Chapter 53

On March 3th, which was Sunday, Li Guangyu didn't go to the company, but went to Cao's mansion after having breakfast.

When Li Guangyu was about to leave Xiangjiang, Li Guangyu took advantage of today being Sunday and Cao Weiqing had a holiday today, so Li Guangyu asked Cao Weiqing out.Li Guangyu planned to accompany Cao Weiqing for a stroll around Xiangjiang, so as to get in touch with their relationship.

When Li Guangyu's car arrived at Cao's house, Cao Weiqing was already waiting outside the gate of Cao's house.Cao Weiqin obviously went through some dressing up, and today she is wearing an orange dress with a pair of red high heels.

Li Guangyu's car stopped beside Cao Weiqing, Li Guangyu got off and came to Cao Weiqing's side and said, "Weiqing, you are so beautiful today."

When Cao Weiqing heard Li Guangyu praise her, she immediately said, "Guangyu, is it true?"

"Of course it is true, beautiful lady, please get in the car."

Cao Weiqing got into Li Guangyu's car with a smile on his face, and Li Guangyu got into the car after that, and headed towards Queen's Road.

As the second miss of the Cao family, Cao Weiqing is very familiar with Queen's Road.Now it's not Li Guangyu who brings her here, but she leads Li Guangyu around.He kept telling him which places had better products and which ones had the most fashionable products.

Li Guangyu's bodyguards kept a little distance from Li Guangyu to leave some space for Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came to Hongyu's directly-operated store after strolling around.I don't know what Cao Weiqing was thinking, but after arriving at this store, he walked in.Li Guangyu saw her go in, so he followed her in.

A salesperson saw the two coming in and said, "Welcome, sir, miss, what help do you need?"

Cao Weiqing said, "Let's take a look first."

Since the Hongyu brand has only been developed for a long time, although several major groups of Li Guangyu are promoting it, the upper class of Xiangjiang has not yet recognized this brand, so there are not many customers in the store at present.

At this time, the manager of the store hurriedly walked towards Li Guangyu and said, "Li Sheng, are you here?"

Seeing that the manager knew him well, Li Guangyu said, "I'm mainly here today to accompany Ms. Cao. Let's see what Ms. Cao needs."

Hearing what Li Guangyu said, the manager thought it was going to shock Xiangjiang, why there was no news about Li Sheng already having a girlfriend in the news.

So he said to Cao Weiqing: "Miss Cao, our Hongyu brand is a high-end clothing that the group has just developed. The company is currently promoting it vigorously. Many styles are very novel. You can take a look."

Cao Weiqing said to him, "Okay."

Immediately, Cao Weiqing watched it accompanied by Li Guangyu and the manager.

In the end, Cao Weiqing chose a white dress for herself, and at the same time, she chose two sets of clothes for Li Guangyu.

After leaving Hongyu's store, Li Guangyu asked: "Wei Qing, why do you want to come to Hongyu to buy clothes?"

"I just want to see how your company's newly developed brand is, and whether it is suitable for the value of positioning."

Li Guangyu understood that this lady, who is currently studying at the School of Business Administration of Hong Kong Chinese University, is not thinking about being a good husband and raising children at home in the future, but thinking about being able to manage the company.

So he said: "Wei Qing, don't worry, you will not be allowed to be a full-time wife at home in the future. My company is currently in need of helpers. When you graduate, you will also join the company's management and help me manage the company."

Cao Weiqing was very happy when he heard Li Guangyu say this. There are many women in Xiangjiang families who can only take care of their children obediently at home. family.

Naturally, Cao Weiqing was not willing to stay at home with her husband and children, otherwise she would not have gone to the School of Business Administration.

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, thank you, I will definitely manage the company well for my family in the future."

"Silly girl, how could I let you be a canary? If you like it, I will let you manage a group alone in the future."

Later, Li Guangyu accompanied Cao Weiqing to the Chow Tai Fook jewelry store, where Li Guangyu was going to give Cao Weiqing a necklace.

"Welcome, sir, miss, do you need anything?" said a salesperson at Chow Tai Fook Jewelry Store.

Li Guangyu replied: "Show me the necklace that suits this young lady."

The salesperson in the store saw Li Guangyu and his bodyguards, and immediately knew that this was a big customer.

"Sir, miss, you come with me."

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing followed the salesperson to the back of the store.

The salesperson introduced: "Miss, look at this necklace with red gemstones, the price is only 369888."

Cao Weiqing saw that although he liked the necklace, he still felt that it was too expensive, so he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Li Guangyu said: "Just this one, you guys install it for me."

"Okay sir, I'll install it for you right away." The salesperson said.

And at this moment, Zheng Yutong's wife, Zhou Cuiying, walked in.

When Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing saw Zhou Cuiying coming in, they immediately stepped forward and said, "Hello, Aunt Zhou."

"Guangyu, Weiqing, why are you two together? Why didn't I hear the news?" Zhou Cuiying said.

When Cao Weiqing heard what Zhou Cuiying said, she blushed a little and did not speak.Li Guangyu replied to him: "Aunt Zhou, it's only been a few days, why do you have time to come here today?"

Zhou Cuiying didn't ask too much about it, and replied, "I happened to be visiting Chow Tai Fook's jewelry stores in Xiangjiang today, and I happened to come to this one. When are you and Wei Qing going to get married?"

"Aunt Zhou, my grandfather and Daddy Wei Qing discussed to set this year's Mid-Autumn Festival."

Seeing that Zhou Cuiying saw that the two families had already set the dates, it seemed that the two families were really eager.

"Guangyu, Weiqing, then I won't bother you two." Then he said to the salesperson next to him: "Guangyu will get a [-]% discount on everything he buys, and at the same time, he will give Guangyu a VIP card of our store."

"Okay, ma'am," the salesperson replied.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing said: "Aunt Zhou, thank you."

Li Guangyu settled the bill after the salesperson put on the necklace, and at the same time received the VIP card from the salesperson. This card can enjoy a [-]% discount at Chow Tai Fook in the future.

At noon, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing had lunch at a seafood restaurant in Queen's Road Central, and then went to Mong Kok.

It seems that any woman has a talent for shopping, and Cao Weiqing obviously has this talent in this regard.

Walking around, I didn't see how much Cao Weiqing bought, but he always finished shopping one after another.After all, it was Li Guangyu's first time shopping with him, so it was not easy to let him stop.It wasn't until after three o'clock that Cao Weiqing stopped.

"Guangyu, let's go to the movies." Cao Weiqing said.

"Okay, what movie do you like to watch?"

"It depends on what your Jiayi is currently showing."

Li Guangyu accompanied Cao Weiqing to a Jiayi theater in Mong Kok, one of Li Guangyu's bodyguards went to buy tickets, and Li Guangyu went to buy popcorn and drinks for Cao Weiqing.

When Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing walked into the theater, during this period of time, it was showing the strange tricks of laughing fist produced by Luo Wei Films and starring Chen Long.

Li Guangyu wondered if Chen Long hadn't come to Golden Harvest yet, so he wanted to poach him here.

Li Guangyu watched the movie with Cao Weiqing, and the overall feeling was not bad, it was a kung fu comedy.Li Guangyu didn't have much interest, but Cao Weiqing watched it quietly and interestingly.Maybe it's because Li Guangyu watched a lot of special effects movies in his previous life, and he's really not very interested in Xiangjiang's movies today.

After Li Guangyu had dinner with Cao Weiqing, he sent Cao Weiqing home.

(End of this chapter)

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