Through the wealth life

Chapter 49 Star Moon City

Chapter 49 Star Moon City

On March 3th, after having breakfast, Li Guangyu came to Tianshuiwei accompanied by bodyguards to learn about Starlight Real Estate's construction of Tianshuiwei commercial land.

At this time, some high-level executives of the group had already arrived at the Tianshuiwei construction site, waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival.

Li Guangyu's motorcade slowly drove into the office area of ​​the Tianshuiwei construction site. When Li Guangyu got off the car, the senior management immediately surrounded him to say hello.

Accompanied by Gan Qinglin and others, Li Guangyu visited the construction site and asked some questions about the construction.

Afterwards, Li Guangyu and his party specially visited the canteen on the construction site and the staff dormitory.


At 10:30 in the morning, in the conference room of Starlight Real Estate Group on the 9th floor of Wanchai Yongxiang Building, Li Guangyu was presiding over a group meeting.

Gan Qinglin reported to Li Guangyuhui: "Li Sheng, at present our group is mainly engaged in the development of Tianshuiwei. At the same time, we also need to supervise the construction of our Li Group headquarters by Jiulong Jianye."

After hearing this, Li Guangyu asked, "How is the construction of our headquarters going?"

"Li Sheng, Jiulong Jianye has completed the foundation construction and is currently starting the ground work." Gan Qinglin said.

"Lei Juekun's speed is quite fast, which means that our group headquarters may be built ahead of schedule." Li Guangyu said.

"Li Sheng, at this speed, I think we will be able to move into our own office building next September."

Li Guangyu immediately asked: "Currently, our group has just had a look at the development of Tianshuiwei Phase I at the construction site. Please tell me about the specific situation."

Gan Qinglin said: "Sheng Li, the first phase of our Tianshuiwei project is to develop 28 hectares of land, all of which will be built with 54 floors, and a total of 8 buildings will be built. There are [-] households on each floor, and the lower two floors are used for business."

As soon as Li Guangyu heard that the first episode was so huge, he asked: "Is the one we developed too crowded?"

Gan Qinglin said: "Li Sheng, each of our households is about 600 square feet. Of course, some of them are larger, and a small part is 400 square feet. We have already calculated it when we designed it. The floor area ratio of the phased development is about 4.5, which fully complies with the regulations of the Xiangjiang government.”

When Li Guangyu heard that the floor area ratio was 4.5, well, this is basically stuck on the line stipulated by the Xiangjiang government.But all the real estate companies in Xiangjiang basically did this, Li Guangyu didn't say anything, and Gan Qinglin was also doing it for the company to make more money.

Li Guangyu said: "We estimate how much construction funds will be needed for the entire first phase of the project."

He Mengting, director of the finance department, said: "Sheng Li, to complete the first phase of the Tin Shui Wai project, we estimate that we will need 12 billion Hong Kong dollars in funds."

When Li Guangyu heard that he wanted more than one billion yuan, he couldn't afford that much money at the moment.

After thinking for a while, Li Guangyu said: "Both Xingyu Game Group and Xiangyu Cultural Group need funds to expand this year, and I don't want to transfer a lot of funds from the two groups. Besides, they have to afford the construction funds for the group headquarters, so about I will borrow money from HSBC in the name of the group for the development of Tin Shui Wai."

Gan Qinglin also said after hearing this: "Our group has no problems at all, and our first-phase project is expected to be on the market by the end of next year."

After Li Guangyu heard this, he felt that it was just the right time. The employees in Tianshuiwei also had a certain financial strength in two years, so the sales of houses in Tianshuiwei would be easier to sell. At the same time, during that time, the housing prices in Xiangjiang were at a high level. .

Then Li Guangyu said: "It's not enough for us to just build houses. We have to provide them with schools and hospitals. Without these two things, our houses will not sell very well."

The people sitting there are all elites, once Li Guangyu said that, he understood.

Gan Qinglin asked: "Sheng Li, should we build our hospitals and schools ourselves, or should we discuss with the Xiangjiang government?"

Li Guangyu thought about this issue and said: "About Tianshuiwei this time, we will build it and manage it ourselves. Why is it so remote? If we want the government to do it, the government may not be willing."

"Okay, Mr. Li, we will use 5 hectares of land to build schools and hospitals. Building schools and hospitals better will also benefit our future development." Gan Qinglin said.

Li Guangyu had no objection to this, and asked He Mengting: "What is the current financial situation of the company?"

"Li Sheng, at present we have paid 2 million Hong Kong dollars for the construction of the headquarters building of Kowloon Construction Industry. At the same time, we have also allocated 2 million Hong Kong dollars for the Tin Shui Wai project, so the company's account is currently less than 5000 million." He Mengting replied.

After listening to He Mengting's reply, Li Guangyu said: "In the future, Xiangyu Cultural Group will directly take over the transfer of funds for the headquarters building, and the issue of your company's funds. I will visit Mr. Shen Bi, chairman of HSBC tomorrow, and I can't think of any Unexpectedly, the money will be in the company's account in two days."

"Okay, Li Sheng." He Mengting replied.

Li Guangyu said to Gan Qinglin again: "Qinglin, we must do a good job of safety protection during the construction. I don't want major accidents in the company."

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, we are working in strict accordance with the safety regulations. At the same time, we have also arranged safety management and inspection personnel on the construction site to prevent safety accidents." Gan Qinglin said.

"Among the people we recruit, there may be some employees from the north. I hope that all managements will treat them equally and not treat them differently." Li Guangyu urged.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, we treat all employees with a set of standards, and there are no double standards." A group of people below replied.

"I'm relieved if you can do this." Li Guangyu said.

At this time, Gan Qinglin said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, the Tianshuiwei we have developed has not yet been named. Please name the first project we developed."

When Li Guangyu heard that Gan Qinglin asked him to name the group's first project, it was a bit difficult.Li Guangyu was originally a household with difficulty in choosing a name. You must know that this name will be used as a face of the Starlight Real Estate Group in the future. If it is not obtained well, it will be shameful.

Li Guangyu thought about it carefully for a while, and he didn't want to steal the names of those real estate companies from later generations, so he said, "Should we call it Xingyue City?"

Gan Qinglin and the others naturally had no objection, and they all replied, "Li Sheng, that's a good name. Our place is mainly a residence. The stars and the moon represent night. People should go home and rest."

Li Guangyu was very speechless about this, so I made up a name and you can all make up the reason.

Li Guangyu said: "Don't be lamenting, it's just a name. As long as the quality of our development is relatively good, I don't think the name is particularly important."

Afterwards, Li Guangyu chatted with various managements about other matters of the company, and then announced the adjournment of the meeting.

At noon, Li Guangyu had dinner with Gan Qinglin and several directors of the group.

Li Guangyu explained to Gan Qinglin and the others: "I will travel to RB in a few days. After I leave Xiangjiang, you mainly focus on the development of Tianshuiwei. As for some remarks that may appear in the Xiangjiang market, you should ignore them. As high-level executives under my Li Group, you must not express your views."

Several directors returned one after another: "Li Sheng, don't worry, we will definitely not cause trouble for the company."

Seeing this, Li Guangyu didn't say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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