li Guangyu is the current chairman of Taiping Clothing Company, as well as the newly established chairman of Xingyu Games and Tianyu Investment Company. At the same time, he is the grandson of my uncle He Zuozhi , I think you can consider it."

As soon as Qing Hong heard Luo Luocheng's introduction, it was no wonder that a young man wanted a full-time lawyer Luo Luocheng to come forward. This is a family matter.

However, this is also his own opportunity. With Li Guangyu's own capital and the support of the He family and the Luo family, he will not have any major problems in this three-acre land in Xiangjiang.

Qing Hong said: "Chairman, I am willing to work with Chairman Li."

Li Guangyu was also very excited. The future Queen's Counsel voted here, and Li Guangyu could feel more at ease in terms of company law.

He enthusiastically said to Qing Hong: "Lawyer Qing Hong, thank you for your trust in the Li family. I believe that in the future you will not regret your choice today. In terms of remuneration, your annual salary is 20 yuan, and the year-end bonus is calculated separately." .”

Qing Hong only felt that his choice was not wrong, and his annual salary was instantly increased by 20%, which was not counted as a year-end bonus.

Seeing that the matter has come to an end, Luo Luocheng felt very happy in his heart.

He said to Qing Hong: "Ah Hong, I know your ability. My nephew is still young and has to take up the family business due to sudden changes in his family. You should take care of him after you pass. If there is any problem, you should remind him in time."

"Yes, after I go, I will work hard and carefully review the company's documents for any problems." Qing Hong replied.

"Uncle, Qinghong, it's almost noon, let's go have a meal together. At the same time, we also celebrate Qinghong's joining my Li family."

On December 12th, when Li Guangyu came to the International Building, Gan Qinglin reported to Li Guangyu that the development department had finished the game, and the two prototypes had been completed, and the development department was testing it.

Li Guangyu was also very excited after hearing the report. He is short of money now. Once the game is successful, money will no longer be a problem, so he hurried to the development department.

As soon as he entered the development department, he shouted excitedly: "Manager Qin, how is the game? Is the prototype qualified?"

When Qin Peng saw that the director was so excited, he hurriedly said: "Chairman, we have made two prototypes at present, and the developers are testing them. Let's go and have a look together. If the director sees any problems, we can modify them."

Hearing what he said, Li Guangyu followed Qin Peng to the game testing room. Li Guangyu saw that the two developers were fascinated by the game, and it took half an hour for the two testers to finish the game.

"Manager Qin, what do you think of this game?" Li Guangyu turned to Qin Peng and asked.

"Chairman, this game is simple, easy to operate, suitable for both men and women, but it may take half a day to play a game, which needs to be improved at present, otherwise not many people will buy our products."

Li Guangyu found that Qin Peng is not only a technical talent, but also has good insights into business.

Li Guangyu said to him: "I think we can speed up the falling speed of the cubes so that it conforms to the principle of arcade multi-use coins, so that our products can be sold in large quantities."

"Yes, Chairman, our development department will improve immediately, and we can produce finished products after New Year's Day."

"Very well, when the game sells well, I will congratulate you."

(End of this chapter)

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