Through the wealth life

Chapter 483 Withdrawing from Lisboa TV Station

Chapter 483 Withdrawing from Lisboa TV Station

When Li Guangyu was still discussing the Defeng issue with Guo Qingya, an administrator came to the office.

She said to Li Guangyu: "Sheng Li, Assistant Gan called just now, saying that Mr. Bao Yugang would like to ask if you are free at three o'clock in the afternoon. He will come to visit you in Li's Building."

Li Guangyu said: "Go and reply to Gan Qin, I will wait for Mr. Bao Yugang's arrival in the afternoon."

Li Guangyu said to Guo Qingya: "You should also pay more attention to the news of some buildings, especially those located in the central area, and find out the shareholders behind them, which will be beneficial to our acquisition at that time."

Li Guangyu and the others are waiting for the property market to crash. At that time, many people's funds will be broken, and their opportunity to buy bottom will come.Li Guangyu knew that not only was he thinking about this idea, but his father-in-law Cao Wenjin, Li Ka-shing, Guo Desheng, Li Zhaoji and others were all waiting to enter the venue at that time.

Wheelock now has detailed information, and will be able to seize the opportunity to enter the venue when the time comes.Li Guangyu knew that after this time, the Hong Kong real estate industry would usher in more than ten years of glory.It will not stop until 98 because of the Asian financial crisis.

Guo Qingya knows that there is no such thing as Starlight Real Estate in Xiangjiang this time, and this time the Lee Group's bottom-hunting is mainly based on Wheelock, which is also an opportunity for Wheelock to get closer to Starlight Real Estate Group. She is Can't miss it.

Guo Qingya said: "Li Sheng, I will arrange personnel to understand the situation of some buildings, especially the buildings belonging to small and medium real estate companies. Once the property market crashes, they will be the most difficult. Top real estate groups like Xiangjiang will definitely be able to through this crisis."

Li Guangyu stayed until after eleven o'clock before returning to the Li's Building and went to the restaurant of the building for dinner.

Just after Li Guangyu sat down, he saw Ye Jiexin appear here.

After Ye Jiexin heard Li Guangyu's order, she sat down and said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, you are back. Today I have something to report to you and ask for your opinion."

Li Guangyu said: "You haven't eaten yet, we will eat together later, so tell me what's going on."

Seeing so many people here, Ye Jiexin felt that it was not good to speak out, so she said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, this matter is about Lisboa TV, or I will report to you in the office after dinner."

After hearing this, Li Guangyu didn't ask any further questions. He had some guesses in his heart. After all, the He family and the Cui family were interested there.

After Li Guangyu and Ye Jiexin came to the office, Li Guangyu said, "Did He Sheng and Cui Sheng ask you to broadcast more news from the mainland?"

Ye Jiexin said: "Li Sheng, you know everything. Just last night, He Xian, Cui Deqi, and Ho Hongshen discussed with me about the program content of TV Lisboa. Mr. Ho Hongshen did not express any opinions, but the two A shareholder asked us to increase our coverage of the mainland, so I came here today to ask you for advice."

Li Guangyu had nothing to do about it. Those two held 60% of the shares, while he and Stanley Ho only had 40%. It was hard for Ye Jiexin to refuse such a request from the two over there except to resign.

Thanks to the support of Jiayi Group, Lisboa TV not only has a certain market in Lisboa, but also occupies a small part of the market in Xiangjiang.Although it cannot be compared with the three major TV stations in Hong Kong, it still has a certain influence in these two regions.

After thinking for a while, Li Guangyu said: "You don't have to refuse their request, but Jiayi won't provide any news, it's all up to Lisboa TV, I think the He family and the Cui family will have some news resources. "

Ye Jiexin is aware of the current situation, and now the undercurrent of the Xiangjiang River is surging, coupled with some influence of Li Guangyu, making the situation even more unclear.

Lisboa TV station suddenly came to do this at this time, and those two companies have never considered it for the Li's Group. You must know that you are from the Li's Group, and the Li's Group also has shares in Lisboa TV Station. What will people in Xiangjiang think? .

Ye Jiexin said: "Li Sheng, if this is the case, I'm afraid our Li Group will be in a rather awkward position. Should we raise objections at the board of directors?"

Li Guangyu was too lazy to pay attention to such a TV station. He said, "Would you like to return to work in Jiayi Group?"

After hearing Li Guangyu's words, Ye Jiexin also became happy. Lisboa TV Station is just like that. She will always be the general manager of the TV station there, without any hope of advancement. It will be different when she returns to Jiayi Group. There is a lot of room for improvement in the group.

She said excitedly: "Li Sheng, I am willing to return to Jiayi."

Li Guangyu thought for a while and said: "You don't need to object this time, it's useless, they are determined to do this, and there will be no room for turning around. After you go, contact us Zeng Jiayi's past Personnel. And the elites you think are good, bring them back to me. After you come back, you will serve as the director of the board of directors of Jiayi Group and the deputy general manager of Jiayi TV. After you are familiar with the business of the TV station, Shi Shaoming will no longer be the general manager of the TV station. "

Ye Jiexin didn't expect that after going to Lisboa TV Station for a while, she would be able to take over the position of general manager of the TV station and also serve as a director of the group. She could be regarded as a senior executive of the Li Group.

Ye Jiexin said: "Li Sheng, thank you for your trust in me. After I go to Lisboa, I will contact the staff immediately. Within a week, I will be able to lead the staff back to Xiangjiang."

Ye Jiexin is very confident about this. The attraction of Jiayi Group is far greater than that of Lisboa TV Station. She believes that these people will choose to come to Jiayi Group for development.

At the same time, Li Guangyu didn't want to hold this part of the shares any more. He didn't think it was interesting. No matter how good he said at the time, the two companies didn't care about Li Guangyu's feelings at this time.

Li Guangyu said: "After you go there, contact the Ma family in Lisboa and ask them if they want the shares of TV Lisboa. If the price is right, they will transfer the shares. I will send people from Tianyu Investment Company to go there with you. "

Ye Jiexin has no objection to this. Once she takes away the elite talents of TV Lisboa, the market value of this TV station will definitely fall to an underestimated value. Moreover, Li's Group holding this part of the shares will be detrimental to Li's Group.

"Li Sheng, don't worry, I will contact the Ma family after I go back, but at this time, I don't know if they are willing to take over." Ye Jiexin said.

Li Guangyu himself was not sure about this, so let's try it, if it doesn't work, then think of a way.

Li Guangyu said: "This question, does my uncle have any explanation for you?"

 Thank you book friend Xiao Se Mad Wolf for rewarding 100 coins

  Thank you book friends, how can you not see the reward of 100 coins

  Thank you for the reward of 100 coins from the respect of book friends space

(End of this chapter)

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