Through the wealth life

Chapter 447 A Different Christmas

Chapter 447 A Different Christmas
During the Christmas period this year, Xiangjiang is still very lively, all schools are on holiday, and all major businesses are holding various activities to attract customers.The major film and television companies have come up with high-quality films to grab the box office.

However, on this day when the citizens of Xiangjiang should be happy, an incident happened in Central that shocked all walks of life in Hong Kong. It also caused many injuries and more than a dozen people were arrested.

Li Guangyu originally thought that there was nothing wrong with him, and that the government would deal with these problems, but he didn't know that the Central Police Station called him and asked him to go to the police station to pick him up.

After working in the police station for a while, when he returned home, Li Guangyu asked him: "Sister Guangmei, can you tell me why you are here? Are you qualified to participate in these things?"

Li Guangyu was very angry. Originally, he wanted Li Guangmei to see the world when he was here in Xiangjiang, so that he could learn more at Xiangjiang Chinese University.That's good, Li Guangyu doesn't know how to learn knowledge, but it's very positive to intervene in such things.

What kind of joke is this, Li Guangyu himself did not dare to get involved in it, she actually went out to make trouble with some people in Central, Xiangjiang is still ruled by England, how could she tolerate these people making trouble like this.

Cao Weiqing said at the side: "Okay, Guangyu, I guess my cousin is also due to her previous studies. This time I probably heard some people's instigation, so I joined in muddleheadedly."

Cao Weiqing herself was also dissatisfied. She knew how much Li Guangyu had put in so much effort to ensure the stable development of the family business, and she was cautious when facing the outside world every day, fearing that some outrageous remarks would affect the development of her own industry.

As Li Guangyu's cousin, she will make the outside world think of her appearing here. Because of this turmoil, I don't know how much effort Li Guangyu will have to make to calm down.

It's just that Li Guangmei is Li Guangyu's cousin after all, so she doesn't have much to say. Now that something happened, she can only let Li Guangyu calm down.

Li Guangyu said: "Sister Guangmei, I hope you will spend more time on your studies in the future. These things are not for you to participate in. If you feel that this restricts your freedom, you can choose to go back. As for the issue of graduation, You don't need to worry, we will take care of this for you."

Li Guangmei said: "Guangyu, I didn't know that this incident would be so serious. Isn't Xiangjiang claimed to be free of speech? Why should the Xiangjiang police arrest people?"

Cao Weiqing was a little speechless, who told her that Xiangjiang has absolute freedom of speech, and even if it is free, you can't do things like that in public places in Central, Xiangjiang is still controlled by Yinglun.If you want to shout something, after the mainland takes back Xiangjiang, you can say it no matter what.

Li Guangyu said: "How did you join those people? There is no one else in Xiangjiang Chinese University except you. How did you know them?"

Li Guangyu is really strange, usually Li Guangmei is studying at Hong Kong Chinese University, so he should not have appeared in this incident, and no one in Hong Kong Chinese University would approach him.

"Today, my classmates and I were planning to go shopping in Central. When I saw some of their shouting, I thought it was very reasonable, so I joined in. I just didn't expect to cause you such a big trouble." Li Guangmei said.

Li Guangyu said: "Cousin, you were also frightened today, you go wash up and have a good rest, I will have someone call you when you are eating."

After Li Guangmei left, Li Guangyu was thinking about how to deal with the aftermath. Tomorrow, the major newspapers in Hong Kong will definitely report on the Central District, and Li Guangyu must get Li Guangmei out of it.

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, I'm afraid this problem is a bit tricky. We can control it a little bit. It's just that some English newspapers in England may report a lot on this matter. If we handle it carelessly, I'm afraid we in England will industries will be affected.”

Li Guangyu said: "Wei Qing, you don't have to worry, I will meet with MacLehose this afternoon to explain what happened today and eliminate the impact of this incident on us."

Li Guangyu knows that the Jardine Group and HSBC will not let go of such an opportunity, and they will definitely make some moves. Li Guangyu is not worried about Xiangjiang. Now it is mainly the problem of Yinglun. Some members of the side will use this matter to speak out.

Li Guangyu said: "Weiqing, in the afternoon, you can contact Du Yuemei and explain this incident to Thatcher. Our Li Group has no intention of getting involved here, and our group will continue to expand its presence in the UK." Investment in the Commonwealth Territory."

Cao Weiqing also knew that the problem this time was mainly on the side of the British government, and Xiangjiang did not have much deterrence to the Li Group. As long as the Thatcher government no longer insists on this matter, their group will not develop well. What a big question.

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, don't worry, I will inform Du Yuemei. I don't think Thatcher will break with our group this time. The British local economy is not very good, and it is time for our capital to enter. "

Li Guangyu then came to the phone beside him and dialed the phone at the front desk of the building.

"Hello, this is the front desk of Li's Building."

"I'm Li Guangyu, please transfer me to Le Yiling's vice president's office." Li Guangyu said.

When the receptionist heard Li Guangyu's call, he immediately replied, "Li Sheng, wait a moment, I'll transfer it for you right away."

After a while, Le Yiling's voice came over the phone, saying, "Li Sheng, do you have any orders?"

Li Guangyu said: "Yi Ling, please contact me with newspapers and radio stations that have a good relationship with us, and lower the public opinion for me on the problems that happened in Central today. At the same time, I don't want Li Guangmei's name to appear here."

Le Yiling said: "Okay, Mr. Li, I will handle it immediately. I believe that the mainstream media in Hong Kong will not report on Ms. Li Guangmei tomorrow."

Le Yiling herself knew about the incident in Central. She knew very well that once Li Guangmei appeared in major media newspapers, it would be very detrimental to the development of the Li Group. This matter must be suppressed.

Li Guangyu said: "See if there are any hot news recently. If there is any sensational news, you should contact the major newspapers to make a lot of reports and try to cover it up. It will divert the attention of the citizens of Xiangjiang. "

After thinking for a while, Le Yiling said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, we still found some news. Don't worry, the Central incident will definitely not be the focus of everyone's discussion tomorrow."


(End of this chapter)

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