Chapter 51

As the party dissipated, the younger generation of each family also left one after another. There was no drunkenness at the party. It can only be said that these family elites are more restrained.

Li Guangyu came to Luo Luocheng's study after the party, and Luo Luocheng was alone in the study waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival.As for Zhao Shizeng, because he was not interested in this kind of party, what he liked was the party with female stars and socialites, not the elite generation of various families, so he left early.

"Guangyu, how is the party going? Is there a confirmed candidate?" Luo Luocheng asked.

"Uncle, in just a few hours, I can know where to go, and I'm not alone." Li Guangyu said.

"You don't need to find any reason for me. If you have a goal today, you can tell it. If you don't, you can go back. I won't talk to you anymore. I will discuss it with your grandfather and uncles tomorrow and give it to you directly. Determine the family." Luo Luocheng said.

Hearing Luo Luocheng's words, Li Guangyu felt that this was a lack of human rights. Now that the trouble has been forced to marry, it's not easy to be a young master or lady of a wealthy family.

Li Guangyu thought about some of the girls from the family he met at the party, then considered their appearance and family background, and said, "Uncle, the second lady of the Cao family, Cao Weiqing."

Luo Luocheng was very happy when he heard that Li Guangyu had a goal, and that he was the daughter of the Cao family, and said to Li Guangyu: "Guangyu, Weiqing is pretty good, and she is also pretty. It is said that she has a good personality, so she is older than you." When I was one year old, I am currently studying at the School of Business Administration of the Chinese University of Hong Kong."

Li Guangyu heard that Luo Luocheng knew about it in detail, and knew that Cao Weiqing must be one of their targets for Li Guangyu's marriage.

"Uncle, it doesn't matter if I just say it. I don't know if Cao Weiqing can agree to it?"

"You don't have to worry about these, as long as you have a goal, your grandfather will go to talk to Cao Wenjin tomorrow, and you just have to prepare to propose marriage." Luo Cheng never considered that the Cao family would refuse.

"Well then, I will trouble you with my uncle's affairs." Li Guangyu said.

"We are all a family. We are all happy that you are getting married. You can go back first. I still have something to communicate with your grandfather, so I won't keep you." Luo Luocheng said to Li Guangyu.

Seeing what Luo Luocheng said, Li Guangyu took his leave and left.

After Li Guangyu left, Luo Luocheng picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hi, this is He Fu."

"Uncle He, I'm Decheng, I'm looking for Uncle Wu."

"Okay, I'll call the master right away." The butler of the He residence said.

At this time, He Zuozhi hadn't rested yet, he was waiting for news from Luo Luocheng, hoping that Li Guangyu could pick a better grandson-in-law.

"Master, Master Luo is calling." The housekeeper said to He Zuozhi.


"Hello, Decheng?"

"Fifth Uncle, I am De Cheng."

He Zuozhi immediately asked, "How is Guangyu?"

"Fifth Uncle, it's not bad. We don't need to force him to arrange it. He has taken a fancy to Cao Weiqing, the second lady of the Cao family." Luo Cheng replied.

"Wei Qing, that girl is pretty good, she is good to be my grandson-in-law, she is a good match with Guangyu, and the Cao family has enough status in Xiangjiang." He Zuozhi said.

"Uncle, there are no elders in Guangyu's Li family, so the Cao family wants you to talk about it."

"I will meet Cao Wenjin tomorrow, thank you for Guangyu's matter." He Zuozhi thanked you.

"Uncle, don't be polite to me. Helping Guangyu is what I should do. He still calls me uncle."

After He Zuozhi hung up Luo Luocheng's phone, he immediately called Cao's mansion.

"Hello, this is Cao Mansion, who are you?" Cao Mansion steward asked.

"Hi, I'm He Zuozhi, I'm looking for your Patriarch."

"Wait a minute, I'll go invite our master right away."

At this time, Cao Wenjin was still waiting for his daughter's return, wondering if her daughter could get together with Li Guangyu.

If the daughter can marry Li Guangyu, it will have a great impact on the Cao family.Now Li Guangyu is the richest man in Hong Kong, and many of his groups are developing rapidly.Once the Cao family married with him, the Cao family's business would develop rapidly. At the same time, once they married Li Guangyu, it also meant forming an alliance with the He family.

The butler came to Cao Wenjin's side and said, "Master, He Zuozhi's call is for you."

When Cao Wenjin heard He Zuozhi's call, he immediately knew that the matter was over, and hurried to the phone.

"Hey, He Sheng, it's me, Wen Jin."

"Cao Sheng, are you free tomorrow morning? I want to visit you tomorrow." He Zuozhi said.

"Yes, He Sheng, I will wait for your arrival at home tomorrow morning."

"Well, Cao Sheng, I won't disturb your rest." He Zuozhi hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

After talking on the phone with He Zuozhi, Cao Wenjin said to the housekeeper, "Shulin, when the second lady comes back later, let her come to me as my study."

"Good sir." said the butler Cao Shulin.

It was close to eleven o'clock in the evening when Cao Weiqing rushed home.

When Cao Weiqing entered the house, Cao Shulin greeted him and said, "Second miss, you are back, the master asked you to find him in his study."

Cao Weiqing returned: "Uncle Lin, it's so late, Daddy hasn't rested yet, what can he do for me?"

"Second miss, I don't know too well, don't you know when you go?"

Seeing this, Cao Weiqing came to Cao Wenjin's study.

"Daddy, why are you so late and haven't rested yet?"

"My good daughter hasn't come back yet, how can I sleep well, did you have fun at the party tonight?" Cao Wenjin asked.

"Daddy, it's nothing. I just chatted with He Chaoqiong and Xu Xueyuan for a while."

"What about Li Guangyu, didn't he talk to you?" Cao Wenjin asked with concern.

"Yes, He Chaoqiong introduced us to Li Guangyu."

"Wei Qing, how do you feel about Li Guangyu?"

Cao Weiqing blushed a little when her father asked her what she thought of Li Guangyu.Thinking of Xiangjiang's legends about Li Guangyu, as well as his handsome appearance and polite performance tonight, Cao Weiqing found himself having an indescribable feeling for Li Guangyu.

"Daddy, why are you asking this?"

Cao Wenjin looked at his daughter's expression and knew that at least her daughter would not hate Li Guangyu.

"Wei Qing, if you are allowed to marry Li Guangyu, would you be willing?"

Cao Weiqing was confused by Cao Wenjin's words, she never expected to get married so early.But when he thought of marrying Li Guangyu, he didn't seem to have much objection in his heart.

She blushed and said, "Daddy, why are you planning to marry me off so early? Haven't they considered it yet?"

"Then you don't want to!" Cao Wenjin said.

"I'm not unwilling, it's up to you." Cao Weiqing said shyly and left Cao Wenjin's study.

Seeing this, Cao Wenjin knew that his daughter liked Li Guangyu a little bit, which made him even happier. This not only helped his daughter find someone he liked, but also married Li Guangyu. Everyone was happy.

When Cao Wenjin returned to the bedroom, Cao Zhou Meiqi was still not asleep.Seeing Cao Wenjin come in, he immediately said, "How is it?"

"He Zuozhi will come to visit me tomorrow. I asked Wei Qing just now. Judging by her expression, she also likes Li Guangyu a little bit. I asked her if she would like to marry Li Guangyu. She didn't object, but let me decide."

"Then it's done," Cao Zhou Meiqi said.

"If there are no accidents, this marriage will be settled like this."

"I don't know if Wei Qing will be able to live well after marrying her?" Cao Zhou Meiqi said with some worry at this time.

Regarding Cao Zhou Meiqi's worries, Cao Wenjin said: "Li Guangyu is okay, there has been no lace news in the past two years, and there are no other elders in the Li family. After Wei Qing passes away, as long as Li Guangyu treats him well, she will You won't suffer any grievances."

Cao Zhou Meiqi felt the same after hearing Cao Wenjin's words, so she stopped thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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