Through the wealth life

Chapter 498 Planning for the future

Chapter 498 Planning for the future
The Xiangjiang stock market has also become lively in the past few days. After Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment Company and Tianyu Securities Department successively sold Xiangjiang Shanghai Hotel Group and Xiangjiang Carpet Company under the Kadoorie family, the stocks of these two companies rose rapidly in the stock market. .

Li Guangyu didn't pay attention to the situation in the stock market. He handed over these matters to Guo Fengtao and Sun Jianping. He believed that they would handle them properly.

Today, he deliberately took Cao Weiqing to Tianshuiwei. In addition to seeing the school here, he focused on the situation of Tianshuiwei Industrial Park and Star City.

Inside Starlight School, all the teachers and students of the elementary school and middle school gathered in the playground today, and their parents also came here.At [-]:[-] in the morning, Li Guangyu's motorcade arrived at the middle school of Starlight School.

After Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing got out of the car, they saw several school managements waiting here, and said to them: "You have worked hard on the school's affairs. In the past six months, our Li's senior management are very satisfied with the school's development."

Principal Wang Mingxin said: "Sheng Li, it is because the group has provided us with such good conditions that we can have such a development."

After Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing asked several managers about the situation of the school, they went to the playground with them.

Wang Mingxin said: "Parents are welcome, and teachers, please maintain order. Today, the founder of our school, Li Sheng, and his wife came here, and at the same time brought a lot of benefits to everyone."

Under the applause of everyone's welcome, Li Guangyu said to everyone: "Thank you parents for trusting our Starlight School and willing to send their children to Starlight School for study. We also deeply feel the difficulties of the citizens in Tianshuiwei area. Here Compared with the urban area, the economic development of the city is still relatively backward, and there is a big gap in various conditions compared with the urban area. Our Star Property Group is rooted in Tin Shui Wai, and we hope to improve some of the living conditions of everyone.”

Li Guangyu's words touched the hearts of the parents present. As citizens of Tianshuiwei, this is a remote area that has been long forgotten.Those who are a little capable all go to the city center, where there are excellent conditions for work, education and medical care, which Tin Shui Wai does not have.

In the past, even the transportation to the urban area was not very good. There was no direct public transportation to the urban area, and they had to transfer to the urban area.

After the Lee consortium began to deploy Tianshuiwei, their side began to improve slowly. The construction of Tianshuiwei Industrial Park enabled them to sell their agricultural products locally. Kowloon buses continued to operate in Tianshuiwei to reach several major areas. Lines make it easier for them to travel.

The operation of the industrial park has enabled many families in the Tianshuiwei area to have jobs in it, and the family economy has been improved. The establishment of the Star City has transformed Tianshui from a rural area to a city.Now they also have supermarkets, shopping malls, cinemas, and banks here, which has improved their quality of life.

The establishment of Starlight School and Kangxin Hospital enabled them to enjoy the education and medical care in the urban area. They were very grateful to Li Guangyu and the Li's consortium.They all knew that if Li Guangyu hadn't come to Tianshuiwei, their place would still be a forgotten place.

At this time, they all gave Li Guangyu warm applause to express their gratitude to Li Guangyu.

After the applause stopped, Li Guangyu continued: "Because I know that there are still many families here who are relatively poor, but the future of the children will still be sent to school, hoping to let them change their destiny through learning. Our Lee Group is rooted in Xiangjiang, as a company with a sense of social responsibility, we are also willing to provide a little help to everyone,"

Many of the parents present here have family members who work in the industrial park, and the wages there are still acceptable. They do not feel too much pressure on their children to study in the Starlight School.However, there are still some families whose economic conditions are very poor. After listening to Li Guangyu's speech, they are all looking forward to Li Guangyu's follow-up speech.

However, Li Guangyu stopped here and asked Cao Weiqing to tell everyone the specific measures in the future.

Cao Weiqing said: "Our Li Group has decided that starting from the next school year, the tuition fees of all students who study at Starlight School will be covered by our charity fund. You don't have to worry about your children's tuition fees in the future."

As soon as Cao Weiqing said this, the parents present became lively, which showed that their children could go from primary school to secondary five without paying tuition fees.Moreover, it is said that Starlight School will have Form [-] and Form [-] starting next school year. As long as my child can pass the exam, it means that I no longer have to worry about my child's tuition fees before university.

Not only the parents of poor families were happy, but other parents present were also very happy.Although the tuition fees of Starlight School did not put much pressure on them, they were quite happy to be able to save a little.Especially for some families who bought a house in Starlight City, they need to repay the mortgage every month, and the funds in their hands are still relatively tight.

After everyone calmed down, Cao Weiqing said to everyone: "Our Li Group establishes scholarships in Starlight School, and every year we will give 100 million Hong Kong dollars to reward students with outstanding grades. At the same time, we also establish a college student support fund. Students who graduated from Starlight School can apply to the school after being admitted to the university, and after being reviewed and approved by the school committee, the cost of the university will be borne by the Li Group."

Faced with Cao Weiqing's successive welfare policies, these parents are already happy, and at the same time they are thinking online that their children must study hard. They believe that since the Li Consortium has announced such a policy, they will definitely be able to do it. arrive.

They knew that the Li's Foundation would definitely have some conditions for the application for tuition fees at the university, otherwise it would not be for the students to apply after the school committee approved it.

They can even guess that there must be a requirement to work in the Li's Consortium after graduating from university. Otherwise, the Li's Consortium will not be so talented after more than ten years of training and finally hand over the talents to others. stupid.

For example, now, with these policies from Starlight School, coupled with the deliberate guidance of the school teachers since childhood, the students of Starlight School will have a good impression of the Li Family Consortium from an early age, which will affect these students' future choices.

However, these parents don’t care about this. They see the development of the Li’s Consortium. Countless talented students outside want to join the Li’s Consortium. If their children can work in the Li’s Consortium in the future, they will only feel relieved. It will not prevent them from entering the Li's Consortium's selection.

After the parent meeting, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing attended the Starlight School meeting.

Li Guangyu said at the meeting: "In terms of scholarships, we must be fair and just. In this regard, I do not want some problems that should not arise. Our review department will also supervise this, and your school must also establish review department."

Wang Mingxin immediately said: "Li Sheng, don't worry, I will definitely supervise the distribution of scholarships. As for the review department, Mrs. Li still needs to arrange for a person in charge, and we will make arrangements for this work."

Wang Mingxin knew very well that the personnel in the inspection department were all arranged by the headquarters, so he himself would not intervene.


(End of this chapter)

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