Through the wealth life

Chapter 484 Yugang Bao's Persuasion

Chapter 484 Yugang Bao's Persuasion
After Ye Jiexin left, Li Guangyu called Gan Qin and asked her to instruct the front desk of the building to bring her to his office directly after Bao Yugang arrived.

At the same time, let Ganqin inform Zhang Ziyu to go to Mumbai. Shane Wesley and Tata Group have already made a rough plan on the joint venture plan of Kirin Automobile, and the president of Asian affairs needs to go over and sign the contract.

While Li Guangyu was still looking at some materials sent by Shane Wesley, Gan Qin brought in a pot of tea and reported to Li Guangyu that Bao Yugang had arrived at the building and was being led by the front desk administrators come here.

After hearing this, Li Guangyu got up and went to the door of the office, waiting for Bao Yugang to arrive. Although Li Guangyu and Bao Yugang had different views on some issues, they still had to give face.

After Bao Yugang came up with the administrative staff, he was very happy to see Li Guangyu greeted him outside the office. Li Guangyu was still the same as before, not complacent because of his rapid increase in wealth, he was still so humble.

After Li Guangyu saw Bao Yugang coming, he said to him: "Uncle Bao, welcome to come, please come inside."

"Guangyu, you are too polite."

Bao Yugang and Li Guangyu entered the office together after a few polite words.

After sitting in the reception area, Bao Yugang sighed: "Guangyu, your business is getting bigger and bigger now. I heard that you are planning to jointly acquire China Power Group this time. You and Yutong, Cazenove, and Zhaoji The enterprise field is getting wider and wider.”

Li Guangyu knew that Bao Yugang must have something to do today, but he was not in a hurry to say, and Li Guangyu would not ask, Bao Yugang was willing to chat, and Li Guangyu also chatted with him.

"Uncle Bao, a single industry is too risky now, and comprehensive development is an inevitable choice for every family. Especially for a group like China Power Group, although the profit gap is huge compared with real estate industries, its income is relatively stable. The citizens of Xiangjiang need things like electricity, and I think this kind of group is better controlled by our Huazi family." Li Guangyu said.

Bao Yugang knew some thoughts of Li Guangyu and the others. These companies wanted to control the groups that Xiangjiang citizens could not do without in their daily lives.

For example, electric power, buses, aviation telephones and other groups in the hands of the Lee consortium, and China Gas in the hands of Lee Shau Kee.

Even in terms of supermarkets now, once Wellcome falls, the retail market of Xiangjiang supermarkets in the future will be monopolized by Li Guangyu and the others.

Li Guangyu's control of this consortium is not bad now, and he takes care of the interests of the citizens of Xiangjiang in various aspects.What Bao Yugang is worried about is the future, and for some reasons, the interests of the Lee consortium sometimes differ from that of the government, and conflicts may arise at this time.

Bao Yugang also couldn't ask for anything. It's normal for consortiums in the capitalist market, but there are differences in the size of consortiums.

After chatting with Li Guangyu for a while, Bao Yugang and Li Guangyu said: "Guangyu, I heard that your airline has no progress in the mainland except for Huacheng. I don't know what you think of the mainland market. ?”

Bao Yugang was very aware of the reason why Xiangjiang Airlines' route was blocked this time. Even the industries of Li Guangyu's hometown Rongcheng and Shuangqing were not able to obtain approval this time.Now he wanted to explore Li Guangyu's thinking, so as to pave the way for his next words.

Li Guangyu said: "I have told you before that I am very optimistic about the future development of the mainland, and they have a population of more than 12 billion, which is a very broad market. I still think so. For some reasons, our airline It is not suitable to open routes in these cities for the time being, and there is nothing we can do about it. Next, Xiangjiang Airlines will speed up the opening of routes from Xiangjiang to other regions.”

Li Guangyu said that he doesn't care about it now. Anyway, it's already like this, so he can develop international routes with peace of mind.

He Xiangjiang Airlines can't get the routes there, and the same Cathay Pacific Airways can't open these routes either. The Hong Kong Transport and Housing Administration will not approve the routes of Cathay Pacific Airlines.

Bao Yugang didn't care about the airline company, he said to Li Guangyu: "Guangyu, since you are so optimistic about the development of the mainland, why can't you let go of the crux of your heart? You have to know that the mainland is so big and the personnel There are so many, there will always be one or two black apples in it, you can't put colored glasses on there because of what one or two people committed."

Li Guangyu didn't quite understand what the other side meant. On the one hand, he was constantly moving to force himself to stand up, without considering the interests of his Li's group. .

Li Guangyu himself can guess some things, but it's hard to say. As long as the polar bear has not disintegrated, some disputes will always arise.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Bao, you also know that I have many companies now, and you are also aware of the current situation in Xiangjiang. I have to be careful. I don't want the companies that have been established in the past few years to suddenly be destroyed. In fact, we Most of the time, we can wait and see, after the situation becomes clear, we will not be too late to make a decision, although that may not make a big profit, but at least it can guarantee safety.”

Bao Yu didn't believe what Li Guangyu said just now, if Li Guangyu was really a master of success, he wouldn't say much.But after Li Guangyu took over the family business, he didn't have the slightest intention of stopping.

Look at the places where he bet everywhere. The reform and opening up in the north has just started. As soon as the Pengcheng Special Zone was established, he immediately entered it. Why didn’t he see his stability? At that time, the Li’s consortium was the first company to enter the Pengcheng Special Zone. Bao Yugang still remembered Li Guangyu's speech in Huo Mansion.

Now the conversation has changed suddenly, Bao Yugang feels that Li Guangyu is now more and more like the head of a family.Facing the current Li Guangyu, Bao Yugang felt that it would be futile to talk too much.

Bao Yugang said: "Guangyu, since you have made it clear that you are optimistic about the future of the mainland, why are you worried? The top management and the government of the mainland have clearly stated that they will guarantee our legitimate interests in investing in the mainland. Why don't you think about it in advance?" What about the layout?"

Li Guangyu replied: "Uncle Bao, our Li's Group has limited energy. Today we will focus on developing the markets in Malaysia and Thailand. We don't have any extra manpower and material resources to open up new markets. Although the interests of the market over there make me feel excited , I can only reluctantly give up."

Bao Yugang felt that being a lobbyist was really tiring, especially since Li Guangyu was also going around in circles with him.Li's consortium actually said that they have no money. Perhaps among the large Xiangjiang groups, only the group under the Li's consortium has the least debt. Except for the Japanese joint venture real estate group, no group has ever borrowed money.

Bao Yugang said: "Guangyu, we are all the head of the family, and we are also businessmen. The essence of a businessman is to make profits. Why should you give up such an opportunity for a small problem? This is not what a qualified businessman and family head should do." Made it. For the development of your Li family, you should also let go of some things, which should have been said by your grandfather, but your grandfather spoiled you too much."

Bao Yugang didn't believe that He Zuozhi didn't know some of the problems. He probably thought that his grandson had been wronged, so he let Li Guangyu go on like this.


(End of this chapter)

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