Through the wealth life

Chapter 553 Li Wu Linyan

Chapter 553 Li Wu Linyan
After Li Xuelan woke up, several experts from the Sanatorium and Hospital specially checked her, and after confirming that there was no major problem, Li Xuelan was transferred from the intensive care unit to the VIP ward.

This is something that Gan Qin has booked for Li Xuelan a long time ago. These VIP wards are all prepared by the Sanatorium and Hospital for the rich in Xiangjiang, and all the equipment is very good.

Due to the fracture of Li Xuelan's right hand and the trauma to her head, she just finished the operation not long ago, so she can't move around now.

Li Wulinyan held the nutritious porridge bought outside and fed Li Xuelan bit by bit. Seeing her daughter like this, tears flowed out uncontrollably.

Seeing her mother like this, Li Xuemei immediately said: "Mommy, my little sister will be fine in a few days, so don't cry, why do you have the heart to eat, little sister like you?"

Li Xuelan herself said: "Mum, I'm fine, don't worry, the doctor just said that it's not too serious, my arm will be fine in a few months."

Li Wulinyan felt sorry for her daughter, but in order not to affect Li Xuelan's mood, she tried her best to control her emotions and slowly fed Li Xuelan.

She said: "You can eat some to fill your stomach now, and later the restaurant will send over the soup with the ingredients I specially prepared, so I can fill you up."

After Li Xuelan finished her meal, Li Xuemei specifically asked Li Xuelan if she had offended anyone. Now the group is targeting the group's competitors. If it is caused by Li Xuelan's personal affairs, then these actions of Li's group will become Hong Kong The laughing stock of all walks of life, although Li Xuemei thinks this possibility is very slim, she still wants to ask Li Xuelan.

Li Xuelan said: "Sister, since I joined the Li Group, I have basically run between the group and my family in the past few years. I haven't even found a boyfriend. Some of my relationships are also within the group and Hutchison Whampoa. I have never had any grudges with anyone."

"It's fine if you don't have one. Now Li Sheng has arranged a large number of people to investigate the mastermind behind this time. The Xiangjiang police also attach great importance to it. I believe Li Sheng will give you an explanation. Your injuries this time will not be in vain," Li Xuemei said. .

Li Xuelan felt the pain in her arm, and hated the person who shot her this time, especially the post-operative scar on her arm made her even more unhappy.

Li Xuelan said: "Sister, you have to be careful yourself, you are the number one executive officer under the Li family, there will definitely be many people staring at you."

"Don't worry, at this time, no one has the guts to jump out and attack Li's senior executives. And you are also an example this time. The opponents of Li's group have not gone crazy to this point. The attack this time is probably done without authorization." As the master, I don't believe that the consortium behind it will be so crazy, our Li Group is not a political power, the business world has business rules, and whoever breaks the rules here will not end well." Li Xuemei said.

Li Xuemei even suspected that this time it wasn't the consortium and the family's doing. It wouldn't do them any good to attack Li Xuemei, but it would cause them countless troubles. As long as they didn't have IQ problems, they wouldn't do such stupid things.

Li Wulinyan said: "Xuemei, Xuelan, if you feel dangerous, you can just resign. Our family is not short of money now. You are so old, you should get married long ago. Let's see what you have become. And Which of your playmates when you were young is not married now, I am anxious when I look at you."

Li Xuemei said: "Mommy, this time it was just an accident. There are so many dangers. You have to find a suitable person for the marriage. Besides, why don't we sisters stay with you? You are so anxious marry us off."

Li Wulinyan ignored this, Li Xuemei and Li Xuelan didn't look for it, he waited for Li Xuelan to recover, and she went to find a matchmaker for the two daughters in person.

She herself hopes that her children can stay with her, but now one is 31 and the other is 26. She is still not married at such an age, and the neighbors in the neighborhood don't like it very well.

Li Wulinyan said: "Xuemei, Xuelan 26 can still wait for a year or two, but you, you are already 31, how long do you have to wait, I know you have a high position now, and you have become a lot of people in the Li Group. The envy of executives. But you also have to consider your own situation, don’t set your sights too high, you look down on rich and young, but it’s too difficult for ordinary people born at your age to get such a status.”

Li Wulinyan was worried about the marriage of the two daughters. Due to the reason of entering the Li's consortium, the two daughters became the president of the group with a market value of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in just a few years. caught their eyes.

Those wealthy families have no interest in their daughters, and they are not willing to let their two daughters marry into a wealthy family to be angry, so they don't need to bow down to these wealthy families.

She hopes that her two daughters can find a more down-to-earth person who is also successful in career and who can live with peace of mind.

It's just that the current conditions of my two daughters are there, and ordinary people don't have such thoughts at all. It is really that the position of group president has too much influence on them.

Li Xuemei couldn't respond when she thought about her age. She also knew that she had become an older leftover woman, but she had been busy with group affairs before, and she didn't have much thought to take this issue into consideration.

Now that the senior management of each group in the Li Family Consortium is fully equipped, she doesn't need to be as busy as before, and she can calm down and think about her marriage. Li Xuemei is also at a loss.

It is too difficult for me to find a more suitable one. Either I don't like it, or it is not suitable. It is really not easy to find a person who will accompany me for a lifetime.

Li Xuemei can only follow fate now, she didn't force it, when the fate came, she would marry if there was a suitable one, if she was destined not to have such a fate, she would continue to be single.

After preaching to Li Xuemei for a while, seeing that Li Xuemei didn't reply, Li Wulinyan turned to Li Xuelan and said, "You have to hurry up, look now, if you have a boyfriend, it won't be you who is staying here now Sister and I."

Li Xuelan said: "Mommy, my sister is not married yet, why am I so anxious. Besides, how can your daughter be so good that she can just find someone to marry? I have to pick a good son-in-law for you and come back."

Li Xuelan is still thinking about working hard to develop the Hengyu Supermarket Group well, and then she will become the executive officer of the Li Group just like her sister.At this time, let her get married and have children, and the desire to join the Li's executive team will definitely not work in a short time.

Once married and pregnant, I will definitely give up the position of group president temporarily.At that time, I have to focus on the family, so the position of executive officer is probably out of the question.

Li Wulinyan said: "Xuelan, I don't need you to choose a good son-in-law for me, as long as you and your sister live happily together. Your daddy's restaurant and I are enough for our lives, and your brother is also there." Studying at Cambridge University, after you succeed in your studies in the future, you two sisters don’t need to worry about him, he has his own hands and feet, and he will fight for his career by himself in the future.”


(End of this chapter)

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