Through the wealth life

Chapter 414 Cathay Pacific Chaos

Chapter 414 Cathay Pacific Chaos
On the 7th, Li Guangyu received Du Yuemei's report on negotiating with Thatcher, and Li Guangyu agreed with Du Yuemei's opinion on the purchase of the Telecom Group at the market price.

At the same time, Li Guangyu asked the finance side to transfer 15 billion US dollars of funds to Du Yuemei's side for the acquisition and later operation of the telecom group.

After this transfer, Li Guangyu's profits in the stock market and the principal of more than 100 billion were only a little over a billion Hong Kong dollars, and he spent more than 420 billion Hong Kong dollars in just one month.

However, Li Guangyu is not worried. In the past three months, several major groups have provided him with a lot of cash. Although affected by the financial crisis, the profits of several major groups such as Xiangyu Group and Xingyu Group have declined, but they are still He provided 40 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash, enough for him to prepare for a rainy day.

When Li Guangyu was preparing for the establishment of Xiangjiang Airlines, Gan Qin reported to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, just now HSBC and Mr. Cao Guangbiao, chairman of Yongxin Group, held a joint press conference. HSBC holds 30% of Cathay Pacific Airways. Its shares were sold to Yongxin Group at a price of 18 billion Hong Kong dollars."

After Li Guangyu heard this, he felt that HSBC had made a lot of money, and the current market value of the entire Swire Pacific is only HK$80 billion. As a master of 70% of the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways, the market value of Swire Pacific has increased to a certain extent, but the valuation is not up to the mark. To 60 billion Hong Kong dollars, this is a joke.

According to this calculation, 70% of the shares of Swire Pacific is worth 42 billion Hong Kong dollars. How can its real estate group, aircraft maintenance company, beverage company, and shipping company be worth such a small amount of money.

At the same time, Li Guangyu was also thinking about how the Yongxin Group had so much money to buy the shares of China Thai Airways from HSBC during this period.Although that person is a tycoon in the textile industry, it is impossible to have so much money invested in it.

Li Guangyu asked: "Gan Qin, was Mr. Cao Guangbiao the one who bought it this time? Is there any other news?"

"Li Sheng, this time Mr. Cao Guangbiao joined hands with Mr. Huo Yingdong and Mr. Hu Yingxiang to jointly acquire the three companies. Cao Sheng holds 16% of the shares, Huo Sheng holds 8% of the shares, and Hu Sheng holds 6% of the shares. And I heard that Cao Sheng applied to the government to establish an aviation company. The company, but the government has not approved his application for the time being." Ganqin replied.

At that time, Li Guangyu was still thinking about waiting for the shares of HSBC to be rotten in his hands, and after his own airline suppressed Cathay Pacific, his company would then take over Cathay Pacific to achieve the goal of dominating the Xiangjiang market. It seems that it is impossible now.

Shen Bi is worthy of being a man of influence in Xiangjiang, but he moved so fast that the airlines of the Li Group have not been seen yet, so he sold the shares at a high price.

Li Guangyu asked, "Is there any news from Swire Holdings?"

Gan Qin is also a director of Swire Holdings. If they want to sell the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways, a board meeting must be held, and shareholders who account for two-thirds of the shares must approve it.If the Li Group does not agree to sell Cathay Pacific Airways, Wooden Sihuaiya will not be able to sell Cathay Pacific Airways shares.

Gan Qin said: "We haven't received any news about this for the time being. Li Sheng, if Swire Holdings wants to sell its shares, what should we do?"

Li Guangyu's own airline company has not yet been established, so now Cathay Pacific still needs Swire to continue to control it. Now let others buy Cathay Pacific, and Xiangjiang Airlines will lose its advantage.

Even if the Swire Group wants to transfer the shares, I have to go ahead and control Cathay Pacific Airways in my own hands to prevent Xiangjiang Airlines from losing some of its advantages.Li Guangyu was not worried that Cathay Pacific Airways was in the hands of a British consortium, but once those people controlled Cathay Pacific Airways, it would be really difficult for Li Guangyu.

For the future development of Xiangjiang Airlines, Li Guangyu would not let Swire to sell the shares, and he had to buy them himself if he wanted to sell them.Fortunately, as a shareholder of Swire Pacific, Li Guangyu has the right of first refusal, which can directly prevent other people from acquiring the shares of Cathay Pacific in his hands.

Li Guangyu said: "Ganqin, once Swire Holdings holds a board meeting to discuss Cathay Pacific shares, you all object to me. At the same time, let the elites of our law firm take a look at Swire Holdings' company terms. If the final objection is invalid , we also have the right of first refusal, and we will take the 70% of the shares ourselves.”

"Alright Mr. Li, I will arrange it if I have to. Do you have any other orders?" Gan Qin asked.

"You contact our deputy chief financial officer in Swire Pacific and ask him to go to Cathay Pacific Airways to contact those high-level and staff members. It is best to recruit them to our airline. Especially Zhao Wenhua, the deputy general manager of their company, must strive to get them Invite him to come to our company, and he can be the general manager of our company." Li Guangyu ordered.

Li Guangyu plans to recruit a group of Cathay Pacific Airline personnel to support the company's initial development. As for the airline's pilots, he plans to recruit people from Asia, America, and Western Europe, especially some Chinese. Li Guangyu believes that he can provide With generous remuneration, they are willing to jump to their own company.

As for maintenance, Li Guangyu once again set his sights on the aviation aircraft maintenance company under Swire Holdings. There are a lot of talents there, and Li Guangyu intends to continue digging.

Li Guangyu also felt disappointed for not being able to control Swire Holdings, otherwise it would not have been such a trouble, and at the same time he hated the Singaporean consortium even more. If these few people hadn't appeared, he might have already moved into Swire Holdings.

At this time, Wooden Szehuaiya also received the news that HSBC had sold the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways. Since Li Guangyu's establishment of the airline company was approved by the government, he had the idea of ​​selling the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways.

And this time HSBC sold it at such a high price, Wooden Shihuaiya's heart also became active.Now the Shi Huaiya family is also very short of funds. After selling the shares of Cathay Pacific, they can also relieve some of the pressure on funds.

Just considering that the Li Group holds so many shares in the group and is stuck there, it may be difficult to get the approval of the board of directors. He still needs to discuss this with the Singapore consortium to see how to get around it. Pass Li Guangyu's restrictions.

Thinking of this, Wooden Shihuaiya immediately contacted Guo Lingming, the current chairman of Heung Kong Electric Group, and asked him to meet at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel to discuss matters related to Cathay Pacific.

As a representative of the Singapore consortium, Guo Lingming is not having a good time here now. Not to mention the fact that several acquisitions of Heung Kong Electric Group have not made any profit, they have continued to invest [-] million Hong Kong dollars in it for the replacement of the group's aging lines, and this is the first phase. , I still don’t know what method the Li’s consortium will continue to think of to let myself and others continue to fill in the hole.

This time, Wooden Shuaiya's proposal also moved his heart. If the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways can be sold, then as one of the shareholders of Swire Holdings, they can also recover a lot of cash, which is enough to support the Hong Kong Electric Lighting Co., Ltd. Consumption within the group.

Guo Lingming doesn't just want to keep the Xiangjiang Electric Group, he also hopes to develop some industries of the Guo family to Xiangjiang. As long as the foundation of the Xiangjiang Electric Group is laid, he will have the spare power to expand other industries.

 There is something wrong today, there are only four updates, starting from tomorrow, the update of last month will continue, and there will be five updates every day.

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(End of this chapter)

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