Through the wealth life

Chapter 413 Asking for Benefits

Chapter 413 Asking for Benefits
After Du Yuemei heard this, she knew that there was no hope for the Li Group to obtain the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars, and they could only think of a way in the future.

However, she believes that with the development of the Lee Group and the changes in the situation in Hong Kong, the Lee Group will definitely be able to obtain the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars.

Du Yuemei said: "Your Excellency, regarding the price of the acquisition of the Telecom Group, I need to discuss with Li Sheng again before I can give you an answer. I can't decide on this matter. After all, I don't know the current funds of our Li Group. Is it still possible to acquire 50% of the shares of the Telecom Group.”

Thatcher didn't believe Du Yuemei's reason. She knew that Li Guangyu had injected 10 billion US dollars into Bentley Group alone. How could he not have the financial resources to take the shares of Telecom Group? This was just Du Yuemei's desire to delay.

Thatcher said: "Ms. Du, our British government has shown our sincerity. Xiangjiang has approved your Li's consortium's application for airlines. Please also show your sincerity. Come out, so that everyone can cooperate happily."

After thinking for a while, Du Yuemei said: "Your Excellency, it's not because we don't show sincerity, it's because you didn't have the sincerity to cooperate with our Li Group before, and you only hope to spend more funds from our Li Group Come out, this makes us very worried about the future cooperation, we still need to carefully evaluate this."

Thatcher would not admit that their government wanted to cheat the Li's consortium. It said to Du Yuemei: "This time, some high-level executives of the telecom group were motivated by interests, and they did such a thing. We dealt with the relevant personnel. We How could the government do such a thing?"

Although Du Yuemei knew that this matter would definitely not be what Thatcher said, but she didn't want to delve into it. Saying that breaking face is not good for the British government or the Li Group, she just needs to lead the group to make money.

Du Yuemei said: "Your Excellency, Li Sheng has always attached great importance to the local British market, and our headquarters in Western Europe has always been located in England. Therefore, we hope that the government will treat our Li Group more fairly. For example, our The issue of Tianyu Bank has been dragging on for several months, and your government’s financial management agency still refuses to approve the entry of our bank.”

Thatcher really didn't want to go on like this with Du Yuemei. It seemed that they would not easily buy the shares of the Telecom Group without giving the Li's consortium some benefits.Of course, these are not any benefits, but they just want to block the development of the owner Li's consortium in some places and provide convenience for British capital.

The reason why Tianyu Bank has been delaying the approval this time is not for the benefit of HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank.After the banks under the Lee consortium enter the mainland, it will reduce a lot of business of HSBC and Standard Chartered, causing certain losses to the two major banks.

Thatcher said: "Ms. Du, this time you still need your Li Group to show sincerity. As long as your Li Group is willing to continue investing in our UK, our government will support your companies to enter our British market."

Du Yuemei couldn't understand what Thatcher meant. Didn't she want to buy the telecom group first, and then they would let Tianyu Bank enter the British market.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the telecommunications group is going to be acquired this time. Li Sheng is very optimistic about the future development of this group, but it's a pity that Li's group can't fully own it.This group must also be held by the British government, otherwise it will be very troublesome for the Li Group to be wholly owned.

Du Yuemei said: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I will report today's situation to Li Sheng. I believe that as long as the senior management of the telecom group does not maliciously want our Li Group to pay a high price, our Li Group is still willing to take over this group. of."

Thatcher said: "Don't worry, what happened last time can't happen again this time. We hope to maintain a long-term cooperation with your Li Group. This time, the price will definitely be determined according to the market value of the group. There is a high price that makes you pay a price that does not match the market value of the group."

Thatcher now only needs to ensure that the state-owned assets are not sold at a low price. As long as the telecommunications group has made a good start this time, he can use this plan to attack other companies and completely get rid of these parasitic governments that are attached to government finances. insect.

At the same time, the funds from the sale will be invested in other areas to promote the development of the British economy. It is only two years before her next general election. She is still expecting to be re-elected. If the economy does not reform and the living standards of the citizens do not improve, how will she get it? voter support.

Du Yuemei said: "If this is the case, I think our Li Group has already reached an agreement with the Telecom Group. I will report to Li Sheng when I go back. I think I can give you an answer tomorrow. I also hope that our Li Group can cooperate with the Telecom Group. It is a pleasure to cooperate with Telecom Group."

Thatcher knew that this matter was basically settled. Du Yuemei must have the right to make decisions on this matter. As for reporting to Li Guangyu, it was more of a formal procedure, and Li Guangyu must have given her authority.

Thatcher said: "Then I will wait for your good news tomorrow. Tell Mr. Li that our British government has always been very friendly to the Lee Consortium. Our government will support the development of the Li Consortium soon." Our government welcomes him to visit our homeland more often. Her Majesty also hopes that he and his family can come together, and the Queen will receive their family at the palace."

Du Yuemei said: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, thank you for your government's support for our Li Group, and also thank Your Majesty the Queen for caring about our Li Sheng and his family. I will forward the invitation from you and Your Majesty to Li Sheng. I think it's time." If you allow, Li Sheng and his family are willing to come and visit you and Her Majesty the Queen."

Du Yuemei knew that Ying Lun was trying to win over the Li Group to stand on their side, that's why the Queen and Prime Minister invited Li Sheng's family over here.In this sensitive period, how could Li Sheng's whole family come to visit her and the Queen.Li Sheng would not do such a stupid thing, let alone a family, before Xiangjiang was settled, it is estimated that Li Sheng would not come here.

After Du Yuemei left, Thatcher specially summoned the government's financial management department to inquire about Tianyu Bank's application.

After listening to the report, Thatcher said: "Don't pay attention to the opinions of Standard Chartered and HSBC. They have been in Xiangjiang for hundreds of years, and they are not worth the bank that Li Guangyu established. They can only survive with the protection of our government. Then They deserved to be squeezed and bankrupt. Those British consortiums in Xiangjiang are used to our government’s protection of them, and they are no longer enterprising. Look at what it is like now, even a newly emerging Li’s consortium can block Can't live."

The official felt that the British consortium could not be entirely blamed, but that the Li consortium was too monstrous.Look at the history of the development of these family consortiums in the world, which ones are not accumulated over time.In just a few years, the Li's consortium has completed the road that many consortiums take hundreds of years.

However, he did not refute Thatcher's words, and agreed to Thatcher's order. After the Li's consortium acquired the Telecom Group, he approved the application of the banks under the Li's consortium.

(End of this chapter)

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