Through the wealth life

Chapter 55 Arrival in Tokyo

Chapter 55 Arrival in Tokyo
"Li Sheng, wake up, we are almost in Tokyo," Du Yonghong called.

And Li Guangyu was soundly asleep at this moment, when he was suddenly awakened by this sound.Li Guangyu tidied up his clothes and went to the bathroom to wash his face with water.Then go back to your seat, fasten your seat belt, and wait for the plane to land.

At this time, there were already many people waiting at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, and most of them were fans of Teresa Teng.

After the plane landed, Li Guangyu and the others did not get off the plane until everyone in the economy class got off.

At this time, some people were already waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival on the tarmac, most of them were the leaders of the RB branches of Li Guangyu's various group companies.

After Li Guangyu got off the plane, a 50-year-old man standing at the front greeted Li Guangyu.

"Mr. Li, welcome to RB. I am Mr. Zhai Zhoufu, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs."

Li Guangyu did not expect that the RB government would send a deputy minister of foreign affairs to greet him. In fact, Li Guangyu did not understand his influence.

After more than a year of development, several major groups under the Li family have gained some fame all over the world.The charter king often receives interviews from leaders from all over the world, not to mention that he has the great weapon of the media.

Today, Xiangyu Group's newspapers and cartoons are sold all over the world, affecting a large number of people.As the economy has just risen after World War II, RB urgently needs the recognition of all countries in the world at this time, so it sent Guan Zhai Zhoufu to welcome the new richest man in Hong Kong.

"Thank you, your arrival really surprised me." Li Guangyu said in Japanese.

"I didn't expect Mr. Li's Japanese to be so good. We have already booked a suite at the Imperial Hotel for Mr. Li. Mr. Li can go there to rest first. In the evening, I will hold a welcome banquet for Mr. Li at the Imperial Hotel. I hope Mr. Li can do it well." join."

"No problem, thank you, Chief Guan Zhai, for the arrangement." Li Guangyu said.

At this time, the reporters following him asked Li Guangyu questions one after another.

A reporter from the Asahi Shimbun asked: "Mr. Li, just now you were talking directly to Chief Kansai in Japanese. May I ask what made you learn Japanese?"

"As for the learning of Japanese, I started learning after I took charge of the family business. Because RB is currently the largest market in Asia, and RB's economy is developing at a high speed. In order for my company to develop better in RB, I feel that learning Japanese is very necessary." Li Guangyu replied.

The RB Economic News reporter immediately asked: "Mr. Li, we all know that this is the first time you have left Xiangjiang, and you chose my country as your first stop. What is the reason?"

Li Guangyu knows that these RB media hope that Li Guangyu can say something nice, it seems that this can improve their sense of pride.

"Everyone knows that I have never left Xiangjiang since I was born, and since I took control of the family business, the various groups under it have expanded rapidly, so I don't have much time. Now that the company has stabilized, I also think of the company's main two There are big markets to look at, and RB is one of them."

The Daily News reporter interviewed: "Mr. Li, you are very fond of your country's market. What do you think of your country?"

Li Guangyu was also an angry youth in his previous life. It is impossible to say that he has a good impression of RB.But if you want to make a lot of money in RB nowadays, you still have to say something nice.

"After the post-war destruction, RB has achieved rapid economic development in the short period of two decades, and its economic aggregate ranks among the top in the world, attracting the attention of many western countries. I believe that RB's economy has played an important role in the government's efforts. Under the leadership, it will continue to develop at a high speed in the next few years, and I am also interested in my Starlight Real Estate entering RB for development."


After dealing with the reporters, Li Guangyu arrived at the Imperial Hotel accompanied by Guan Zhai Zhou Fu and the senior management of the RB branch.

Now Li Guangyu has quite a few branches in RB. The four major groups of Xingyu, Xiangyu, Jiayi, and Hongyu have all established branches in Tokyo.

After Li Guangyu came to the hotel, he specially met with the general managers of several branch companies, and asked his company's senior management to come to the Imperial Hotel for a meeting tomorrow morning.

When Li Guangyu was being interviewed inside the airport, Teresa Teng and Anita Mui were surrounded by enthusiastic fans and entertainment reporters as soon as they left the airport.

Because of the promotion of Jiayi Group and Xiangyu Group, although her first album is in Cantonese, she still has a little reputation in RB, but today most of them are Teresa Teng's fans, she is just incidental.

Teresa Teng is still kind to her fans. While greeting them, she signed autographs for fans who are close to her.

There is never a shortage of gossip reporters in any country, and the same is true for RB.

A reporter asked Teresa Teng: "Miss Deng, you went to Xiangjiang to participate in Hongyu Clothing Group's endorsement activities, and today you came to RB with Mr. Li Guangyu, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Li Guangyu now? "

"Li Sheng and I met by chance on the plane this time, please don't speculate." Teresa Teng returned.

Another reporter asked: "Miss Deng, why did you bring a newcomer under Mr. Li Guangyu's banner as your singing guest?"

Anita Mui was a little angry when she heard that, what's the matter, she's looking down on me.

"About inviting Ah Mui to be my singing guest, I believe that Ah Mui has this ability, and it has nothing to do with Li Sheng." Teresa Teng returned.


When Teresa Teng and Anita Mui arrived in the car, Anita Mui said to Teresa Teng: "Sister Lijun, you are more famous, so I will just add one."

"How long has it been since you debuted, and it took me many years to achieve such results. You have the support of Li Sheng and several major groups. If you improve your singing ability, you will definitely be better than me." Teresa Teng said.

"Sister Lijun, do you want to invite Li Sheng to your concert?"

Teresa Teng was speechless for Anita Mui's words, "What are you thinking, I don't know Li Sheng very well, you still don't know, have you seen Li Sheng participate in anyone's concert? Besides, Li Sheng doesn't like our acting too much circle, otherwise Li Sheng would not care much about Jiayi Group."

Anita Mui was also a little discouraged when she heard what Teresa Teng said. She was also very aware of Li Guangyu's behavior over the past year. Now Li Guangyu has never visited the record company.

"Sister Li Jun, you said that Li Sheng has several big groups, why is our group not taken seriously by Li Sheng?" Anita Mui complained.

"That's not what we should think about. I think Ms. Zhou Liang, the president of your group, must be more worried about this issue than you."

"Oh, don't think about it. Compared with Li Sheng's other groups, our Jiayi is also very good compared with other companies in Xiangjiang. In terms of film and television media, it is also the leader of Xiangjiang." Anita Mui said.


At this time, Li Guangyu was thinking about some activities he would participate in during his RB.

(End of this chapter)

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