Chapter 52

The next morning, Cao Wenjin did not go to the company early after breakfast as usual, but read the newspaper at home, waiting for He Zuozhi's arrival.

At nine o'clock in the morning, He Zuozhi's car arrived at Cao Wenjin's house, and at this time Cao Wenjin took Cao Zhou Meiqi to welcome He Zuozhi at the door.

"He Sheng, welcome to come." Cao Wenjin said.

"Cao Sheng, you are being polite."

"He Sheng, please come inside," Cao Wenjin said.

After coming to the living room, He Zuozhi said: "Cao Sheng, I am here today mainly for my grandson's affairs."

"He Sheng, please tell me?"

"You also know that Guangyu doesn't have any elders at the moment, so it's up to me to come forward. Our Guangyu has taken a fancy to your Weiqing family. Didn't I come to ask your opinion?" He Zuozhi said.

Cao Wenjin knew that He Zuozhi came here for Li Guangyu's marriage, so he returned: "He Sheng, we all admire Guangyu's child, and he has developed the family business to this point at a young age. Regarding Guangyu's ability to be with Wei Qing Together, we are very happy.”

He Zuozhi knew that since Cao Wenjin said so, there was no problem with the marriage.

So he said, "Wen Jin, then I won't be polite to you, and we will be considered a family from now on."

Seeing that He Zuozhi began to call him by his name, Cao Wenjin knew that this was He Zuozhi's recognition of the relationship between the two families.

"Guangyu and Wei Qing are together, you are Wei Qing's grandfather and my elder, from now on I will call you Uncle He."

"Well, Wen Jin and Mei Qi, don't worry, Guangyu is not a playboy of some family. He hasn't had any gossip in the past two years, so I don't think Wei Qing will be wronged."

"Uncle He, we are very clear about Guangyu, and I value him very much." Cao Zhou Meiqi said.

"The child is excellent because he is excellent, but he pushed himself too hard. The reason why we wanted to find a wife for him so early was that he didn't take much care of his body. Last time he was sick, it scared me. I was terrified. I hope Weiqing can take good care of him after he passes away."

Cao Wenjin said: "Uncle He, don't worry, our Weiqing is not a spoiled girl, I think she can be a good wife of Guangyu."

"Wenjin, this is what I think. They will get married after Guangyu's full age, on this year's Mid-Autumn Festival (October 10th). I will arrange for Guangyu to prepare for the wedding according to this time point." He Zuozhi said.

"We have no problem. Uncle He can make the decision." Cao Wenjin replied.


After He Zuozhi returned home, he immediately called Li Guangyu's home.

"Hey, Ah Wen, what company did Guangyu go to today?"

Seeing that He Zuozhi called to ask Li Guangyu, Wu Wen replied, "Master He, the young master went to Xingyu Video Game Group today."

"You call Guangyu and come to my place in the afternoon." He Zuozhi said.

"Okay, Master He."

After Wu Wen hung up He Zuozhi's phone, he immediately called Xingyu Video Game Group.

"Hello, this is the headquarters of Xingyu Video Game Group. May I ask who you are?" the group's administrator said.

"Hello, I'm Wu Wen, the housekeeper of the Li family, and I'm looking for the young master Li Guangyu."

Seeing that he was looking for the chairman of the group, the administrator immediately said, "I will notify Li Sheng immediately, and I will call you back later."

After the administrator hung up the phone, he immediately went to inform Li Guangyu.

At this time, Li Guangyu was inquiring about the development of new games at the game development company.

The focus is the Super Mario that Shigeru Yamamoto will develop.Li Guangyu and Shigeru Yamamoto discussed some designs of this game, because Li Guangyu often played this game when he was a child, so some ideas and suggestions are very useful to Shigeru Yamamoto.

After finding Li Guangyu, the administrator said, "Li Sheng, your housekeeper called and said he wanted to find you."

Li Guangyu heard that Wu Wen wanted to find him, and said to him, "Okay, I will call him back later."

Seeing what Li Guangyu said, the administrators went back, and Li Guangyu was still discussing with Shigeru Yamamoto about the development of Super Mario.


"Hey, Grandpa Wu, what do you want from me?" Li Guangyu asked.

"Master, Master He asked you to visit his house in the afternoon."

"Grandpa didn't say anything?"

"No, young master." Wu Wen replied.

"Okay, I know, I'll be there this afternoon."


At 03:30 in the afternoon, Li Guangyu came to He Zuozhi's home.

"Guangyu, Cao Wenjin and I have already discussed that your marriage will be arranged on this year's Mid-Autumn Festival." He Zuozhi said to Li Guangyu.

"I see, Grandpa, what do I need to pay attention to?"

"Now that you have established a relationship, don't put your heart and soul into the company and give yourself a vacation, so you can get in touch with that girl Wei Qing." He Zuozhi said.

"I know grandpa, I will try my best to spend time with Wei Qing."

"You must set aside time in September to prepare for your wedding. Your wedding will be on October 10th, so you must make arrangements." He Zuozhi reminded.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I plan to go out in two days this year to visit RB and the United States. I will be back in June at the latest, and I will not leave Xiangjiang again this year." Li Guangyu returned.

"It's fine for you to leave these two days, so as not to make it difficult for you to stay in Xiangjiang. It's just that the two families have just confirmed your relationship with Wei Qing, and you have to leave Xiangjiang. It's always a bit uncomfortable."

Hearing what He Zuozhi said, Li Guangyu thought for a while and said, "I have already planned this, and besides the current situation in Xiangjiang, I think Weiqing can understand me."

"Just know what you have in mind. Don't blame us for being too hasty. If your parents are still there, we don't need to worry about these things. You are still studying now." He Zuozhi said.

"Grandpa, I know that you are also doing it for my own good, and Wei Qing is also good. I have nothing to dissatisfy."

"It's good if you can think like this. How many heirs of the rich family can come according to your own preferences. Don't think it's unfair to you, and you have no freedom. This is your life in a big family. Look at our He family. Some of them are not married to wealthy families." He Zuozhi said to Li Guangyu.

"Grandpa, you don't need to say these things, I understand everything, and I will get along well with Wei Qing."

"I won't talk to you anymore. If I talk too much, you think I'm too talkative. If you have something to do, go and do it. You don't have to stay here with me." He Zuozhi said.

Li Guangyu thought that there was nothing to do today, so he said: "Grandpa, why would I think you talk too much? You are doing it for my own good. I have nothing to do today, so I will stay here to chat with you."


Li Guangyu stayed with He Zuozhi until he had dinner before taking his leave.

(End of this chapter)

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