Through the wealth life

Chapter 412 Negotiations

Chapter 412 Negotiations
While Li Guangyu was holding a celebratory reception for this victory over the British consortium, Du Yuemei's negotiations with the British Telecom Group were also coming to an end.

This time, without the Swire Group and some families making trouble, Du Yuemei didn't need to raise the price again and again to make the purchase.

Since the British government took out the telecom group for privatization, it proves that the current telecom group is only a burden of the British government, and its internal finances must be worrying. It would be good for them to take over with its market value.Du Yuemei would not have offered such a price if it hadn't been for getting the approval of Xiangjiang Airlines.

Originally, if the British government and the telecommunications group were not greedy, it would be fine for their own group to spend a few hundred million more funds. Li Sheng was forced to think about forcibly acquiring the Swire Group.

Therefore, in this price negotiation, Du Yuemei suppressed the market value of the Telecom Group quite low, which made the senior executives of the Telecom Group not in the mood to talk to Du Yuemei. They knew that Du Yuemei would definitely lower the price this time, but they didn't Thinking that Du Yuemei would be so ruthless.

The market value given to the telecom group last time was 32 billion US dollars, but this time it was directly halved, and only 16 billion US dollars was given.It's just a joke, if I and others agree to such a price for the Li's consortium to buy it, I will be treasonous.

During the day's talks, the two sides broke up unhappy. These high-level officials contacted Thatcher, reported the details of the negotiations, and asked to stop negotiating with the Li Consortium on joint ventures.

Thatcher didn't expect that Du Yuemei would change so much, and she could afford such a price. It didn't look like she wanted to invest in a telecom group.

Thatcher didn't want her first important project to be so difficult, so she had to contact Du Yuemei again to discuss with her.

At the same time, he was quite dissatisfied with the Swire Group and those few families. If they hadn't intervened, there wouldn't be so many troubles.

Thatcher is now under more and more pressure. The British economy is still not improving. The government's fiscal deficit continues to rise, and domestic inflation is rising sharply. She now urgently needs some consortiums to invest in the country to improve the domestic economy.

If it wasn't for this, Thatcher wouldn't even want to talk about Du Yuemei's price. Although the telecom group has some problems in its development, it hasn't sold at such a low price.

After Du Yuemei came to the Prime Minister's Office, facing Thatcher's inquiry, she calmly replied: "Your Excellency, after we have a detailed understanding of the situation of the Telecom Group, we believe that the market value of the Telecom Group is not much different from what we gave. I think the price we gave is quite reasonable. We know that the telecom group is operating at a loss every year, and your government has to invest about 500 million US dollars in it every year to ensure the operation of the telecom group.”

Thatcher said: "Ms. Du Yuemei, I know you are quite dissatisfied with the previous negotiations, but please show a little sincerity. It is impossible for our telecom group to transfer it to you at such a low price. Please don't Get angry."

Du Yuemei didn't want to offend the British government too much. After all, many companies in the Li's consortium still want to make money from them, but she was unwilling to pay too high a price to buy the telecom group. The reason why she called out such a high price this time was to bargain.

Du Yuemei said: "Your Excellency, our Li Group's investment is to make money, not to do charity. The telecommunications group is quite difficult. If we want to recover the cost, it may take ten years. Even if it is so long The time is not certain, our Li Group does not want a large amount of funds to be squeezed into it, and the market value of this group, I think your evaluation agency has seriously overestimated."

Thatcher was a little speechless. If the telecommunications group made money, it wouldn't be your Li's consortium's turn to join the joint venture. I'm afraid the local families would have already surrounded them.

However, Thatcher felt that the Lee Consortium was very optimistic about the future development of the telecommunications industry, otherwise the Li Consortium would not have invested heavily in the transformation and upgrading of the Xiangjiang Telephone Group in Xiangjiang.

Thatcher said: "Ms. Du, I don't use the way of businessmen to negotiate. Our government needs to reform now, and your Lee consortium has done a good job in this regard. After the original Jaguar was transferred to you, it obtained It has achieved a very good development. I believe that the telecom group can develop rapidly under your hands. You and our government make concessions. We don’t need you to buy at a premium, and you don’t want to buy at a low price. What do you think? .”

Although this price has reached her goal, she still hopes that the British government will grant some permission to the Li Group in other aspects, so that the expansion of the Li Group in Xiangjiang will be smoother.

Du Yuemei said: "Your Excellency, our Li Group is very supportive of the work of the local government in any region, and we also hope that the government will not treat us differently. Especially Xiangjiang, which is the foundation of our Li Group. We will not talk about other places , but in Xiangjiang, we hope that the government can treat our Li Group and the British consortium equally."

Thatcher did not immediately reply to Du Yuemei's question. Just kidding, if the Li's consortium is really given the same treatment as the British consortium, I am afraid that the British consortium will completely disappear in Xiangjiang.Now they have some special care from the Xiangjiang government, and they have been suppressed by the Li's consortium. It is absolutely a disaster for the British consortium to lose the preferential treatment from the government.

Thatcher said: "Ms. Du, now your Li's consortium has received the same treatment as the British consortium in many places, right? The Xiangjiang government basically has no restrictions on your Li's consortium. Our government has always been very supportive of Chinese enterprises in Xiangjiang. developed."

Du Yuemei said: "Your Excellency, the Li Group believes that the right to issue banknotes for Hong Kong dollars is held by HSBC and Standard Chartered, which is not conducive to the stability of Hong Kong's financial market. It is necessary for our Chinese Bank to have such power in order to maintain Hong Kong's financial market. balance."

Thatcher did not expect that the Lee Consortium would be so aggressive. It had just broken the monopoly of the Hong Kong Airlines market by the British consortium, and now it is eyeing the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars. She would not agree with Du Yuemei's opinion, at least during this period impossible.

Thatcher said: "Ms. Du, you have too many demands, and you Li's consortium has too many things. Sometimes it is not good for you, and it doesn't matter to us in England. After all, we are a capitalist country, but Xiangjiang's On the other hand, you and Mr. Li Guangyu still need to think more about it. We welcome your Li’s consortium to invest here. Our government will definitely protect your assets. Our private property is sacred and inviolable.”

Du Yuemei knew that Thatcher wanted to plant a thorn in the Li Group's heart, which would benefit their government's negotiations with the mainland, but she ignored it, and she believed that Li Sheng had already thought about it.

Du Yuemei said: "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your concern for our Li Group, but our Li Group has great confidence in Xiangjiang. We believe that Xiangjiang will develop better and better. As long as your government can treat British consortiums and Chinese families equally , I believe that Xiangjiang’s economy will only get better and better. The foreign firms invested by Xiangjiang have been decayed for more than 100 years, and they are no longer able to carry the banner of Xiangjiang’s economic development.”

Thatcher didn't find Du Yuemei, so she really didn't take the Xiangjiang British consortium seriously. At the same time, she was very disappointed with the big British consortiums in Xiangjiang. Enterprises with hundreds of years and so many resources from the government were suppressed by the Chinese consortia. It's like this, it's really a bunch of trash.

Thatcher said: "The issue of the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong is of great importance. It is impossible for me to give you an immediate reply. This matter will be discussed after we have discussed it."


(End of this chapter)

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