Chapter 56

At seven o'clock in the evening, Li Guangyu came to the banquet hall of the hotel, and Guan Zhai Zhou Fu was already waiting there.

"Officer Guanzhai, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." Li Guangyu said apologetically.

"No, Mr. Li came at just the right time."

Afterwards, Shuo Kansai introduced to Li Guangyu Deputy Minister of Finance Akio Harada, Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Fujiwara Sanjian, Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Yayoi Taro and others.

Li Guangyu thinks that the RB government is interesting. If you say you value me, all the deputy officials from various departments came. If you say you don’t pay attention, so many deputy officials from various departments came.

As the banquet began, Vice Minister of Finance Harada Akio said to Li Guangyu, "Mr. Li, we all know that you have developed your family business into a large group with a market value of more than 30 billion US dollars in more than a year. What do you think about the current situation?" What suggestions do you have for our country's economic development?"

Li Guangyu really couldn't make any suggestions, he was waiting for RB to go on the path of his previous life, so that he could pick up some money later.

Li Guangyu said: "For a country, my experience is still very lacking, and the reason why my company can develop so fast is thanks to the top management of the group. I think RB is on the right path. In the next ten years RB’s economy will definitely develop at a high speed.”

Harada Akio didn't care about it, he didn't really want to come today, a dissatisfied boy, I don't know what the government thinks, he wants him to come to this welcome banquet.

If Li Guangyu commented on the RB economy ignorantly, Akio Harada would definitely make Li Guangyu unable to step down.

At this time, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhai Zhoufu said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, the mainland's policies have changed and reform and opening up are being implemented. What do you think of this?"

"As for the mainland's reform and opening up, I believe that the mainland government has the determination to change the domestic economy. It can be seen from their plenary meeting last year. As for the next step, it depends on the specific policies of the mainland government. I still have a lot of confidence in the mainland. Confident." Li Guangyu said.

At this time, Harada Akio said: "Mr. Li, the mainland government has been learning from the Soviet Union all the time and adopting socialism. I'm afraid it will disappoint you."

Li Guangyu didn't understand why Harada Akio said that, Li Guangyu replied: "Mr. Harada, don't you think about the reform in mainland China?"

At this time, Guan Zhai Zhoufu took over the conversation and said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, Vice Minister Harada is just representing his personal opinion. There are still many officials and some enterprises in our RB government, and we very much hope that the mainland can smoothly implement their reforms." of."

Hearing what Guan Zhai Zhoufu said, Li Guangyu knew that this was a RB faction issue. Akio Harada must be a rightist in RB. He hoped that the mainland would continue to sink.

Most of Guanzhai Zhoufu is a leftist, hoping to deepen economic exchanges between RB and the mainland. Only when the reforms in the mainland are implemented smoothly can RB's companies enter the mainland.

Li Guangyu said: "I have my own opinions, and I think the mainland will prove these in the future."

Li Guangyu didn't want to argue with Harada Akio anymore, but started talking with several other deputy officials.

As time passed, the dinner came to an end, and Li Guangyu stayed in the hotel.So Li Guangyu said to the officials of Zhou Fu in Guanzhai: "Thank you for your hospitality today, and I will take my leave."

Guanzhai Zhoufu and others also bid farewell to Li Guangyu, but Fujiwara Sanjian, the Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, did not leave at this time.Instead, after the other vice officials left, they came to Li Guangyu's suite.

After Li Guangyu invited Fujiwara Shanjian into the room, he said, "Mr. Fujiwara, what do you want?"

"Mr. Li, I heard that you are planning to enter our country's real estate industry. Are you interested in cooperating with our Fujiwara family?" Fujiwara Shanjian said.

Li Guangyu felt very surprised, why did Fujiwara Sanjian think of cooperating with him?

Li Guangyu asked: "Mr. Fujiwara, why do you want to cooperate with me?"

"Mr. Li, you don't need to call me sir in private. Let me introduce our Fujiwara family to you first."

Through Fujiwara Shanjian's introduction, Li Guangyu knew that the Fujiwara family used to be very good and controlled RB for hundreds of years.It's just that it has declined more and more since modern times. Today's RB is dominated by Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Sumitomo and other big families.

The reason why Fujiwara Sanjian wanted to cooperate with Li Guangyu was that Li Guangyu had a certain amount of capital, and at the same time lacked contacts in RB.And if Li Guangyu wants to develop the real estate industry in RB, he cannot lack this relationship, so Fujiwara Shanjian just saw such an opportunity.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Fujiwara, why do you think I want to cooperate with you? I can cooperate with Sumitomo Group and others?"

Fujiwara Shanjian replied: "Mr. Li, I believe you will not cooperate with several big chaebols. You must not be willing to give up a large part of the benefits when you know that you will make money."

Li Guangyu also knew that at present, it was more beneficial for him to cooperate with the Fujiwara family.Although the Fujiwara family is not as powerful as the big chaebols, the thin camel is bigger than the horse, and the family that can last for more than 1000 years has something to do with it.

Li Guangyu said to Fujiwara Sanjian: "Mr. Fujiwara, how are you going to cooperate with me?"

"Mr. Li, we set up a joint venture company with an investment of 2 million US dollars. Our Fujiwara family invested 30% and owned 45% of the company's shares." Fujiwara Sanjian said.

It can be said that the asking price of Fujiwara Mountain is not too high, and Li Guangyu is also the controlling shareholder.But Li Guangyu didn't want to make such a fuss. Li Guangyu wanted to take advantage of the rapid price increase of RB's real estate to make a lot of money.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Fujiwara, I do not agree with your plan."

Fujiwara Sanjian originally thought that Li Guangyu would definitely agree, but unexpectedly Li Guangyu refused.

"Mr. Li, do you have any opinion on this?"

"This is what I think. If we want to cooperate, we will come to a big one, which also shows the momentum of me and your Fujiwara family. We will form a joint venture company, and the company will invest 5 million US dollars. You will contribute 25% and occupy 33% of the company's shares. .”

Li Guangyu obviously wanted to obtain an absolute controlling stake in the company, and it was okay to pay a little more for it.

After hearing Li Guangyu's words, Fujiwara Shanjian was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Li Guangyu to invest heavily in RB as soon as he joined RB. He was so optimistic about RB's real estate industry.

As for Li Guangyu's request for an absolute controlling stake in the company, Fujiwara Sanjian didn't think much about it. He had no intention of getting involved in controlling the company.

"Mr. Li, I have no objection to your proposal. When do you think the company will prepare?"

"Mr. Fujiwara, regarding the company's affairs, I will immediately notify Mr. Gan Qinglin, the president of Xiangjiang Starlight Real Estate Group, to come and discuss with you in detail." Li Guangyu said to Fujiwara Shanjian.

Seeing what Li Guangyu said, Fujiwara Shanjian said, "Mr. Li, then I won't disturb your rest and leave."

Li Guangyu sent Fujiwara Shanjian out of the door. After returning to the room, Li Guangyu picked up the phone and dialed the number at home.

"Hello, this is the Li Mansion."

"Grandpa Wu, it's me, Guangyu."

When Wu Wen heard that it was Li Guangyu who called, he said, "Master, what's the matter with you calling home so late?"

"You inform Gan Qinglin to come to Tokyo tomorrow morning. I'll wait for him at the Imperial Hotel." Li Guangyu ordered.

"Okay, sir."


 RB calls someone so-and-so, I didn’t write that, I still call him Mr.
(End of this chapter)

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