Through the wealth life

Chapter 460 Joining forces with Watsons

Chapter 460 Joining forces with Watsons

Time passed, and after the Spring Festival, Li Guangyu began to plan for the Jardine Group. Now the major stores of Hengyu Supermarket Xiangjiang have been renovated, and they can officially open for business just waiting for the shelves and goods to enter.

This time, 18 Hengyu Supermarkets opened in Xiangjiang at the same time, and there were as many as 80 convenience stores, in order to completely suppress Wellcome Supermarket.

After the opening of the supermarket on Baodao, Li Xuelan returned to Xiangjiang to take charge of the affairs of the supermarket group in Xiangjiang. At the same time, she will also be the specific implementer of the suppression of Wellcome Supermarket.

On February 2 (the ninth day of the first lunar month), Li Guangyu took Li Xuelan to Hutchison Whampoa. This time, in addition to attending the board meeting after the new year, Li Guangyu also had to discuss with Li Ka-shing, Hengyu Supermarket Group and Watsons matter.

In order to have a better cooperation this time, Li Guangyu removed Zhao Yu from the position of director of Hutchison Whampoa and let him concentrate on serving as the chairman and chief executive officer of Starlight Real Estate Group. Li Xuelan came back to serve as the director again.

After the board meeting, Li Guangyu, Li Ka-shing and Li Xuelan went to Li Ka-shing's conference room to discuss matters related to Wellcome Supermarket.

Li Ka-shing did not object to Li Guangyu's joining forces with Watsons. As the main rival of Watsons, Hengyu Supermarket Group under Li's is also entering Xiangjiang strongly. Their market will inevitably be squeezed out. If Wellcome is squeezed out , then there is enough space for Hengyu Supermarket and Watsons to develop together.

Moreover, Li Guangyu is also the second largest shareholder of Hutchison Whampoa, so he will not let the two supermarkets fight each other.At that time, I can let Watsons follow Hengyu Supermarket to develop markets in other regions.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, thank you for your support. This time may be longer, and during this period of time, Watsons' profits may be very low, and losses may occur when necessary. This requires your understanding, and I also hope that Can you explain it to the other shareholders."

This time, Li Guangyu is preparing to fight a price war with the Jardine Group, and he wants to see how much money the Jardine Group has invested in it.Li Guangyu himself is not worried that Xiangjiang will not be able to make a profit. The supermarkets opened in Baodao are very profitable. There are also more than a dozen supermarkets in Japan. These profits are enough to support Huanyu Supermarket Group and Wellcome Supermarket to set prices. battle.

Li Ka-shing said: "Coslight, I will explain this clearly to everyone. As long as you start a price war with Wellcome, we Watsons must keep up. Otherwise, Wellcome will not be squeezed out of the market, and we Watsons will be finished first." .”

But Li Ka-shing knew that once the two started a price war, any other supermarkets in Xiangjiang who did not keep up would be dragged down.He himself could have imagined that with the financial resources of Li's consortium and Jardine, countless small supermarkets would suffer.

Many small supermarket stores are rented, and they have to pay rent every month. The battle between Hengyu Supermarket Group and Jardine Matheson is destined not to end in a short period of time, and they can afford it if they are not profitable for such a long time , I am afraid that those small and medium supermarkets will be completely squeezed out of the market.

But Li Ka-shing doesn't care about these things. He hopes that Hengyu Supermarket Group and Watsons will jointly occupy the retail industry in Hong Kong.

Anyway, he doesn't have the confidence to bring Watsons to Xiangjiang No. [-]. It is better to let Watsons follow Hengyu Supermarket Group to develop in various regions, and then it will bring a steady stream of cash flow to the group.

Li Guangyu said: "Our most important action in the retail market this time, as long as we squeeze out Wellcome Supermarket, Heung Kong will no longer threaten our existence in the retail industry. At that time, we will have the foundation of Heung Kong. It is also possible to boldly go to various regions to expand.”

Hengyu Supermarket Group is not easy. On the other side of Baodao, it is uniting with Ito-Yokado to resist the entry of Carrefour. Now Xiangjiang is going to suppress Wellcome Supermarket.

Li Xuelan also felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, Carrefour was only a tentative investment in Japan, and with Ito Yokado in front, their pressure was relatively small. With Chen Linwen there, it was enough to handle Carrefour. Just concentrate on dealing with Wellcome Supermarket.

Li Ka-shing still admires Li Guangyu's spirit of daring to go out and develop. At present, the major families in Xiangjiang are guarding the Xiangjiang market and are unwilling to expand their enterprises to other regions.

Li Ka-shing knew very well that if they hadn't had Li Guangyu's suggestion, they would never have dared to go to Japan to develop the real estate market now.

Li Ka-shing said: "Guangyu, I don't know much about supermarkets. You also know that I have to manage two groups, and our main business is also in real estate, so please take care of Watsons. After all, you are also We are the second largest shareholder of Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa."

Li Guangyu has no objection to this. It is impossible for Hengyu Supermarket Group to completely occupy the retail market in any region. Hengyu Supermarket and Watsons can jointly develop markets in other regions.

Li Guangyu said: "This aspect is handled by Xue Lan. She is both the chairman of the board of our Hengyu Supermarket and the director of Hutchison Whampoa. She can coordinate the development of the two supermarkets very well."

Li Ka-shing also agreed with Li Guangyu's proposal. The cooperation between the two groups can only be coordinated by Li Xuelan, so that the two supermarkets will not fight each other.

Li Ka-shing said: "Ms. Li, although you are now the president of Hengyu Supermarket Group, you are also a director of our Hutchison Whampoa. Please take care of the development of Watsons. I will ask the chairman of Watsons to cooperate with you. .”

Li Xuelan replied: "Chairman Li, please rest assured that I will not harm the interests of Watsons. I believe that Hengyu Supermarket Group and Watsons can achieve common development. After all, our strategic goal has never been the same as Xiangjiang. There are still many blank markets outside for us to explore, and the cooperation between Hengyu Supermarket Group and Watsons can enable us to develop better."

Li Ka-shing also believed that Li Guangyu would not deliberately harm the interests of Watsons. After all, he had a very good relationship with him, and he was also the second largest shareholder of the group.If he does such a thing, it will be a huge blow to his reputation if it is spread out, and at the same time, it is unlikely that top families will be willing to cooperate with them in the future.

Li Ka-shing said: "When you open your business, please inform us in advance so that we can make some preparations."

Hutchison Whampoa does not have as much funds as the Lee Consortium. If he does not prepare in advance, there may be some problems in the operation of the group's funds.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, our opening time is preliminarily set in the middle of this month. The specific time depends on the availability of our goods. We will inform you of the specific time. When Watsons will follow up, you will see." Depends."

After Li Guangyu opened his business, he will continue to carry out discounts and promotions to suppress Wellcome.When Watsons will follow up depends on Li Ka-shing's preparations, and Li Guangyu doesn't want to intervene in it.

Li Ka-shing said: "I will make arrangements in the next few days. After your opening, we Watsons will immediately follow up with promotions."


(End of this chapter)

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