Through the wealth life

Chapter 524 Zhou Xiangyue Tune Chapter

Chapter 524 Zhou Xiangyue Called Back

While Fujiwara Huiyin was chatting with Zhou Xiangyue, Yao Jingwei came here and said: "Ms. Zhou, Ms. Gan Qin asked you to go to Li Sheng's office. Li Sheng, Ms. Li Xuemei, Mr. Chen Dong and Mr. Gan Qinglin are waiting in the office. you."

After hearing this, Zhou Xiangyue told Fujiwara Huiyin, then got up and went to Li Guangyu's office.

In the meeting room, Cao Weiqing had already arrived, and she said: "Due to some circumstances, the meeting may be delayed for some time, and it is rare for everyone to get together like this, chat with each other, and wait for the meeting to start."

Since there are a lot of personnel involved this time, Li Guangyu and the others still need to communicate with these personnel, so today's time has been delayed.

After listening to Cao Weiqing's instructions, the high-level executives present also chatted with people they were familiar with. At this time, they did not inquire about the specific situation with each other. They were more chatting about changes in the world economy and the development direction of their respective groups.

When Zhou Xiangyue went to Li Guangyu's office, Li Guangyu and the others were talking with Bai Jiangting, vice president and chief financial officer of Xingyue Group.

This time the main reason is that Bai Jiangting will be transferred from Xingyue Real Estate Group and return to Xiangjiang, and go to Wheelock to serve as the vice president of the group, mainly responsible for the group's finance and administration.

Bai Jiangting naturally has no objection to this. Although she has been in Japan for several years, and she has grown from 24 to 27 years old, she still hopes to return to Xiangjiang to work. This is her hometown, and here is her own. Familiar people and things.

Li Guangyu said: "Jiang Ting, Wheelock Group will make big moves next year, so after you arrive at Wheelock Group, you must cooperate with Guo Qingya's work and lead Wheelock Group well."

Bai Jiangting replied: "Li Sheng, please rest assured that I will cooperate with President Guo to maintain the development of Wheelock."

While they were still talking here, there was a knock on the door of Li Guangyu's office.

Li Guangyu said, "Please come in."

After Zhou Xiangyue came in, she saw that there were more than the few people Yao Jingwei had mentioned. Except for Cao Weiqing, the executive officers of the Li Group were all here, and she also saw Chen Dong sitting here, and Bai Jiang Ting.

Zhou Xiangyue said, "Mr. Li, do you have any orders for me to come here?"

Li Guangyu said, "Ms. Zhou, please sit down."

After Zhou Xiangyue sat down, Li Guangyu said: "Ms. Zhou, I wonder if you would like to go back to work in Japan?"

Li Guangyu and the others had already asked Zhou Zhigang about this before, and Zhou Zhigang said that he would respect Zhou Xiangyue's decision.

Zhou Xiangyue herself was confused by this question, she hadn't even thought about it.She has always thought that when the construction of Pengcheng is done well, she will take the child here to be with her.

Although she and Zhou Zhigang have been able to be together every day in the past few years, due to work reasons, the children have been living with their parents-in-law in Japan, and they are taking care of the two children. She often misses them.

At the same time, she also knew why she didn't change her position after being promoted to the director of the group. This was to prepare herself for changing the group.

Zhou Xiangyue has some hesitation in her heart. Working with Pengyu Group, she can be with Zhou Zhigang every day. After returning to Japan, she can spend more time with her children. She herself is not sure.

Li Xuemei said: "Ms. Zhou, we intend to let you go to Xingyue Group as the financial director. The current director Bai Jiangting will be transferred back to Xiangjiang to work. We also know that Zhou Zhigang's parents are taking care of your two children. If you go back, You can also take care of your children more. I believe that the children will be very happy when you are always with them."

Zhou Xiangyue knows that her current position in Pengyu Group has reached its peak, and if she wants to go up, she can only leave Pengyu Group. Compared with Xiangjiang, she obviously wants to return to Japan to work, after all, her relatives are there , It is estimated that the high-level executives also consider this for themselves.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Xiangyue said: "Li Sheng, Ms. Li, Gan Sheng, I am willing to work in Xingyue Group."

Gan Qinglin said: "Ms. Zhou, you are welcome to join our Xingyue Group. As for Mr. Zhou Zhigang, we have already communicated with him. He supports you to return to Japan to work, so that you can take care of your family during the holidays."

Zhou Xiangyue also complained to Zhou Zhigang in her heart. She believed that Zhou Zhigang must have got some news in advance, but he didn't tell herself.

Li Guangyu said: "The person next to you is Bai Jiangting. You can communicate more. After this meeting is over, you will return to Japan to hand over the finances with her. It will take a week."

Zhou Xiangyue also knows something about Bai Jiangting, especially when Fujiwara Huiyin and Bai Jiangting were in Xingyue Group, the news of the discord between the two, as the financial manager of the Japanese branch of Xiangyu Group at that time, she It is also very clear.

Although Huiyin Fujiwara is a high-achieving student who graduated from Harvard, Bai Jiangting only graduated from Hong Kong Chinese University with a bachelor's degree.But because Fujiwara Huiyin is the eldest lady of the Fujiwara family, and Bai Jiangting is a direct descendant of Li Guangyu's family, so Fujiwara Huiyin can only serve as the deputy financial director of the group.

This made the proud Miss Fujiwara very unhappy, and would often confront Bai Jiangting.

Sometimes Zhou Xiangyue was very envious of Li Guangyu's group of managers who had just taken charge of the family business, and their promotion was much easier than those who joined later.As long as they are not less capable, the worst ones can be mixed into a group director, and many of them have already reached the high position of vice president.

Just like the one in front of me, Zhou Xiangyue didn't think how powerful she was, and even compared to her ability, she was definitely not as powerful as Fujiwara Huiyin.

This is known from the position given to her by Li's senior management. This person has always been in charge of professional financial issues, and does not need to consider how the group will develop. This is more for Li Guangyu to take care of the group's finances.

But because she was an employee of the Li Group very early on, she is still not behind Fujiwara Huiyin, both of whom are now level 13 vice presidents.And Zhou Xiangyue even felt that the possibility of leading the group in the future is much greater than that of Fujiwara Huiyin.

After Zhou Xiangyue and Bai Jiangting left, Li Xuemei said: "Li Sheng, there is no problem with the transfer of the female employees this time, and there is no problem with the transfer of the other 20 or so male senior managers. They don't have as many female employees. concern."

This time Li Guangyu will appoint and transfer 28 vice presidents, of which only 5 are female vice presidents, namely Bai Jiangting, He Jin, Zong Hongyan, He Mengting and Wang Qian.

Among them, Bai Jiangting was transferred, He Jin was added, and the other three were promoted.

This is also estimated to be the last large-scale promotion of the Li Group. With the increase of high-level people, this will gradually stabilize, and it will be difficult to have such an action in the future.

This time, many members of the group have made progress. For example, Shigeru Yamamoto will serve as the vice president of Xingyu Group this time, making Xingyu Group's vice presidents reach six, which is also the group with the most vice presidents under the Li family.


(End of this chapter)

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