Through the wealth life

Chapter 525 Spread Spectrum

Chapter 525 Spread Spectrum
On May 5th, after a week of handover, all the transfer personnel of the Li Group have gone to new positions, with the presidents and senior management of the major groups sitting in charge. Although this change is a bit big, the development of the group has not changed. affected.

Moreover, many employees of the group have been promoted this time, which actually makes them full of energy, and they are more energetic than ever in their work.

Li Guangyu specially went to Jiayi Film and Television Group today, and this group is also the one with the most changes in the top management.

Over the years, Jiayi Group has always played the role of the Li Group's high-level training base. Every time the group needs a large-scale personnel transfer, it is this group that loses the most high-level personnel.

This time, Jiayi Group is not bad. Only one of the group directors has been transferred out. As for the transfer of several directors and deputy directors, it has little impact on Jiayi Group. Some people behind them will make up for it. .

In the meeting room of Jiayi Group, the middle and senior management of the group were all waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival. None of them thought that Li Guangyu would be the first to come to their group after the personnel adjustment period ended.

Although Jiayi Group was already a large group in Xiangjiang, these high-level executives knew very well that Li Guangyu had always paid little attention to Jiayi Group, and Li Guangyu's presence this time made them very surprised and surprised.

Especially Liu Tianci, Shi Nansheng and other high-level executives. They have been working in Jiayi TV Station since Li Guangyu acquired Jiayi TV Station in 78. Over the past few years, they all know the status of Jiayi Group in the Li Group.

And if it wasn't for some changes in the group, Li Guangyu and the members of the executive team would basically not come to their group, and all matters would be decided by himself and others.

Although this shows that they trust them very much, it also reflects the attitude of Li's senior management. Look at the major groups that Li's group values, such as Xiangyu Group. Although Zhou Liangshuyi is not a member of the executive team, everyone Every month, Li Guangyu and Li Xuemei went to inspect and understand the development of the group.

For Jiayi Group, let alone a month, it is rare to see the members of the executive team come several times in half a year.

At 09:30, Li Guangyu and Gan Qin walked into the meeting room of Jiayi Group.

At the meeting, Li Guangyu said: "The top management of Jiayi Group has some new faces this time. Some of them are familiar to you, and some of them were transferred from other groups. The group is doing well.”

This time, the president of Jiayi Group, Liu Tianci, the vice presidents, except Shi Nansheng and Le Yiling, and the vice president Shi Shaoming were transferred to the headquarters of the group and stepped down as the general manager of the TV station.

The other two vice presidents, one is Xiong Jianhui, the director of the group's human resources department, and the other is Wu Junwu, the financial director of Heungkong Telephone Group. This person is mainly responsible for the group's finance and administration.

However, Zong Hongyan, chief financial officer of Jiayi Group, has been transferred to another group, and Meng Jiapeng, the deputy chief financial officer, has taken up the position.

The new director of the human resources department is Qian Fuwu, the deputy director of the human resources department of Xiangyu Group. The administrative department and the security department have not changed this time, and Tang Yan and Jiang Tao are still in charge.

The subsidiary company has not changed much this time, except that Ye Jiexin is also the general manager of Jiayi TV Station as the director of the group.

Liu Tianci immediately replied: "Li Sheng, please rest assured that we will maintain the stable development of the group."

Li Guangyu said: "We have half a year to stabilize the large-scale promotion and transfer of personnel in the Li Group. In this half year, the entire Li Group will slow down its expansion. Except for a very few groups, other groups will take stability as their priority. Lord, lay our foundation firmly, and your Jiayi Group will do the same."

After Li Guangyu's personnel arrangement this time, the senior management of the group became more abundant, which also laid the foundation for the next expansion.Especially after September this year, until 84 there were many opportunities.

In the past few years, Jiayi Group has mainly focused on its expansion in theaters. Because they are listed companies, Li Guangyu did not inject excess funds into them. Compared with other groups under Li's, their expansion is very slow.

This time, Li Guangyu's request did not have much impact on Jiayi Group, because none of the theaters in their theater chain belonged to their own group, and they needed to rent from Starlight Real Estate Group.

Liu Tianci felt a little helpless when he thought of this. He knew that Li Guangyu obviously valued the prospects of the real estate industry. Since Jiayi was not a sole proprietorship, all these physical stores were assigned to Starlight Real Estate Group. Even his own Jiayi Building was owned by Starlight For real estate groups, they need to pay rent to Starlight Real Estate Group every year.

Li Guangyu then said to Ye Jiexin: "Ms. Ye, because a lot of talents came from Lisboa before, our TV station is currently overstaffed. I'm considering adding a third channel to the TV station. You still need to make preparations. "

Li Guangyu wanted to take down the third channel while MacLehose still had a few days before leaving.

At present, Xiangjiang Jiayi has a comprehensive channel and a sports channel, wireless has a comprehensive channel and a movie channel, and ATV has a comprehensive channel and a music channel.

This time, Li Guangyu plans to add a news channel. The addition of this channel will continue to increase the influence of the Li Group. Li Guangyu himself knows the influence of publicity.

Ye Jiexin naturally has no objection to Li Guangyu adding another channel, so that her TV station has expanded by half.

Ye Jiexin said: "Li Sheng, I am mainly responsible for this matter these days. As long as we get the frequency increase license, we can quickly set up the new channel."

Li Guangyu then told Ye Jiexin the main content of the new channel, and at the same time asked Liu Tianci and others to assist Ye Jiexin to complete the establishment of the news channel.

Liu Tianci said: "Li Sheng, don't worry, we will definitely assist Ms. Ye in her work."

Li Guangyu said: "The opening of a news channel requires a lot of news resources. In this regard, your group needs to strengthen. At the same time, you also need to communicate with Xiangyu Daily. They have reporters in various regions just like you. The higher authorities must share news and promote the common development of the two companies.”

At present, Xiangyu Daily News not only publishes daily newspapers in Xiangjiang, but also publishes daily newspapers in Baodao and Japan. It is now communicating with relevant departments in the United States and England, hoping to publish daily newspapers locally.

When it comes to the strength of journalists, our group is really inferior to that of Xiangyu Daily. As for Xiangyu Daily, which hopes to build Xiangyu Daily into a global newspaper, their Jiayi TV station is not that big yet. ambition.

They are still working hard to develop the Southeast Asian market. It will take a long time for them to become a global TV station. Especially since Jiayi is a listed company, it is unlikely that the Li’s headquarters will inject too much money into Jiayi. To develop by ourselves is not on the same starting line as Xiangyu Group.

Moreover, the profit of Xiangyu Group is several blocks behind that of Jiayi Group. They have enough financial resources to support the expansion of Xiangyu Daily, which cannot be compared with it at all.

Liu Tianci said: "I will communicate with Ms. Zhou Liang. At the same time, our group will continue to strengthen the reporter team and increase reporter stations in Europe and the United States, so that we can obtain more current news."


 Thank you book friend Gao Lengruo for pulling the big devil for a reward of 200 coins

(End of this chapter)

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