Through the wealth life

Chapter 448 The Comatose Li Guangmei

Chapter 448 The Comatose Li Guangmei
Li Guangyu contacted some of his relationships, hoping to suppress this incident, while Cao Weiqing searched for Li Guangyu's number on the side.

Li Guangyu had just contacted MacLehose and talked about the visit in the afternoon. A bodyguard reported to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, it's not good. Ms. Li cut her wrist with a knife, and now she's in trouble. In a coma."

Li Guangyu was not in the mood to make a phone call anymore, and hurriedly said, "Send him to the hospital immediately."

Li Guangyu really couldn't understand why this happened?I didn't blame her too much, why did she do such a thing?
Li Guangyu said: "Wei Qing, you should immediately call the nursing home and the hospital to get their emergency department ready. We don't have so much time to go to our own hospital."

After Li Guangyu finished speaking, he left the room. At this time, the cars were all ready. After Li Guangyu got into the car, he immediately sent them to the Sanatorium and Hospital.

At this time, Li Guangmei was in a coma, and Du Yonghong had already given her a simple treatment. Li Guangyu knew that she had lost too much blood before she fell into a coma.

This time the speed of the car was very fast, usually it would take half an hour, but this time they arrived in more than ten minutes. The car is not in the mood to sense how fast the car is going.

The emergency personnel at the Sanatorium and Hospital have long been waiting for the arrival of Li Guangyu's motorcade, and they have always provided thoughtful service to these wealthy tycoons.

While waiting for the news in the emergency room, Li Guangyu asked the bodyguard who reported to him what happened.

The bodyguard said: "Li Sheng, the servants in the house went to inform Ms. Li to have dinner, but she didn't respond after calling several times. She felt abnormal, as if Butler He reported the situation. After Butler He called several times, Let's knock the door open. When we entered, we saw Miss Li lying on the bed, and there was a lot of blood on the ground, A Yang did emergency treatment for Miss Li, and I came to report to you."

Li Guangyu also blamed himself a little. If he hadn't said those things, probably such a situation would not have happened.

For a simple person like my cousin, this matter is easy to be instigated. After all, she doesn't know how much influence she will have if she appears on such an occasion as her cousin.

Li Guangyu really couldn't imagine how he would explain to his grandpa's family if his cousin had nothing to do this time, and what kind of face he would have when he went back to his hometown to face them.

While Li Guangyu was thinking about it, Cao Weiqing also rushed to the hospital, feeling very uncomfortable seeing Li Guangyu's application.

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, don't blame yourself, you can't blame this matter, we didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Cao Weiqing could only pray that nothing would happen to Li Guangmei this time, otherwise Li Guangyu would feel guilty about it for the rest of his life. He knew that although Li Guangyu was very indifferent to outsiders, he cared very much about those related to him.

If Li Guangmei had nothing to do this time, it would hit Li Guangyu very hard, and the development of the Li Group might also be affected.

Li Guangyu said, "Why are you here? Have you made arrangements at home?"

"Guangyu, how can I rest assured if I don't come here? You don't have to worry at home. Sister Jin is already arranging for people to clean up. Songtao will be fine with Mother He. I also contacted Pengcheng's cousin and sister-in-law. They will come back in the afternoon, I believe my cousin will be fine." Cao Weiqing said.

After hearing this, Li Guangyu said: "Then you arrange a vehicle to pick it up at Luohu Port, the vehicles from their side can't get through."

Cao Weiqing replied: "Don't worry, I've made all the arrangements, so don't worry too, let's eat first."

After Cao Weiqing finished speaking, he handed the food to Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu is not in the mood to eat anything right now, he only hopes that the emergency room can bring him good news sooner.

Li Guangyu said: "Wei Qing, you can eat, I know you must have come here without eating, I'm not hungry now."

Cao Weiqing saw that Li Guangyu was really not in the mood to eat, and she herself was not in the mood to eat, so she put the food aside and sat with Li Guangyu waiting for the news from the emergency room.

At this time, Li Guanghui and Chen Lanfang who received the news in Pengcheng were also shocked. They really never thought that their little sister would go to such an extreme. They didn't know what happened to make their little sister so desperate. , so that such a move will be made.

They didn't believe that with their cousin's influence in Xiangjiang, someone would be able to force their sister to go this way, which was really hard for them to accept.

Zhou Zhigang, the president of Pengyu Group, said: "Because of the urgency of the matter, you are going to Xiangjiang this time as a special matter, and you will go directly with the high-level positions of our group. Now the car has been prepared for you. If you have nothing to prepare, You can go now."

At this time, Li Guanghui and Chen Lanfang only wanted to meet their sister sooner, so they didn't have the time to prepare anything.

Li Guanghui said: "Mr. Zhou, we don't have anything to prepare, but please let the deputy manager take charge of the company's affairs, and we will leave first."

Li Guanghui really couldn't imagine how much his grandfather and parents would be hit if something happened to his younger sister here, especially the elderly grandfather. He could only pray that his younger sister would have nothing to do.

In the car, Chen Lanfang said: "Guanghui, why did such a thing happen? As far as Guangyu's influence in Xiangjiang is concerned, no one can hurt her. And the little girl is not so fragile in her heart. This is how much desperation it takes to be able to do such a thing. Fortunately, the transportation here in Xiangjiang is well developed, and the medical care is also good, otherwise I dare not imagine the next situation."

Li Guanghui fell silent. He didn't know why it was like this. His sister had only been in Xiangjiang for half a year, and she talked on the phone half a month ago. She had a very good life here in Xiangjiang. Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing were very good The person who took care of her also told some things about her study.

At that time, Li Guanghui was also very happy for his sister, and at the same time asked his sister to work hard. With Li Guangyu's support, she had no problem going to graduate school.Li Guanghui also hopes that his sister will develop better in the future. He is very aware of the importance of a diploma.None of the major presidents under Li's company started with a master's degree, and they are all elites from prestigious schools. Their promotion opportunities are much more than those of ordinary civil servants.

Li Guanghui said: "I don't know why my little girl wants to go this way. Even if Xiangjiang is unhappy, she can choose to go back. Is life now as difficult as it was more than ten years ago?"

Li Guangyu waited until after one o'clock in the afternoon, and a medical staff from the emergency room came out and said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, Miss Li's condition is considered to be stable now. Her main problem is a ruptured wrist artery. The damage is not very serious, you sent it in time, and she is estimated to be able to wake up in two or three days."

After hearing this, Li Guangyu was relieved, as long as Li Guangmei had no major problems.

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, you can rest assured now. You have to meet with MacLehose later. I'll just stay here. You can deal with the aftermath."

Li Guangyu knew that it was useless for him to stay here now, and he could rest assured that Cao Weiqing was here to guard him, and he still had to properly resolve this matter.

Li Guangyu said: "Then you stay here and look at my cousin, I will leave first, take me to meet with MacLehose, and then rush over."

Cao Weiqing said: "Don't worry, I'll be here to watch, you don't need to rush, I don't think it will be long before my cousins ​​and sisters-in-law will come here, you just need to take care of the morning's affairs with peace of mind. "

(End of this chapter)

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