Through the wealth life

Chapter 446 Yongsheng

Chapter 446 Yongsheng
On the morning of December 12th, Li Guangyu met with two brothers Xiang Huaqiang and Xiang Huasheng from the Xiang family in his office.

These two people are not very well-known in Xiangjiang. The power of the Xiang family is controlled by their second brother Xiang Huayan. Xiang Huaqiang is a little bit better. Not famous at all.

Xiang Jia, one of the other giants in Xiangjiang, came to look for him, but Li Guangyu really didn't know their origin.Xiang Huaqiang's father was a major general of the Kuomintang, and he came to Xiangjiang after the war to create such a situation.

Li Guangyu himself has nothing to do with the Xiang family, and the Xiang family and the He family have always been in harmony with each other. You must know that the current helm of the He family, He Shili, is a second-level general of the National Famous Party, and he is still a member of the Baodao President Advisory Group. People on these paths dare not target the He family.

In the reception area, Li Guangyu said, "Xiang Sheng, what are you doing here?"

Xiang Huaqiang said: "Li Sheng, there are some things that need your help from Jiayi Group when you come here this time. Now the Hong Kong film industry is developing better and better. Thirteenth Brother and I both like this industry, so we plan to establish a film company. Company. You also know that many actors don’t really want to work with us because of their family relationship, and you still need your help in this regard.”

Li Guangyu did not expect that these two brothers wanted to establish a film company so early in this life, and Li Guangyu had no objection to his two brothers' establishment of a film company.

These two are not like some people on the road who want to make a lot of money and coerce actors and directors. Relatively speaking, they actually manage the film company and have not made too many coercion incidents.

Li Guangyu said: "Xiang Sheng, as long as your company is formal and everything is done in accordance with industry regulations, I will not prevent my artists and directors from cooperating with you."

The reason why Xiang Jia started to enter the film industry at this time was because he wanted to change careers and prepare for the future.

In order to continue the long-term development of Xiangjia, Xiangjia's family members are very supportive of their establishment of a film and television company, and ask this company to draw a clear line with the community, so as not to be affected in the future.

Therefore, Xiang Huaqiang never thought of operating the film company in an improper way, and the best way to get the company to develop rapidly is to cooperate with Jiayi Group.

Ordinary companies do not need to consult with Li Guangyu on this matter. Jiayi Group has never restricted artists and directors from accepting business from various film and television companies in Xiangjiang.Especially on the artist company side, I hope to have more contacts so that they can make money.

It's just that their brothers were born in Xiangjia, which made Jiayi Group's executives afraid to make this decision, so they asked them to come to Li Guangyu. As long as Li Guangyu approved, Jiayi Group could cooperate with their film company.

Xiang Huaqiang said: "Li Sheng, please don't worry about this. Since we have entered this industry, we will naturally follow the rules of this industry. There will never be any forced buying and selling."

Li Guangyu believes that they should not do such a thing, especially when dealing with past artists under their banner, they should not be treated unfairly.

To be honest, Li Guangyu didn't take these associations too seriously, they were just able to show their prestige to ordinary citizens, the top families in Xiangjiang really didn't take them seriously.

Li Guangyu said: "I will inform Liu Tianci and Le Yiling about this matter, and then you can contact them directly. Xiangjiang Film and Television Industry is at a glorious time, and I hope that your Yongsheng Film Company can achieve good results."

Brothers Xiang Huaqiang and Xiang Huasheng were very happy after hearing this. With Li Guangyu's consent, Jiayi's numerous artist resources were enough to support their Yongsheng's development.

Xiang Huaqiang, who loves the film industry, is still very ambitious. He hopes that under his leadership, Yongsheng can one day reach the same height as New Art City and become one of the top companies in the Hong Kong film industry.

Xiang Huaqiang said: "Li Sheng, thank you for your trust in us. Thirteenth Brother and I will seriously manage this film company. I believe that our cooperation with Jiayi Group will be a win-win situation. Our company can serve Jiayi The theater chain provides more high-quality movies for its screening."

The departure of New Art City has dealt a big blow to Jiayi Cinema Company. Although many medium-sized film companies have made up for the gap, the quality of the movies is far from comparable to New Art City.

This is also the reason why Xiang Huaqiang said this. Obviously, they are very familiar with the situation of Jiayi Group and know some problems in Jiayi Group.

Li Guangyu said: "Xiang Sheng, I also hope that our cooperation will be mutually beneficial. If the Hong Kong film industry wants to prosper, we need more companies to join in, so as to promote the development of our Hong Kong film industry."

After seeing off the Xiang brothers, Li Guangyu ordered Gan Qin to inform Liu Tianci and Le Yiling to come to his office.

Li Guangyu knew that once the Xiangjia Yongsheng Film Company was established, many associations would jump out and try to get a share of the Xiangjiang film market.And many of them don't abide by the rules like Xiang Huaqiang. They dare to do anything for the sake of profit, and they don't care whether the film company can develop for a long time.

After Liu Tianci and Le Yiling arrived, Li Guangyu told Xiang Huaqiang's film company, and asked Le Yiling to instruct the artist company that its personnel could take over Yongsheng's schedule.

Li Guangyu said: "There is no problem with Yongsheng, they will act according to the rules. But in the future, there will definitely be many associations entering here. At that time, you should pay attention to this aspect. Generally, these associations are ignored. I don't think there is any." Which society dares to take action against our Li Group members."

Liu Tianci and Le Yiling were not worried about the clubs. They had thousands of security personnel in the Li Group, and Li Guangyu's bodyguards even had government-approved gun certificates. Even if these clubs had something, they would not dare to use it On the bright side, besides, the relationship between Li's Group and Xiangjiang Police Station is quite good, unless they are a society that doesn't want to continue to exist, they will come to provoke Li's Group.

Le Yiling said: "Li Sheng, we know what to do, don't worry, we will protect the safety and interests of the company's artists."

Li Guangyu said to Liu Tianci: "Tianci, it's almost the end of the year, and you are about to start preparing for the Spring Festival Gala. We must maintain the quality of the gala. I don't want one session to be inferior to the next one. There are many Chinese in Southeast Asia for our current program. It will be watched on the day, and this is the best platform for us to enhance our influence."

Liu Tianci has been preparing for this for a long time. Shi Nansheng and Shi Shaoming will be in charge of this party. He believes that these two will not mess up the party.

After Li Guangyu stopped Liu Tianci's report on the arrangement of the Spring Festival Gala, he said to Liu Tianci: "This time you are working together with Lisboa TV, and Ye Jiexin's development is not very good. Come to me for help. Some of your programs and TV series We can cooperate with her to improve the capability level of Lisboa TV.”

Liu Tianci said: "Li Sheng, I will contact Ms. Ye when I get back and discuss cooperation with her."


(End of this chapter)

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