Chapter 6
On December 12st, Li Guangyu presided over the company's year-end meeting for the first time at the Asia Building in Central. The senior management of the three major companies participated in the meeting.

"Thank you for your hard work in the past year. It is because of you that the company has developed steadily. Many things have happened in this year, and there have been many changes in personnel.

However, it is generally good for the company and is positive.The former two owners of the Li family have been deeply involved in the clothing industry. After decades of development, a clothing company has grown from zero to a market value of hundreds of millions.It is with such a foundation that I can now develop towards other industries.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now standing at a new starting point. Xiangjiang's economy is developing at a high speed, and the world is changing with each passing day.Generally speaking, the world is peaceful, and in such an environment, economies everywhere can recover and develop.

And this is an opportunity for businessmen. When the environment improves, people's purchasing power will increase significantly. As long as there are good products, they will not worry about selling them. This will be our opportunity.I hope that everyone can seize this opportunity and lead the company to a higher level in the new year. "Li Guangyu said passionately.

There was a warm applause from below.

Li Guangyu continued: "This year, we have joined a lot of new managers, some of whom you don't know well, so I will introduce them to you today. In the future, we all belong to the same family business, and we may transfer each other in the future, so we can get to know each other better. "

"Mr. Chen Dong, General Manager of Taiping Clothing." Li Guangyu introduced.

"Hello, colleagues!" Chen Dong stood up and said to everyone.

"Mr. Gan Qinglin, General Manager of Xingyu Game Company." Li Guangyu continued.

Then Gan Qinglinye got up to say hello to everyone.

"Mr. Yuan Tianfan, General Manager of Tianyu Investment Company."


"Mr. Zhou Xiaoning was transferred to be the financial manager of Tianyu Investment, and he was in charge of all the company's finances at the same time," Li Guangyu said.

Zhou Xiaoning was full of excitement, stood up and said hello to everyone, and then said to Li Guangyu: "Thank you for the trust of the chairman, I will definitely do a good job in the company's financial work."

Li Guangyu nodded to Zhou Xiaoning and continued to introduce: "Lawyer Qinghong, he will be responsible for all the company's contract legal documents in the future."


"Manager Qin Peng was promoted to the deputy general manager of Xingyu Game Company and concurrently served as the manager of the development department."

Qin Peng was surprised. He didn't expect to be promoted to the deputy general manager, so he got up to express his gratitude.


Li Guangyu introduced the senior management of each company to everyone one by one.

"Let's ask the general managers of each company to report on the company's development, starting with the clothing company."

Chen Dong immediately reported: "This year, the company made a profit of more than 2700 million yuan. After recovering the US payment and paying for raw materials, the company's account balance was more than 5700 million yuan. At the same time, the production line expansion cost was more than [-] million yuan. Therefore, the company's account balance this year is more than [-] million yuan. .”

"At the same time, through the efforts of the sales department in the middle of this month, we signed a three-year OEM contract with the European Nina Ricci Group, which is sufficient to guarantee orders for the newly expanded production line. The newly recruited 150 workers have been in place and production will begin after New Year's Day. The company expects profits to reach 4000 million next year."

"And the first garment of our design department has been designed and finalized. We are arranging temporary production of 5000 pieces in the factory. At the same time, we have rented a storefront in Central, which is being renovated. Please also ask the director to name the brand, and please invite the director to promote the product. Long decision."

Li Guangyu has been at the International Building for the past few days, and rarely cares about the situation of the clothing company. He did not expect that the development of the clothing company is much better than he imagined.

Li Guangyu said: "Thank you for your efforts. Many of the management of the clothing company are old people who follow the Li family. I know very little about clothing. Thanks to everyone's efforts, the company has developed steadily.

As for the brand name, it will be called Chengyu. As for the publicity, you contact TVB and advertise on it for a month. In addition, I will do a one-month publicity for the brand on the Business Daily. You ask the design department to make a few more styles. Afraid of waste, the store strives to open on January 1, which is the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. "

Gan Qinglin got up and said: "At present, our Xingyu Cube has been developed, and we only need to produce and sell the product. RB and the US sales company have been established. The current situation of the company is such a chairman."

"Manager Qin, you go to RB after New Year's Day to find a manufacturer to produce game motherboards for us. In terms of material selection, we must consider the cost of the game and ensure the quality of the game screen and sound effects. As for the monitor, Manager Gan will inspect and select it. , we will set up a game assembly factory in Xiangjiang, we will make a quantity of [-] units first and then make a decision based on market reaction.”

Yuan Tianfan reported the situation of Tianyu Investment Company, "Chairman, our company has completed the registration, and the registration place is placed in British Bermuda according to your request. The recruitment of personnel has been in place, and the company currently lacks start-up funds."

"I see. Now let's talk about the company's start-up capital for the coming year. The apparel company has left 2700 million for the purchase of raw materials and other expenses in the coming year. The game company's start-up capital is already enough. In addition, Tianfan, please register a company for me in Bermuda." Fund, transfer the shares of the game company to the past, and transfer the remaining 3000 million to the account of Tianyu Investment Company."

After arranging the company's money, Li Guangyu continued: "Whether the company can develop well in the new year depends on everyone's efforts. I hope to work with you to develop the company's industry well in the coming year. When I am outside, when others mention me Li Guangyu is the head of the Li family, not He Zuozhi's grandson as is often said."

"The Li family is still a small family backed by the He family. I hope that with everyone's efforts, it can become a presence comparable to the He family in the future. In addition, everyone shares the worries of the Li family's business, and I also want to solve everyone's financial difficulties. .”

Li Guangyu announced: "From next month, the monthly salary of all department managers is 5000, the monthly salary of the company's deputy general manager is 8000, and the annual salary of the general managers of each company is 20.

And we still have many industries to set foot in in the future, and there are many that need you to lead. I will also give priority to the internal staff of the company, and hope that everyone can accompany Li's industry to make progress together. "

After the meeting, Li Guangyu said to Zhou Xiaoning alone: ​​"Uncle Zhou, I didn't discuss with you in advance about your job transfer today, I hope you don't take offense."

"Chairman, I have no problem, and I will resolutely obey the arrangement."

"Uncle Zhou, Tianyu Investment is currently my favorite company. In the future, the equity of many companies under my name may be transferred to it, including a fund that I just ordered Tianfan to set up. It will also be managed by Tianyu Investment. The finance department is very important, I don't worry about other people going, so I can only arrange for you to go there."

"Thank you for the chairman's trust. I must be optimistic about the finances of Tianyu Investment."

"In addition, after you pass, you will need to recruit a group of reserve personnel. My pace of expansion in the coming year may be a bit fast, which requires a lot of professional talents, especially financial. You will also organize personnel to carry out inspections of all companies under my name every quarter. Financial review to ensure the healthy development of the company."

"I see, Chairman, I will make relevant arrangements." Zhou Xiaoyu replied.

The end of today's annual meeting also marks the end of Li Guangyu's first year of traveling. In the new year of 1978, Li Guangyu believes that he will walk on the road of glory like the ancient empire in the north.

(End of this chapter)

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