Chapter 472
Li Guangyu and others expressed their views on the recent situation in Xiangjiang, and Li Ka-shing and others were more concerned about Li Guangyu's thoughts.

Li Ka-shing said: "Guangyu, it is getting more and more difficult for us people to be caught in the middle, especially for some problems on your side, many people have come to me, let me intercede, so that you can give Give them some time, and they will give you a satisfactory answer when the time comes."

Of the people here today, only Li Ka-shing has a closer relationship with the other side, so it is normal to find him there.

Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng and others are relatively similar to Li Guangyu, and their relationship is not too close.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, this matter is because they are not sincere. We are all the same. It is impossible for me to help them at the expense of the family's interests. Then why do we work so hard every day? The money is enough for us to live in peace of mind. Yes. I just hope that my family can pass it on smoothly, and I think you all think the same."

Li Ka-shing and the others knew why Li Guangyu had such a big reaction this time. The problem was not that he had arranged people by his side, but that Li Guangmei should not have been arranged by his side.Li Guangmei was Li Guangyu's cousin, so doing this was a big blow to the family.

Li Guangmei's grandfather is the elder brother of Li Guangyu's grandfather, and they are the same great-grandfather. Fortunately, Li Guangyu's branch has separated from them, and Li Guangmei and Li Guangmei are not living in the same family now, otherwise it would be chilling to think about.

Li Ka-shing himself no longer has too many powers. He accepted the other party's entrustment in this matter, and he just fulfilled his duty. He would not interfere with Li Guangyu's decision.

Zheng Yutong didn't care about this either, he was having a plan now, he needed the cooperation of these companies, and he didn't have the strength to take over.

Zheng Yutong said: "Coslight doesn't care about the matter over there for the time being. I plan to discuss something with you guys this time. Our New World Real Estate is not strong enough. I hope we can set up an investment company together."

Zheng Yutong's words aroused the interest of several people. They all want to know what industry Zheng Yutong is looking at, and he wants to join forces with them to make a move. Now there are Li Guangyu, Li Ka-shing, Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng, Cao Wenjin and Feng Jingxi, If the news of these joint actions spread, it would definitely shake Xiangjiang.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Zheng, tell me what project you are preparing. If there is no problem, we at Tianyu Investment are willing to take a share."

Zheng Yutong said: "Guangyu, I know that you are very optimistic about the future of Xiangjiang. You are busy dealing with the British consortium now, so you don't care too much about other families. This time I am going to attack the Kadoorie family. The focus is on their Chinese heritage." Electricity. Our New World does not have enough financial resources in this regard, so I hope you can join in, this group has more than three times the power generation of Xiangjiang Electric Group."

Zheng Yutong deserves to be called Sha Dantong, and he dared to make an idea of ​​the core industry of the Kadoorie family. Their strength is not inferior to that of ordinary foreign firms.Maybe Hui Defeng and others are really not as powerful as the Kadoorie family.

However, none of the people present immediately objected. If they could join forces to take down CLP Power, it would be of great benefit to them. I don't know how sure Zheng Yutong is about this matter.

Li Ka-shing said: "Yu Tong, we all know that CLP Power is very attractive, but it is not easy to start with. The Kadoorie family is steady and steady. I am afraid that it will be difficult for us to control CLP Power."

Zheng Yutong said: "If we wanted to eat CLP Power before, it was absolutely impossible, but now the opportunity has come, they and an American group invested 200 billion Hong Kong dollars to build a power station in Hong Kong, and the American company holds 35% of the shares in CLP Power , and now the Kadoorie family only holds 30% of the shares, and CLP Power will continue to be managed by Kadoorie. Because the Hong Kong stock market has plummeted and the situation is tense, I have initially communicated with the American company. Under the circumstances, they are willing to transfer their shares.”

Li Guangyu didn't expect that Zheng Yutong would act so quickly. He had already contacted the company in the United States. If it weren't for the fact that their New World really didn't have so much money, he might have taken all the shares.

Li Guangyu knew that a large part of Zheng Yutong's funds had been invested in New World Real Estate and the cooperation with Hang Lung Group, but he didn't expect that Zheng Yutong would still have the energy to care about such things.

Li Guangyu knew that the matter might not be successful this time. The Kadoorie family still had plenty of funds, and they had a lot of property in their hands. If they were pressed for time, they would definitely find a bank for a mortgage and return the shares of the American company. buy back.

Li Guangyu didn't believe that everyone on his side was negotiating with the United States about the acquisition, and the Kadoorie family didn't know the news yet.However, Li Guangyu did not reject Zheng Yutong's proposal. Let Zheng Yutong try it first. It is best to buy it, but he can't also explore the way. Chance.

Li Guangyu said, "Uncle Zheng, I have no objection to what requirements you have for this investment company."

Lee Shau Kee, Li Ka Shing and others also agreed to Zheng Yutong's plan. Li Shau Kee also supported the fact that he had China Gas in his hands and that he could invest in China Power.

Zheng Yutong was very happy that everyone agreed to form an investment company, so that his chances of success were much higher.

Zheng Yutong said: "Coslight, I own 20% of the shares of the investment company this time. You can discuss the distribution of the remaining shares. Our company does not need too much capital in the early stage. After I communicate with the American company, when the time comes It takes a lot of money to come in.”

Several people from Li Guangyu discussed the distribution of the remaining shares. Li Guangyu, Li Ka-shing, Li Zhaoji, and Guo Desheng took 15% of the shares, and Cao Wenjin and Feng Jingxi took 10% of the shares. In this way, Zheng Yutong could also become the largest individual shareholder. They It is estimated that Zheng Yutong probably considered this way.

After the discussion, Zheng Yutong said: "Our investment company can also make other investments in the future. When investing in other companies, the proponent can personally contribute a part of the funds to ensure that the proponent can be the biggest beneficiary of the acquisition. By."

Zheng Yutong hoped that this time he could get closer to several people. In the past, he was separated from them, but now he has the relationship with Zhou Cuiying and Liu Huijuan, and he also entered into it through this method. This is very important for his future development. favorable.

For Zheng Yutong's proposal, Li Guangyu did not reject it. Tianyu Investment usually does it himself when he wants to acquire the group. Here, it is more about providing a platform for them. These few funds are not as strong as his own, so let them Just operate, and make a little money by yourself.

Li Ka-shing did not object. In order to ensure everyone's interests, Zheng Yutong also said that the person who proposes the plan can make additional investment alone, and cooperate with this investment company to purchase, so that the proposer can get the maximum benefit, and the work will not be in vain.

Lee Shau Kee said: "Yutong, I agree with your proposal, we will work together to solve any problems."

Guo Desheng, Feng Jingxi, and Cao Wenjin did not object either. They are several newspaper groups, and Xiangjiang here is not worried about any consortium targeting.

(End of this chapter)

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