Chapter 421
Without the embarrassment of the Li Group, Wooden Szehuaia actively contacted Swire Holdings to acquire 70% of Cathay Pacific's shares, and there was no need to trouble the board of directors last time.

According to the plan at the time, they still needed to divide the shares in Cathay Pacific with all the shareholders, especially the retail investors, which was particularly troublesome. Without Li Guangyu's stop, they could directly package them in the name of Swire Pacific sell.

The news that Swire Pacific was about to sell Cathay Pacific was naturally known by Cao Guangbiao and others. In a box at the Four Seasons Hotel, Huo Yingdong, Cao Guangbiao, and Hu Yingxiang discussed the sale of Cathay Pacific shares by Swire.

Cao Guangbiao said: "Yingdong, Yingxiang, because Li Guangyu established Xiangjiang Airlines, the Shi Huaiya family is not optimistic about the future competition with the Li consortium. Like Shen Bi, they all hope to sell the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways. And even Xiangjiang Aircraft Engineering Company has been sold to Xiangjiang Airlines.”

Huo Yingdong said: "Guangbiao, the British consortium all hope to obtain high profits. Before Xiangjiang Airlines was established, they had been monopolizing the aviation market in Xiangjiang. Now that Li Guangyu has entered the market, they know that the high profits before have already disappeared." No more, the current market value is not bad. When Hong Kong Airlines squeezes their market, Cathay Pacific Airways will be worthless."

Although Li Guangyu was not consistent with them on some issues, Huo Yingdong still appreciated some of Li Guangyu's practices in Xiangjiang. The profitability of several companies serving the public under Li Guangyu was quite low.With the rapid economic development of Xiangjiang, the fares of the bus company under Li Guangyu still maintain the price when he bought it.

The same is true for the Telephone Group, and as a shareholder of the Xiangjiang Electric Lighting Group, this time it is even more demanding that the group replace the aging lines of the group to better serve the citizens of Xiangjiang.This is also the reason why the British consortium is eager to sell Cathay Pacific Airways. Everyone in Xiangjiang knows that after Li Guangyu enters, the price of air tickets in Xiangjiang will drop by at least two levels.

Hu Yingxiang said: "The question now is whether we should take over the shares held by Swire Pacific to achieve the purpose of controlling Cathay Pacific Airways. If necessary, where will our money come from? We are buying shares held by HSBC After that, there is no extra funds to come out at present. And this time, it is 70% of the shares. According to the price we bought HSBC, we need 42 billion Hong Kong dollars.”

Cao Guangbiao was silent after hearing this. Although he really hoped that they could wholly control Cathay Pacific Airways, the huge amount of money made him have to give up such an idea.

This problem is more difficult to solve. Although they intend to take this part of the shares, they are not strong enough, and they have no good solution.Once the shares held by Swire Pacific are acquired by other consortiums, they will not have much power in Cathay Pacific Airways.

Huo Yingdong said: "It is impossible for the three of us to eat Cathay Pacific Airways. We need to contact more Chinese families to join in. Let Cathay Pacific Airways be in our hands first. Consortium control."

Huo Yingdong still hopes that they can win the control of Cathay Pacific Airways, so that they can open more routes to the mainland and increase the close communication between the mainland and Xiangjiang.Although he knew that even if they didn't do this, Li Guangyu's airline would gradually open routes to the mainland.But it is still more convenient to control an airline by yourself, and you can also open it according to your own wishes.

Both Cao Guangbiao and Hu Yingxiang agreed with Huo Yingdong's idea. They both hope to take over Cathay Pacific Airways, so that they can better promote exchanges between Xiangjiang and the mainland.

Li Guangyu's airline was established, although he also hoped to open mainland routes, but Li Guangyu is obviously implementing his globalization strategy. Xiangjiang Airlines will not have too much energy to take care of the mainland market, especially some routes that lose money. It is estimated that Xiangjiang Airlines will not open it.

However, what Cao Guangbiao didn't understand was that Li Guangyu himself was one of the major shareholders of Swire Pacific, so why didn't he acquire Cathay Pacific Airways to monopolize Xiangjiang's aviation market.

With Li Guangyu's financial resources, it is absolutely no problem to buy the shares of Cathay Pacific Airline. I don't know how Li Guangyu plans this time.

Huo Yingdong didn't know much about Cao Guangbiao's question, and he couldn't see Li Guangyu clearly.Sometimes Li Guangyu's approach is very much like a businessman, such as political issues, Li Guangyu never talks about politics, only does business, which also makes his group's business in various regions not be greatly affected.

However, the approach on some issues is not quite the practice of businessmen, such as Kowloon Bus, Heung Kong Electric Group, and Heung Kong Telephone Group. The profit, but his annual profit on this is not much.

They don't believe that Li Guangyu doesn't know the benefits of monopolizing the Xiangjiang Airlines market. Huo Yingdong said: "Perhaps after we bought the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways held by HSBC, Li Guangyu gave up the idea of ​​buying Cathay Pacific Airways. You also know that Li Guangyu's So becoming the second largest shareholder of Swire Pacific is for Cathay Pacific Airways."

Hu Yingxiang said: "For now, let's not study why Li Guangyu didn't buy Cathay Pacific, but think about which families we should contact to work together to eat the shares held by Swire. This time the amount of funds is quite large, not one or two. You can eat it at home."

Apart from Li Guangyu's side, among the major families in Xiangjiang, none of them can raise so much money to acquire Cathay Pacific.The most important thing is that the current Hong Kong stock market has fallen to the bottom, the economic situation is declining, and most of the family's funds are in real estate. It is not easy to find a group of people to buy Cathay Pacific Airways.

Huo Yingdong said: "I will be in charge of contacting you in this regard. You should also contact the families you have a good relationship with to see if they are willing to join us in acquiring Cathay Pacific Airways."

Cao Guangbiao already had a candidate in his mind, so he decided to visit his home tonight and try to get him to join in. The chances of their successful acquisition will be greatly increased.

As the proposer of the acquisition of Cathay Pacific Airways, Cao Guangbiao naturally does not want the acquisition plan to fail, and at the same time he is quite optimistic about the future of Cathay Pacific Airways.

The reason why British capital is not optimistic about the future of Cathay Pacific Airways is mainly because of the profit issue.Cao Guangbiao is not very worried about this. Their advantage is much greater than that of Li Guangyu's Xiangjiang Airlines. At least after they control Cathay Pacific Airways, Xiangjiang Airlines will definitely be at a disadvantage if they want to compete with themselves in the mainland market. of.

Cao Guangbiao said: "We have been in touch for the past two days, and then we will sit down with everyone to discuss the acquisition of Cathay Pacific Airways in detail, and strive to take over the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways in one fell swoop. These public service companies are still in the hands of our Xiangjiang family. rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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