Through the wealth life

Chapter 473 Dennis

Chapter 473 Dennis

When Li Guangyu, Zheng Yutong and others were discussing the acquisition of CLP Power, Du Yuemei, who was far away in London, finally reached an acquisition agreement with her favorite car company after more than half a year.

The purchase price of this car company was as high as 8.5 million U.S. dollars, which exceeded the price of Jaguar at that time.

The reason for such a high price is also because Dennis not only has a truck production line, but also a passenger car production line, as well as fire-fighting special vehicles, as well as a car production line.

The types are quite complete, and they all have some practical technologies. Unfortunately, they are not top-notch in various industries. In addition, during this period of time, the economic development of England was relatively decadent, and the world auto market was weak. After this company was acquired by Hestair Group in 77, it only In five years, it was transferred again.

After Du Yuemei took over this company, the various models of the Bentley Group will be relatively complete, and some other models can be developed by the group itself.Now that there are three main categories of cars, buses and trucks, other models will not be a problem.

Their Jaguar engines are not much lower than those of other major car groups. The models they can produce can also be produced by the Bentley Group.

Moreover, Dennis is still doing well in the British local market. As long as the British economy improves, they will have good sales. Coupled with the influence of the Li Group in Asia, Du Yuemei is confident in carrying forward the Dennis brand.

At least after the acquisition, I can immediately receive orders from the Kowloon Bus Company. They are still adding routes, and dozens of buses are needed every year.

Du Yuemei is very confident in winning the market on the island of Treasure Island. When the time comes to add the British mainland and open up the Commonwealth market, there will be no problem with their bus brand.

As for trucks, Du Yuemei knows that there is a great need for trucks there due to the reform and opening up in the north, but she still needs to discuss this matter with Li Guangyu, and she can only develop the Southeast Asian market for the time being.

The Thatcher administration was quite happy with the Lee consortium investing another US$8.5 million in the acquisition of Dennis Motors. Inflation was high, and she was under considerable pressure, while economic reforms were advancing slowly.At this time, the Lee Consortium once again invested heavily in the British local market, which will allow more foreign capital to come to England to buy properties.

Thatcher only hoped that Dennis would be better than Jaguar. The influence of the Lee consortium in Asia is enough to drive Dennis's sales, and Dennis's supply parts companies will also enjoy the benefits. Huge benefits.

As soon as Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing returned home, He Jin reported to Li Guangyu that Du Yuemei had called and asked Li Guangyu to contact her when he came back.

Li Guangyu dialed Du Yuemei's phone number in the study, and Li Guangyu knew that the acquisition must have come to fruition.

"I'm Li Guangyu."

When Du Yuemei heard that Li Guangyu was calling, she immediately reported the results of today's negotiation, especially the purchase price to Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu said: "Yuemei, if there is no problem, sign a contract with them. The funds have been placed in your group account for half a year, and you finally spent it today. You don't have to worry about the Asian market." You need to worry, I will arrange Ziyu to develop it."

Du Yuemei couldn't do anything about it. If it wasn't for the problems in the British economy, she might not be able to buy a car company she wanted in half a year.

Du Yuemei said: "Okay Li Sheng, then I will sign an acquisition contract with Hestair Group tomorrow to formally complete the acquisition of Dennis, and I will rectify Dennis, but Dennis has various models under it. Should they be separated, or should they remain under Dennis Corporation?"

After thinking for a while, Li Guangyu said: "In the future, Dennis will mainly operate trucks and special vehicles, separate cars and buses, and operate these two independently."

Although they belong to Dennis, the brand names of their various models are still different, not all of them are named after Dennis, especially the bus brand, which was discontinued as early as 72. After the Hestair Group acquired it in 77, it was reinstated. The nomenclature of the established passenger car production line was also changed.

As for cars, this brand is not well-known in the UK, and the current market is only in the UK, which is really not good. Li Guangyu intends to make it a low-end car brand of the Bentley Group.

In this way, Bentley Group has Bentley at the top of the car market, Jaguar in the high-end car market, Kirin in the middle class, and Hestair in the low-end market.

However, Li Guangyu is not willing to use the name Hestair. It is just that Hestair Group named Hestair on the car after the acquisition. Now that he has acquired Dennis, he obviously will not use this name anymore. As for the specific name, Li Guangyu Just let Du Yuemei figure it out.

Du Yuemei herself has no opinion. If Dennis Company is not split up, the company will be too big within the Bentley Group, which will not be conducive to the management of the company by the headquarters.

Du Yuemei said: "Li Sheng, I will be stationed in Dennis Company for a while. After the company is stabilized, I will split them up. But what orders do you have for the company's management?"

"In terms of finance, people from the group headquarters will be transferred to take up the position. As for other positions, it is up to your group to decide. You can see if there are any outstanding talents in Dennis, and you can also let them serve as the chairman of the company."

A lot of management of automobiles still requires professionals. Li Guangyu didn't want to cause the automobile company to fail to develop because of his random intervention, and there were many talents in the Bentley Group.

At least there is no problem with the formation of the Hestair car company. Bentley, Jaguar, and Kirin are the three major car companies. The executives in them are enough to deal with the development of Hestair cars.

Du Yuemei said, "Li Sheng, do you have any other orders?"

Li Guangyu said: "The affairs of the Bentley Group are temporarily in charge of the vice president, Jessley Johnson. You just need to focus on rectifying Dennis during this time."

There are a lot of things going on here, and Du Yuemei won't be able to escape in a short time.

At the same time, Li Guangyu also ordered Du Yuemei to arrange for Shane Wesley, the vice president of Bentley, to go to Mumbai to meet with the head of the Tata family, and communicate again about the Kirin Auto cooperation ceremony.

This time the Tata Group sent an invitation to Zhang Ziyu to negotiate again, but Zhang Ziyu couldn't spare time to negotiate with them slowly, so Li Guangyu could only ask Du Yuemei to arrange for Shane Wesley to negotiate.And as a Commonwealth country, Shane Wesley used to be easier to negotiate.

Li Guangyu had just returned to the bedroom when Cao Weiqing asked about Du Yuemei's situation.

After listening to Li Guangyu's narration, Cao Weiqing was also very happy. She knew that Li Guangyu was always paying attention to the affairs there, and mentioned this issue at the year-end meeting and the group New Year's party, and now she finally had a good one. result.

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, I'm afraid Ziyu is busy again. This time the bus is better, but the truck market is absolutely dominated by several major Japanese groups. I'm afraid we won't be able to snatch the Southeast Asian market from them." It's so easy."

Li Guangyu said: "Now there are not too many production lines over there, and the output is not too high. Our supermarket logistics side can take some orders, and I will find a way later."


 Thanks for the 100 coins that book friends can’t see

(End of this chapter)

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