Through the wealth life

Chapter 50 Meeting Shen Bi

Chapter 50 Meeting Shen Bi
On March 3th, after eating breakfast, Li Guangyu didn't go out. Instead, he sat down at the tea table and looked at the newspapers delivered today.Li Guangyu's family currently subscribes to Xiangyu Daily, Business Daily, and Xiangjiang Financial News.The first two are their own newspapers, and the Hong Kong Financial News is more conducive to Li Guangyu's understanding of Hong Kong's economic dynamics.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Li Guangyu got up and got in the car, accompanied by bodyguards to HSBC.

At this time, Tian Yuhang, the account manager of HSBC, was already waiting in front of the gate of HSBC, waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival.Li Guangyu contacted HSBC yesterday about the real estate group's need for a loan, so Tian Yuhang was waiting here.

Li Guangyu got out of the car and walked towards Tian Yuhang, and said, "Tian Sheng, I'm really sorry, please wait here."

Tian Yuhang said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, you are a major customer of our HSBC Bank. If you want to come to our HSBC Bank, how can I not be here to welcome you?"

Li Guangyu knew that the reason why HSBC was so polite to him was that all the accounts of Li's major groups were handled by HSBC, and now that Li Guangyu's company is developing so fast, HSBC is wholeheartedly trying to tie Li Guangyu up. On board HSBC.

Under Tian Yuhang's guidance, Li Guangyu came to Shen Bi's office at HSBC Bank.

Seeing Li Guangyu coming, Shen Bi said, "Li Sheng, it's really not easy for you to come to HSBC once. I still remember that the last time you came was more than a year ago."

Li Guangyu said: "Shen Sheng, if I come to HSBC for nothing, won't that cause trouble for you? And generally, if I come to HSBC, it means that my company is in trouble and needs your HSBC to lend a helping hand. "

"Li Sheng, that's all you said. Why are you causing trouble for us by coming to HSBC? If there are more customers like Li Sheng, we at HSBC will really have no worries in Xiangjiang." Shen Bi said.

"Shen Sheng, the reason why I came to meet you today is mainly to borrow 10 billion Hong Kong dollars with the shares of Starlight Real Estate Group as collateral. Shen Sheng, do you think there is any problem?" Li Guangyu asked.

"Li Sheng, you haven't come to our HSBC bank for a long time, so you don't know the situation. According to the development of your company, you are currently a VIP customer of our bank. Mortgage." Shen Bi explained.

After listening to Shen Bi's explanation, Li Guangyu understood that there are benefits to this. It seems that HSBC's bargaining chip is high enough to win him over.

Li Guangyu said: "Thank you so much, this is really a surprise!"

"Li Sheng doesn't need to be like this. As long as Li Sheng can maintain such a long-term cooperation with our HSBC, our HSBC will definitely support Li Sheng's development." Shen Bi said.

Li Guangyu immediately replied: "My various groups have been cooperating very happily with HSBC, and I have no plans to cooperate with other banks at present."

"That would be great. I will make arrangements for Li Sheng's loan issue. When the time comes, Li Sheng will just sign it."

"Then thank you, this really solved a big problem for me." Li Guangyu said gratefully.

"Li Sheng, do you have any big moves coming up?" Shen Bi asked.

"No, it's mainly because the real estate group lacks money to develop Tianshuiwei, so I came here to seek your help." Li Guangyu replied.

Shen Bi was very puzzled. If Li Guangyu didn't make any big moves, the profits of his two groups, Xingyu Video Game Group and Xiangyu Culture Group, were enough to support the development of Tianshuiwei, so why would he still need a loan?

Shen Bi asked, "Li Sheng, if you only want to develop Tianshuiwei, you don't seem to be short of funds."

"Um, it seems that Shen Sheng is quite familiar with my group. During this year, the two groups of mine only support the construction of the headquarters building of the group. As for the real estate group, they have to rely on themselves. As for the profits of the two groups, The two groups will be used for the development of the group itself." Li Guangyu said.

Seeing what Li Guangyu said, Shen Bi didn't ask any more questions about it.

Instead, he asked: "Li Sheng, what do you think of the Xiangjiang issue?"

Li Guangyu knew that Shen Bi was still a person who wanted to retain the British rule of Xiangjiang, so he said: "Shen Sheng, the question you asked is too big, I just want to develop my company well, other things are not my consideration .”

Seeing that Li Guangyu was unwilling to answer this question, Shen Bi didn't ask any more questions.He is only the chairman of the bank and does not represent the British government.As long as Li Guangyu continues to cooperate with HSBC, it will be fine. Others can be more biased towards England, and it doesn't matter if they don't, as long as they don't explicitly support the mainland.

Afterwards, Shen Bi and Li Guangyu talked for a while about Xiangjiang's current affairs, and Li Guangyu bid farewell to Shen Bi.


After dealing with the HSBC loan, Li Guangyu, accompanied by bodyguards, drove the motorcade towards home.

Sitting in the car, Li Guangyu recalled the conversation with Shen Bi just now.For the most famous taipan king in Xiangjiang, Li Guangyu didn't like him too well.

In 79 and 80, Shen Bi helped Li Ka-shing and Pao Yu-gang to acquire British consortiums respectively. From the perspective of Chinese, this is a proper traitor.During his time in charge of HSBC, he has always been kind to the Chinese and made some Chinese directors of HSBC.

However, on the issue of Xiangjiang, Shen Bi was definitely a firm supporter of the British faction. He proposed to exchange sovereignty for governance, and still wanted to put Xiangjiang under British rule.

Li Guangyu is really helpless now, he just wants to develop his own business well, why is it so difficult?Whether it is the mainland or the British side, they all want him to stand up.

It was rare for Li Guangyu to have lunch at home today, so Mother He arranged for Li Guangyu's lunch early.

When Li Guangyu arrived home, it happened to be time for lunch. Seeing Li Guangyu's return, He's mother immediately arranged to bring out the lunch prepared for Li Guangyu one by one.

Li Guangyu saw the dishes prepared by He Ma, and said to He Ma with a smile: "The food at home is better, the ones outside always don't taste like this."

He's mother said: "Master, if you think the food outside is not good, you can go home to eat at noon."

Li Guangyu said to He's mother: "He's mother, it's just that the food outside is not as good as the one at home, and I don't need to toss myself back and forth to eat the food made at home."

He's mother immediately said: "Master, if you are busy, I can finish it and send it to you."

"Mother He, there's no need. There are so many people in the company, so it's not too good. Besides, the outside is okay. You don't have to bother." Li Guangyu said.

Seeing what Li Guangyu said, Wang He Yunfang didn't insist anymore.

This is Wu Wen reporting from the side: "Master, after you went out today, the Chinese News Agency called and hoped to visit you at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

After listening to Wu Wen's words, Li Guangyu felt a headache. The mainland Yinglun is not over yet, and Baodao is coming to visit him again. What are these things?

Li Guangyu said to Wu Wen: "Grandpa Wu, please call the Zhonghua News Agency. I will wait for President Hu's arrival at home tomorrow."

"Okay, sir."


(End of this chapter)

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